St. Brigid’s Primary School

6, Loughill Road



Tel: 02827638318

Principal: Mr. Lawrence O’Kane

Week Beginning2nd January 2017

Welcome Back:

It gives me great pleasure to welcome the girls and boys of St Brigid’s back to school. I trust that each and every one of you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year; enjoying time spent with family and friends throughout the festive season.

May 2017 be a year of good health, happiness and fulfilment for all those associated with St Brigid’s Primary School.

Admission to Primary School: Any child whose 4th birthday falls on or before 1st July 2017 will have reached compulsory school age in September2017. Application forms can be obtained from the school office. The closing date for lodging an application form is Wednesday 11th January 2017 (12 noon). We would appreciate if you know of any child that the above details apply to and whose parents don’t have access to our weekly note if you would make them aware of these details.

Arrangements for Feast of the Epiphany:The whole school will attend Mass on Friday 6th January in Sacred Heart Church at 10.00a.m.

School Meal Cost: The cost of a cooked school lunch has been increased to £2.55. We would remind parents that school lunch money is payable at the beginning of the school week and should be in an envelope with the days on which lunch is required clearly marked.

Milk Money: Milk money from Monday 9th January until the Mid Term Break on 10th February will be £5. As milk is ordered and paid in advance milk money must be paid to your child’s class teacher by tomorrow Friday 6th January to enable us to place our order.

Library Van: The Library Van will visit the school on Friday 13th January 2017.


Silver: Caitlin Henry, Katie Potter, Aimee McNeilly

Congratulations and Well Done!!

School Website: Our School Website carries a direct link to our school Twitter account; this is an excellent way for you to keep up to date with events that are happening in school on a weekly basis. We would encourage you to log on and take a look!!

Menu: Week 2

After School:

Day / Activity / Time / Class / Teacher
Tuesday 10th January / I C T / 3.00 – 4.00 / P.5 & 6 / Mrs. Bell
Thursday 12th January / Gaelic Football / 3.00 – 4.00 / P.5, 6 & 7 (boys) / Mr. O’Kane
Tuesday 10th January
Cost £10 for 5 weeks
Cloughmills Community Centre / Netball / 3.00 – 4.00 / P5 – P7 (girls) / Joey Dunlop Coaches

Yours faithfully

Lawrence O’Kane


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