Dear MCYM Leader,
This Club Beyond Partners in Excellence ministry tool (CBPIE) is an integral part of the Club Beyond (CB) Annual Planning Process. As professionals, we are to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit in the development of effective CB annual plans that serve as our ministry maps for an entire year. The CBPIE becomes our progress report by helping us discuss staff health, our core values and identity, and the effectiveness of our annual ministry plans. Our desired outcome is intentional and purposeful ministry that is growing the visibility and influence of Jesus Christ in our communities. Staff and supervisors create ministry momentum by establishing mutually agreed-upon goals and priorities that become the reference points for how we direct our energy, time, resources, and talent. The CBPIE promotes discussion; it is utilized at least twice a year, or more often as directed by a supervisor. There is no need to complete the entire document during a single encounter. The CBPIE consists of four parts: SMART goals, the supervisor’s initial comments and questions, the staff member’s responses, and follow-up notes.
The CBPIE is processed as follows:
- Supervisor initiates the CBPIE before the academic year, or after a staff person has served 90 days in a new role.
- Supervisor contacts the staff member to provide guidance, and expresses concerns to be addressed by checking and un-checking boxes prior to each update.
- Supervisor indicates by check marks specific items for the staff person to address.
- Upon receipt, the staff member fills out the questions indicated.
- Staff member returns the form, with responses, to the supervisor.
- Upon receipt, the supervisor routes the form for local and headquarters filing.
- As a minimum, supervisors employ the CBPIE again approximately six months after initiation.
Complete the CBPIE on a computer by typing responses into expanding text boxes. When the form is returned, the supervisor reviews the CBPIE with the staff member. The CBPIE can be updated and referenced any time during the year when staff are together. Face-to-face conversation is preferred. Alternatively, leaders may schedule time for a video conference, or may use the telephone or other reasonable means to confer on ministry and goals. In most instances only a date and the supervisor’s signature are required; both signatures are required if areas of concern are identified and disputed. After signing, the CBPIE goes into the staff member’s local file and forwarded for placement in the staff member’s permanent file at the Field Director’s office. Subsequent updates are also handled this way.
To complete the form, it will be helpful to have several references available, including:
- MCYM/ Club Beyond Core Values Brochure
- MCYM Staff Policies Handbook
- MCYM Communications Guide
- MCYM Reporting Requirements Handbook
- Installation Annual Plan (Narrative, Calendar, and Ministry budget)
- Installation Contract
- 6 months of Monthly Ministry Reports
- Staff member’s agency budget
Healthy Subject Matter Experts providing Effective Military Youth Ministry
Version: 2.2
Staff Member Name: / Position Title:Ministry Site: / Supervisor:
Initiation Date: Click here to enter a date.
Supervisor’s initial comments, questions, or areas of focus for the staff member to address in the CB PIE:
What are three “SMART” goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely) you are working on with your Club Beyond supervisor?
Goal 1:
Goal 2:
Goal 3:
a. Discuss your spiritual disciplines, and your plan for continuing to grow:
b. Describe how you arebalancing the demands of ministry with the following key relationships:
c. Staff needs or comments in this area:
d. Supervisor’s comments:
a. Describe your Volunteer Leader Team and how you are developing it:
b. What do your Monthly Ministry Reports and other sources of information and feedback (chaplains, parents and Booster Club) reveal about trends or momentum in your ministry?
c. How well is your current Annual Planning Processworking? What adjustments do you need to make to it? Is there anything that you will change or delete from your annual plan in the future?
d. Staff needs or comments in this area:
e. Supervisor’s comments:
a. What is the Lord using in your life to help you encourage yourself and others towards incarnational ministry?
b. Describe the balance between inreach and outreach in your ministry and the current status of your high school and middle school ministries:
c. Provide tangible examples of how your Club Beyond ministry reflects the ecumenical vision of MCYM:
d. Staff needs or comments in this area:
e. Supervisor’s comments:
a. What are you learning and doing to multiply ministry through strategic relationships with others, schools, chapel congregations,and other organizations on or around your installation?
b. Identify ways you are connecting with your sending agency. Describe your progress with any required training or responsibilities you are currently tasked with.
c. How are you meeting your agency budget? If you are not, what do you need to change to reach your budget goals?
d. Staff needs or comments in this area:
e. Supervisor’s comments:
a. How are you handling the administrative demands of Club Beyond ministry?
b. Identify strength and growth areas from your Club Beyond job description.
c. How well is your ministry aligned with the MCYM policy handbooks—Staff Policy Handbook, Communications Guide, Reporting Requirements Handbook?
d. How well is your ministry aligned with your contract and your chaplain’s vision for ministry?
e. Staff needs or comments in this area:
f. Supervisor’s comments:
Supervisor’s Overall Comments:
Are there any specific areas of concern that the staff member is unwilling to acknowledge or address personally or in ministry?Yes No (If Yes, staff member must sign CBPIE and improvement plan must be on file.)
Acknowledgement / Approvals: Acknowledgement below indicates that you have seen and processed the document with your supervisor.
Staff Person’s Acknowledgement (Sign & Date): Click here to enter a date.
Supervisor’s Acknowledgement (Sign & Date): Click here to enter a date.
Date: Click here to enter a date.
Update #1: Click here to enter text.
Date: Click here to enter a date.
Update #2: Click here to enter text.
Date: Click here to enter a date.
Update #3: Click here to enter text.
Date: Click here to enter a date.
Update #4: Click here to enter text.
Healthy Subject Matter Experts providing Effective Military Youth Ministry
Version: 2.2