8300 Corporate Drive #100

Landover MD 20785

301/306-7900 301/306-8273 (fax)


PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE - Fill in ALL blanks or mark N/A where not applicable.

Convert my existing Membership or sign up for a NEW Affiliate Sponsorship Membership - Select One Sponsorship Membership below(applications with payment accepted before October 31 ONLY)

Platinum Membership ($2,000)Corporate Platinum Membership ($2,275)

Gold Membership ($1,500)Corporate Gold Membership ($1,775)

Silver Membership ($1,000)Corporate Silver Membership ($1,275)

Sign Up for regular Affiliate Membership

Corporate Membership ($500 – up to 3 people)

Basic Individual Membership ($327)

Name ______

Company Name
City State Zip Telephone: Office() FAX( ) Home ( )

Email: ______My title or position with the firm: ______


Corporate Membership:1)______2)______

(Provide names of additional representatives)

IherebyapplyforAFFILIATEMembershipinthePrinceGeorge’s CountyAssociationofREALTORS®,Inc.enclosing mypaymentintheamountof$______whichmaybedepositedintheAssociationcheckingaccount. Iagree toabidebytheAssociationRulesandRegulations,theConstitutionandBylaws,includingtheobligationtoarbitrateanyexistingorfuturedisputeswithanotherMemberinaccordancewitharbitrationprocedures. Iirrevocablywaiveallclaimsagainstthe Association or any ofitsOfficers,Directors,orMembersforanyactinconnectionwith the business of the Association, and particularlyastoitsortheiractsinelecting,orfailingtoelect,advancing,suspending,expelling,orotherwisediscipliningme as a member. I understand that Association dues are payable annually on the 1st of October and are not refundable. I agree to pay the established fees as long as I maintain membership. I have read and completed this application and understand and agree to all terms and conditions therein.

Signature (Applicant)______Date______

( ) I am enclosing my check

( ) I am paying by credit card below


Name on card:______

Card #______Expiration Date______CVV#______


( ) Upon completion of this form, please send a High Resolution Logo to Erica Kaleda via email at for website advertising and sponsorship banner (applies to Affiliate Sponsorship Membershiponly)

( ) Upon completion of this form, please forward the link to your website to Erica Kaleda via email at for website advertising (applies to Affiliate Sponsorship Membershiponly)

Rev. 9/18


Sponsorship Memberships Accepted before October 31

Regular Affiliate Memberships Accepted Year-Round

Platinum Membership—$2,000

(Corporate Platinum—$2,275)

This level would include all benefits listed for Basic Affiliate Membership/Basic Corporate membership, plus:

Logo/sponsor name on a banner at all events and member orientations

The use of the classroom at PGCAR for 2 educational workshops per year

Advertisement on the website for up to 12 months (up to a $1,500 value)**

Recognition throughout the year via email and at events ($45 value)**

(3) representatives can attend the Legislative Breakfast, Holiday Charity Event, Top Producer Awards, Annual 5k Fun Run/Walk, and Installation for FREE ($285 value – Subject to an RSVP/Registration to the event)** If more tickets/registrations are required, they must be purchased.

Gold Membership—$1,500

(Corporate Gold—$1,775)

This level would include all benefits listed for Basic Affiliate Membership/Basic Corporate membership, plus:

Logo/sponsor name on a banner at all events and member orientations

The use of the classroom at PGCAR for 1 educational workshop per year

Advertisement on the website for 6 months (up to a $900 value)**

Recognition throughout the year via email and at events ($45 value)**

(2) representatives can attend Legislative Breakfast, Holiday Charity Event, Top Producer Awards, Annual 5k Fun Run/Walk, and Installation for FREE ($190 value -Subject to an RSVP/Registration to the event)** If more tickets/registrations are required, they must be purchased.

Silver Membership—$1,000

(Corporate Silver —$1,275)

This level would include all benefits listed for Basic Affiliate Membership/Basic Corporate membership, plus:

Logo/sponsor name on a banner at all events and member orientations

Advertisement on the website for up to 3 months(up to a $450 value)**

Recognition throughout the year via email and at events ($45 value)**

(1) representatives can attend the Legislative Breakfast, Holiday Charity Event, Top Producer Awards, Annual 5k Fun Run/Walk, and Installation FREE ($95 value - Subject to an RSVP/Registration to the event)** If more tickets/registrations are required, they must be purchased.

Corporate Membership—$500

(up to 3 members of the same company)

This level would include all the benefits listed for the Basic Affiliate Membership for up to 3 members of the same company. Registrations and/or tickets to events must be purchased.

Basic Membership—$327

(1 individual member)

This level would include all benefits listed for Basic Affiliate Membership for up to 3 members of the same company. Registrations and/or tickets to events must be purchased.

Access to the contact information of more than 2,400 PGCAR REALTOR Members

All Affiliate companies will be listed on the PGCAR Website

There will be a link to each Affiliate’s website

Opportunity to participate in all PGCAR social and professional events

Opportunities to teach at PGCAR

Develop long-lasting business relationships

Increase your profile in the Association and local community