Draft Minutes

ofa Meeting of

Yatton Parish Council

Amenities and Properties Committee

held on

24 April 2017

atHangstones Pavilion

Meeting commenced: 6.30 p.m.Meeting ended: 7.30 p.m.

Present: Councillors: Paul Bane, Clare Bessant, Martyn Hooper, Robert Jenner, Graham Humphreys and Theresa Mullan.

In attendance:Clerk, Kathryn White Practice Nurse from Yeo Vale Medical Practice and one member of the public.


AAP60/17:Apologies for Absence

Apologies had been received from CouncillorsDavid Crossman, Ian Payne and Andy Warren. Horticultural Society Chair Joan Pittock, YACWAG Faith Moulin, residents Paul and Leslie Griffin and gardener Megan Thurgur.

AAP61/17: Declarations of Interest



AAP62/17: Public participation

Kathryn White gave members an outline of the work the Leg Club carried out in treating leg related medical problems for patients in non-medical environment The benefits it brings to patients who are often socially isolated in terms of social integration, healing and recovery had been demonstrated by other Leg Clubs locally at Nailsea. The practice would like to start a Leg Club in Yatton and use Hangstones Pavilion as the venue as it had been researched with their Health & Safety Officers and Infection Control Nurses and been deemed as suitable. The Clerk had copies of the Risk Assessments for these aspects of a future hire of the building and a case study of the Leg Club at Nailsea. Members asked a number of questions and the Clerk advised that she had spoken to the Clerk at Nailsea as the Committee had requested to find out if there were any issues or problems that had been encountered over there but there had been nothing but very positive comments about the running of the Club and its very obvious benefits. Members agreed in principle to Hangstones being used as a venue subject to satisfactory storage being ascertained for their equipment and that it would was a very good service to be encouraged. The rate of hire was to be discussed at the next meeting.


AAP63/17: Minutes of the Meeting held on 6March 2017.

The minutes of the meeting held on 6 March 2017were approved as a correct recordand signed by the Chairman.

AAP64/17: If the Committee wishes to exclude the public the following resolution must be passed:

‘That the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of agenda item(s) … on the ground that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest [by reason of the confidential nature of the business] or [for other special reason which must be stated].’

No items for exclusion.

AAP65/17: To consider including two street lights at Henley Lodge as Parish Council owned street lights.

RESOLVED: to include the two lights in Henley Lodge within the Parish Council schedule of street lights. It was noted that North Somerset Council had agreed to pay for any materials required should they need upgrading in the future.

AAP66/17:To consider supporting the joint funding of gates on Claverham footpath.

RESOLVED: to support the gates on Claverham footpath CAMS 052328 on the basis of our 50% cost being no more than £250 per gate.

AAP67/17: To discuss the outcomes from the site meeting at the Orchard area of Glebelands.

A draft plan for thearea was to be worked on and circulated for comment to the interested parties. A thank you letter to the residents in recognition of the work they had carried out on the area was to be sent by the Clerk. An afternoon meeting after 2pm was to be arranged to work on the draft plan.


AAP68/17To receive the Clerk’s report. (Agenda Item 10).

i) The notification regarding the closure of Lloyds Bank had been received, members asked the Clerk to write and complain about the closure and also investigate if another bank or building society can be asked to open a branch in Yatton.

ii) A complaint about the repair work of the Coop wall had been received regarding the fact that it did not match or blend with the existing wall. The complainant had approached the Coop and voiced this but asked if the Parish Council would take any action. Members considered it was not within the Parish Council’s remit to progress this matter as the standard of the work was subjective.

iii) The Clerk advised members that the final burial plot had now been taken.

iv) The Horticultural Society were holding their show at Glebelands 29th July and asked a number of questions about permission for amplification of the band, a prosecco stall and the siting of an icecream van. Members agreed to the amplification and prosecco stall (providing license and compliant with any other orders i.e. alcohol free zones etc in place) but did not wish the icecream van to park on the grass.

v) The parish office move was 8th May, the office was to close till the 15th May.

vi)The Wi-Fi was installed in Hangstones and the audio visual and PA system work was to be carried out on Wednesday 26th April.

vii) The Clerk wished to organize a play area walkabout with the Committee in the next couple of months with a view to forming a plan for prioritizing improvements and their budgeting over the next few years, dates were to be sent out for consideration.

viii) The Clerk raised with members the poor state of the path at Broadcroft play area. It was completely covered by grass in some parts and badly infringed along most of the rest of it. She had obtained a quote for its re-instatement and top surfacing of £650 and was to instruct the work unless members raised any objections. No objections were raised.

AAP69/17Future agenda items (Agenda Item 11).

War Memorial Project.

Play Areas

Burial Ground

Dog Fouling

Poor state of the yellow rubbish bins on poles in the parish.



Amenities 24/04/171 (of 3)