Held in the Parish Council Chambers,
Station Road, Codsall
On Wednesday 17th April 2013
at 7.30 pm
Councillors J Michell (Chair), Mrs S Almond, Mrs M Barrow, Mrs P Campbell, Mrs V Chapman, Mrs E Forster, Mr S Jenkinson, Mrs C Millar, Mr L Stovin
Members of the Public Mr R Jones, Ann Allan, Mr John Harris, Ms Theresa Dorrance, Mrs Pam Allan, Mr K McElduff, Judy Davies, Mr Stephen Skinner
Cllrs Kenyon, Holland, Ewart, Birch, Etheridge. Apologies were also received from Mr Dave Johnson, Jill Hayward (Village Hall), and R Jeff (Codsall Charities) who could not send a representative.
The Chairman invited each Councillor to introduce themselves to members of the public present this evening.
Resolved that theminutes of the Annual Parish Meeting of 18th April 2012be confirmed and signed as a true record.
A report was given by Chairman John Michell, Chairman, Codsall Parish Council 2012-2013
The Parish Council continues to be consulted on Planning Applications within the Parish. The Parish Council continues to fight hard to conserve the Parish and retain its character and heritage. Residents concerns about planning applications are regularly brought to the Parish Council for the attention of Parish, District and County Councillors.
The main areas raised have been:
- Incursion and development in the Green Belt.
- Over development.
- Back land development.
There has been much mention in the media of the ‘Localism Bill’ and the concept of Neighbourhood Plans. Most of the concerns raised are likely to prove unfounded. Parish (and District) councillors are receiving training in these matters and will continue to look after the interests of residents and our parish.
The Parish Council has continued to liase with the Police. The Parish however has seen an increase in burglaries over the past twelve months. Crime figures are now being reported to the Parish Council by South Staffordshire Community Safety Partnership.
Codsall and Bilbrook Twinning Association
Codsall and Bilbrook Parish Councils continue to support the Association. The Twinning Association is one of several community organisations that enhance our village life. They run several events each year, as well as arranging exchange visits with our ‘twin’ in France. More information about the Twinning Association is available on their web site
Local Development
The i54 development promises to be a source of employment for residents. The forthcoming arrival of Jaguar Land Rover offers potential benefits for the prosperity of the area.
Open Spaces and Maintenance
Approximately £18,000 of our annual budget is spent on maintaining and improving our open spaces.
Improvements have been made to:
- Lone singer gardens – restructured, tidied and flowers planted. The hydrangeas last summer were wonderful with many residents passing positive comments!
- Moatbrook Nature Reserve – now has a very active ‘Friends Group.’ The artwork has been completed by local artist Roxanne Gooderham; this artwork will form the basis of a new information board to be displayed within the nature reserve.
- Codsall House Field – continuing tree husbandry and maintenance to retain the now developed parkland.
- Wheel Field – The Beech Trees surrounding the field have given us concern. This has led to the recent removal of five and the continuing surveillance of the remaining four. Replacement heavy standards will be planted in November; our legacy for future generations, as I doubt if any of us here, tonight, will see the new beech trees reach maturity!
The Parish Council resolved that improvements should be made to the Wheel Field to make the field more accessible to a larger section of our community. Council Meetings leading up to this decision were controversial, dividing some of our community. However the Parish Council feels that the resolved changes will bring benefits to the wider community and there has already been positive focus meetings with members of the community wishing to take part, helping in structuring the improvement scheme.
- Play Area/Ground – continuing tree and hedge maintenance
- The village planters continue to be planted and maintained by our workmen.
- War Memorial – trees and hedges reduced to keep area open and haven for contemplation.
The War Memorial continues to be praised for its high standard of maintenance, recognition of all Servicemen and their families, who lost their lives preserving our freedom and way of life.
Thanks to our Parish Council workmen for their endeavours not only on the open spaces, but also for keeping the village clean and tidy.
Queens Jubilee
Many celebrations took place around the village including the Big Lunch kindly organised by St Nicholas Church and to mark the occasion of the Queens Jubilee the Parish Council erected a commemorative Village sign. I would like to thank Councillors Kenyon and Jenkinson who were heavily involved in its construction.
Parish Plan
It is now two years since the Parish Plan was published and a review of our performance in delivering the Plan’s objectives is planned over the coming months.
The Parish Council allotment at Watery Lane is fully let with a waiting list. Improvements to the path way and tree husbandry cost £1,400. The allotment site has a strong and active association, who has recently taken on more responsibilities in the running of the site.
Grants and Donations
The following Grants have been made during the year:
- Citizens Advice Bureau£ 787
- Station Preservation Soc.£ 700
- Local Village Transport£ 500
- St Nicholas Graveyard Maintenance£6,000
- Village Hall£5,200
- Codsall Community Arts Festival£ 100
- S. Staffs Community & Voluntary Svc£ 100
- Twinning Biannual Visit£ 500
- Campaign to Protect Rural England£ 50
- Codsall & Perton F.C.£ 250
- Scouts Carnival£ 200
- Locality 4 Car Scheme £1,100
- Sussed Summer Youth Scheme£ 395
- Queen’s Diamond Jubilee£ 273
- Sundry Small donations£ 84£16,239
Village Hall
The Parish Council continues to support the Village Hall and fully appreciates the difficulties faced recently by the volunteers of the Village Hall Management Committee and is grateful of the determined resolve the committees have in picking themselves up again and again.
‘Keep Codsall Clean’
Ably lead by Mr Stephen Skinner, two weekends were again dedicated to cleaning up outlying country roads and footpaths. Members of the public have done a wonderful job with the spring and autumn clean up.
Roads, Pavements and Highways
Concerns relating to safety, damage and repair issues continue to be reported to County Council Highways for action.
The recent snow has made gritting a concern again this year, with grit bins not being re-filled after being used to clear the snowfall that fell just before Christmas.
Railway Station
The increasing use of the Railway Station is continuing to cause over-spill parking onto many residential roads and the Village car park to the annoyance and frustration of residents and shoppers. This topic is dealt with below.
Parking continues to be a problem for the village.
The need for a dedicated car park for the station has been well established and supported by an independent survey.
A recent survey conducted by the Parish Council has indicated that majority of the local shops and business within the centre of Codsall have concerns on parking and wish to meet to discuss the long term management of parking within the village centre.
Many thanks are due to all fellow councillors, particularly those taking an active part in the Parish Council Committees.
Particular thanks to Councillor Brian Holland, our Vice Chair, for his support and attendance at meetings and events in the Chairman’s absence.
There was no police present this evening, but the meeting was informed that statistics show that overall crime has decreased.
The Clerk gave a brief presentation on the detailed information provided to everyone this evening. The accounts had had to be finalised and approval at the Parish Council meeting of the 11th April which had taken place.
Acceptance of the Income & Expenditure presented this evening, approval proposed by Councillor Campbell, seconded by Councillor Millar and unanimously approved by the meeting.
A statement of financial activities for year ended 31st December 2012 was submitted.
Codsall Village Hall: report to Codsall Parish Council
Secretary’s Report: Annual Meeting 2013
This report covers 2012, a year which I wouldn’t want to repeat.
Over the Christmas/New Year break of 2011/12, Codsall Village Hall had the fifth burglary of a series that had started in the previous September. That proved to be the last for 9 months.
The burglaries resumed in September.
At that point, Kath Cartwright, our Secretary, was extremely active and enthusiastic. In May alone, the minutes record that she had prepared 3 more procedures and that she was planning a workstation assessment and sourcing equipment. This, of course is only a small part of what Kath did in the 15 months that she was Secretary. However, at the beginning of this year, following a bereavement and having to cope with various family burdens, she resigned.
The treasurer and I have missed her more than we can describe, and I wish to record here that she has left us a well-equipped office with old documents archived and lasting legacy of good practice.
The break-ins continued at regular intervals of a month to six weeks until February this year.
As I look back over the six months from August to February I can’t recall details, just a sensation of overwhelming worry, with burglaries taking place with awful inevitability, the extra work for Luke and Chris Greaves and me in taking everything portable off the premises, making insurance claims and carrying out repairs and the necessity to keep the business going.
On that point, it is appropriate to record our thanks to Tracy Russell, who knew enough about the business to maintain it, and all the committee members who gave their time to cover the office. In late September, Ben Witcombe took over the running of the office , and we promised him a month to six weeks of paid work. In the event, it was six months before we were sufficiently free of the legal processes to appoint a permanent replacement.
Jill Haywood, our treasurer, couldn’t be here this evening, but I’ll pick out a few of the most interesting figures from her report:
Volunteer hours for the year; 3,345
Footfall: 39,000
Money raised from hiring: £47669 (17% increase on last year)
Money raised by CVH events: £4689 (24% increase on last year)
Funds at December 2011: £13,283
Funds at December 2012: £31, 183
On Jill’s watch we have accrued £22000 of the £28000 that we should have in reserve to cover the loss of 6 months trading.
This is the point at which I should name all the Friends of CVH, but the list is too long…. Everyone on the committee and many outside it have taken on a responsibility during the last 8 months.
Megan Barrow bravely agreed to step up from Vice-Chairman to the Chair, and I am taking on the role of Secretary, not for the first time. And, of course, I can’t close without thanking our treasurer, without whom it is no exaggeration to say that Codsall Village Hall would have closed.
Thanks too, to the Clerk of the Parish Council for her advice, to the Council itself, and particularly to the members who are working to help the Village Hall during its current struggle, and of course, for the continuing financial support.
Pam Allan
For and on behalf of Codsall Village Hall Management Committee 17th April 2013
Representatives from the Parochial Charities were unable to attend this evening, the Clerk gave a resumé of the accounts for year-end 30th September 2012.
A report given by Mrs Birch:
It is now 15 years since the Twinning document was signed by this council to officially recognize Codsall & Bilbrook twinning with St Pryve St Mesmin. Since that time we have continued to develop our links and interact with that community in France on a cultural, sporting and linguistic level.
Our main activity for last year, 2012, was the bi-annual visit to St Pryve St Mesmin which took place over four days from 4th May. The visit coincided with the 600th anniversary of the birth of Jean d’Arc and we were able to take part in these celebrations in the form of a medieval-themed evening of food and entertainment, most enjoyable.
The visit also coincided with the French Presidential election and we were able to witness at first hand the electoral process, which is quite different from our elections.
We were also taken on a visit to Chartres and toured its beautiful cathedral. On the final day to mark VE day we attended a wreath laying ceremony at the local War Memorial.
Over the last year we organized various social events such as a skittles evening, quizzes, a 60’s night BBQ and boules, and open garden, theatre visits and a music evening. These events are our main source of income to fund our activities.
We have also taken part in various community events including the Scout Carnival, the Christmas Tree festival and organized refreshments at events for the Arts Festival. We have also presented the annual Shield and prize for French to one of the pupils at Codsall Middle School.
I would like to thank Codsall Middle School and this Parish Council for your help and assistance to our group. We understand the many demands on the public purse, especially in the current financial climate. Over the last eighteen months we have carried out a strong programme of monthly fundraising events in order to build up a reserve in order to cover the costs of hosting our guests. However, we are very grateful for the Parish Council grant as costs rise each time we have a visit.
No representative was able to attend. A report was submitted as follows.
Last year did not go to plan painting wise, although we did get to paint the road bridge. Every time there was a planned meeting at the Station it rained so we are going to catch up this year.
Due to the damp in the waiting room some of the plaster has blown. We have left the heating on to dry out the walls. When they have dried I will call in a local tradesman to make good the walls. None of our group can plaster, hence the need to hire one.
We are looking at quotes for covering the floorboards in the waiting room as
this will make the room more appealing to the passengers that use the facility.
We are waiting for the new ticket machines to be installed at the station. Passengers will be able to buy tickets with credit cards.
I would like to thank the Parish Council for their continued support in all things regarding the railway station.
Representatives from the Arts Festival gave a brief description of 2013/14 festival outlining that the Festival will keep the flavour with drama, dance, children’s events, a community day and current affairs
Mr Kevin McElduff a resident of Codsall questioned why the Parish Council is holding £105,000 in reserves when the money could be given to charity.
The Chairman advised Mr McElduff that the £105,000.00 reserves were ring fenced, in order to complete a number of Open Spaces projects, such as the Wheel Field and Moatbrook Nature Reserve, as well as maintenance budget for the playground and a reserve for the construction of a car park.
Mr Stephen Skinner raised the following points on the proposed use of Oaken Field for Station Parking:
Temporary car park then becomes permanent.
-no cycle rack
-The number of people against the car park far outweigh the number of people complaining of the people parking outside their homes.
-Restrictions will only just move them to other roads.
-There is a huge difference from parking on the streets to buildinga car park on green belt.