Salford Agreement 2008-11 Refresh

Version 26/2/09

Think Family / SSP Delivery Partners
*Lead partner / Refreshed/No change/Removed/
New /
Indicator number and description / Baseline / Targets /
2008/9 / 2009/10 / 2010/11 /
Improving educational attainment
NI 72
/ Achievement of at least 78 points across the Early Years Foundation Stage with at least 6 in each of the scales in Personal Social and Emotional Development and Communication, Language and Literacy / 52%
(2007) / 53.4% / 55% / N/A / Salford City Council* / Refreshed
(2010 target developed at Refresh)
No change
to baseline / No change to
target / No change to
target / New target
NI 73 / Achievement at level 4 or above in both English and Maths at Key Stage 2 (Threshold) / 72%
(2007) / 80% / 79% / N/A / Salford City Council* / Refreshed
(2010 target developed at Refresh)
No change
to baseline / No change to
target / No change to
target / New target
NI 74 / Achievement at level 5 or above in both English and Maths at Key Stage 3 (Threshold) / 61%
(2007) / New PI / 70% / 70% / Salford City Council* / Removed
NI 74 to be removed due to KS3 tests being removed from curriculum
NI 75 / Achievement of 5 or more A*-C grades at GCSE or equivalent including English and Maths (Threshold) / 38%
(2007) / 43% / 44.5% / N/A / Salford City Council* / Outstanding
(2010 target developed but to be confirmed)
No change
to baseline / No change to
target / No change to
target / New target established
(TBC by CSD)
NI 83 / Achievement at level 5 or above in Science at Key Stage 3 / 64%
(2007) / 73% / 74% / N/A / Salford City Council* / Removed
NI 83 to be removed due to KS3 tests being removed from curriculum
Think Family / SSP Delivery Partners
*Lead partner / Refreshed/No change/Removed/
New /
Indicator number and description / Baseline / Targets /
2008/9 / 2009/10 / 2010/11 /
NI 87 / Secondary school persistent absence rate / 8.4%
(2006/7) / 7.5% / 6% / 5% / * Salford City Council* / Unchanged
NI 92 / Narrowing the gap between the lowest achieving 20% in the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile and the rest / 35%
(2007) / 29.2% / 30.7% / N/A / Salford City Council* / Refreshed
(2010 target developed at Refresh)
No change
to baseline / No change to
target / No change to
target / New target established
NI 93 / Progression by 2 levels in English between Key Stage 1 & Key Stage 2 / 82%
(2007) / New PI introduced / 95% / N/A / Salford City Council* / Refreshed
(2010 target developed at Refresh)
No change
to baseline / No change / No change to
target / New target established
NI 94 / Progression by 2 levels in Maths between Key Stage 1 & Key Stage 2 / 76%
(2007) / New PI / 92% / N/A / Salford City Council* / Refreshed
(2010 target developed at Refresh)
No change
to baseline / No change / No change to
target / New target established
NI 95 / Progression by 2 levels in English between Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3 / 19%
(2007) / New PI / 30% / N/A / Salford City Council* / Removed
NI 95 to be removed due to KS3 tests being removed from curriculum
NI 96 / Progression by 2 levels in Maths between Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3 / 49%
(2007) / New PI / 56% / N/A / Salford City Council* / Removed
NI 96 to be removed due to KS3 tests being romoved from curriculum
NI 97 / Progression by 2 levels in English between Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 / 49%
(2007) / New PI / 61% / N/A / Salford City Council* / Removed
NI 97 to be removed due to KS3 tests being removed from curriculum
NI 98 / Progression by 2 levels in Maths between Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 / 21%
(2007) / New PI / 30% / N/A / Salford City Council* / Removed
NI 97 to be removed due to KS3 tests being removed from curriculum
Think Family / SSP Delivery Partners
*Lead partner / Refreshed/No change/Removed/
Indicator number and description / Baseline / Targets
2008/9 / 2009/10 / 2010/11
NI 99 / Looked after children reaching level 4 in English at Key Stage 2 / 63%
(2007) / 48% / 50% / N/A / Salford City Council* / Refreshed
(2010 target developed at Refresh)
No change to baseline / No change to target / No change to target / New target established
NI 100 / Looked after children reaching level 4 in Maths at Key Stage 2 / 60%
(2007) / 52% / 65% / N/A / Salford City Council* / Refreshed
(2010 target developed at Refresh)
No change to baseline / No change to target / No change to target / New target established
NI 101 / Looked after children achieving 5 A*-C GCSEs (or equiv) at Key Stage 4 (inc Eng and Maths) / 7%
(2007) / 15% / 21% / N/A / Salford City Council* / Refreshed
(2010 target developed at Refresh)
No change to baseline / No change to target / No change to target / New target established
LPI 71 / All children being encouraged to fulfil potential and achieving some qualifications( % of children achieving accreditation recognised within NQF by the age of 16) / To be set / 90% / 92% / 94% / Salford City Council* / Refreshed (new baseline and 3yr targets agreed)
New baseline 97% (2007) / New target 98%
(Actual 98.4%) / New target 99% / New target
Improving parenting
NI 22 / Perceptions of parents taking responsibility for the behaviour of their children in the area
>PS / 77%
(not taking responsibility
Baseline to be reviewed when PS results finalised / 75%
Targets to be reviewed when PS results finalised / 74%
Targets to be reviewed when PS results finalised / 73%
Targets to be reviewed when PS results finalised / Salford City Council*
Pendleton College
Salford College
Eccles College
Salford Council for Voluntary Service / Outstanding (targets to be confirmed with GONW)
Think Family / SSP Delivery Partners
*Lead partner / Refreshed/No change/Removed/
Indicator number and description / Baseline / Targets
2008/9 / 2009/10 / 2010/11
Jan 09
Place Survey
(2008/9) / n/a / 23% / 25%
NI 50 / Emotional health of children / 75%
would talk to friends if they couldn’t talk to parent
(Tell us survey 2007) / 78% / 81% / 85% / Salford City Council*
Salford Primary Care Trust
Salford College
Pendleton College
Eccles College / Outstanding (targets to be confirmed with GONW)
New baseline
(2008) / n/a / 70% / 73%
NI 111 / First time entrants to the Youth Justice System
aged 10-17 / To be developed / To be developed / To be developed / To be developed / Youth Offending Team* ( and relevant statutorily responsible partners) / Outstanding (Need to confirm targets with GONW)
New definition to also include a) Number of first time entrants receiving their first pre court disposal (reprimand or final warning)
b) Number of first time entrants receiving their first court disposal (only for those who already go to court) / 2160
(2007/8) / 2116.8
(TBC by CSD) / 2074.46
(TBC by CSD) / 2032.97 (6%)
(TBC by CSD)
Reducing numbers of Looked After Children
NI 59 / Percentage of initial assessments for children’s social care carried out within 7 working days of referral / 76%
(2007/8) / 80% / 80% / 80% / Salford City Council* / Unchanged
Think Family / SSP Delivery Partners
*Lead partner / Refreshed/No change/Removed/
Indicator number and description / Baseline / Targets
2008/9 / 2009/10 / 2010/11
NI 61 / Timeliness of placements of looked after children for adoption following agency decision that the child should be placed for adoption / 81.5%
(2007/8) / 85% / 85% / 85% / Salford City Council* / Unchanged
NI 65 / Percentage of children becoming the subject of a Child Protection Plan for a second or subsequent time / 20%
(2007/8) / 12% / 12% / 12% / Salford City Council* / Unchanged
NI 66 / Looked after children cases which were reviewed within required timescales / 99.6%
(2007/8) / 100% / 100% / 100% / Salford City Council* / Unchanged
NI 68 / Percentage of referrals to children’s social care going on to initial assessment / 53%
(2007/8) / 63% / 65% / 70% / Salford City Council* / Unchanged
NI 71 / Children who have run away from home / care / 1020
Referrals / NI to be introduced 09 / 969
referrals / 918
referrals / Salford City Council* / Outstanding
(To be refreshed in April upon release of new measuring method )
New definition
Children who have run away from home / care overnight / New baseline
Level 8
(Self Assessment 2008/9 / N/A / New target / New target
LPI 72 / Reducing number of Looked After Children / 532
(113 per 10000)
(2007/8) / 506
(107 per 10000) / 460 / 420 / Salford City Council* / Unchanged
Think Family / SSP Delivery Partners
*Lead partner / Refreshed/No change/Removed/
Indicator number and description / Baseline / Targets
2008/9 / 2009/10 / 2010/11
Reducing child poverty
NI116 / Proportion of children in poverty / 27.8%
(2007) / 26.07% / 24.33% / 22.60% / Salford City Council*
Jobcentre plus* / Reviewed and will stay the same until new guidance has been released.
New definition (unconfirmed)
The number of children living in households whose income is below 60% of the national median / New baseline
to be agreed at the end of 2009/10 / New target
to be agreed at the end of
2009/10 / New target
To be agreed at the end of 2009/10 / New target to be agreed at the end of 2009/10
Think Neighbourhoods / SSP Delivery Partners
*Lead partner / Refreshed/No change/Removed/
New /
Indicator number and description / Baseline / Targets /
2008/9 / 2009/10 / 2010/11 /
Reducing the fear of crime
NI 15 / Serious violent crime / 2007/08
Baseline change since June submission
Does not include GBH without intent figures at this time. / -2%
Target change since June submission / To be developed / To be developed / Greater Manchester Police*
Salford City Council / Outstanding
New Baseline awaiting audited data due 2/3 / N/A / New target
To be set w/c 2/3 / New target
To be set w/c 2/3
NI 16 / Serious acquisitive crime / 35.01 rate per 1000
(2007/8) / 32.21
Reduce by 15% over 3 years
7% this year
7,264 / 30.81
Reduce by 5% / 29.76
Reduce by 3% / Greater Manchester Police*
Salford City Council / Unchanged
NI 18 / Adult re-offending rates for those under probation supervision / To be developed
Oct 08
NOMS / To be developed
Oct 08 / To be developed
Oct 08 / To be developed
Oct 08 / Probation Service*
Greater Manchester Police
Salford City Council / Refreshed
(new baseline and 3yr targets agreed)
New baseline10.1% (March 2008) / New target
10% / New target
10% / New target
NI 19 / Rate of proven re-offending by young offenders / New baseline
155 per 100
(January –March 2005) / 151.9 per 100
(TBC by CSD) / 148.86 per 100
(TBC by CSD) / 145.88 per 100
(TBC by CSD) / Youth Offending Team* ( and relevant statutorily responsible partners / Outstanding
(Baseline and targets to be confirmed)
NI 30 / Re-offending rate of prolific and other priority offenders (PPOs) / 17% reduction
(performance ceiling for the Salford scheme) / 19% / To be developed in 2009 / To be developed in 2009 / Probation Service*
Greater Manchester Police
Salford PCT
Salford City Council / Refreshed
(new baseline and target agreed)
New baseline
18% reduction / N/A / N/A / New target established
(March 2011)
NI 32 / Repeat incidents of (MARAC referred) domestic violence / To be developed April 09 / To be developed April 09 / To be developed April 09 / To be developed April 09 / Salford City Council*
Greater Manchester Police / Refreshed
(new baseline and targets agreed)
New baseline
Salford MARAC
(Oct 2007-Nov 2008) / New target
N/A / New target
(March 2010) / New target
(March 2011)
NI 33 / Arson incidents
- Deliberate secondary
-Deliberate primary
-All Arson / 1969
2,934 / 1609
2,169 / 1488
2,028 / 1377
1,903 / Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service*
Greater Manchester Police
Salford City Council / Unchanged
NI 17 / Perceptions of anti-social behaviour
PS / 35%
Baseline to be reviewed on PS results finalised / 33.5%
Target to be reviewed when PS results finalised / 32%
Target to be reviewed when PS results finalised / 30.5%
Target to be reviewed when PS results finalised / Salford City Council*
Greater Manchester Police / Refreshed
(new baseline and targets agreed due to new Place Survey results availability)
New baseline 31.7%
Place Survey
(2008/9) / N/A / N/A / New Target established
28.7% by March 2011
Increasing community cohesion
NI 1 / Percentage of people who believe people from different backgrounds get on well together in their local area
PS / 68% (06 BVP proxy)
Baseline to be reviewed on PS results finalised
(Jan 09) / 69%
Targets to be reviewed when PS results finalised / 70%
Targets to be reviewed when PS results finalised / 71%