Danielle Eve Ruderman, MSW

325 Highfield Drive Columbus, OH 43214



Ph.D (expected spring2017) The Ohio State University, Social Work

MSW (2013) The Ohio State University, Social Work

BA (2010) Denison University, Psychology and English

Awards and Honors:

Recipient of the Council of Graduate Student’s Ray Travel Award for Service and Scholarship (2016)

Recipient of the Council of Graduate Student’s Committee Chair of the Year Award (2015)

Recipient of the Ohio State University Board of Trustees Student Recognition Award (2013)

MSW Student of the Year, College of Social Work (2013)

The National Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi (2012)

The Alpha Delta Mu National Social Work Honor Society (2011)

The Sigma Tau Delta English Honor Society (2010)

Recipient of the Denison University Denison Founders Scholarship (2006)

Research Experience:

Graduate Research Associate for Dr. John Clapp, Associate Dean for Research at the Ohio State University, College of Social Work (2013- Present)

Contract Researcher at the Institute for Human Services, Columbus OH (2013 – Present)

Evaluator of the Coordinated Intake Project for the Licking County Coalition for Housing, Newark OH(2014-2015)

Contract Researcher at the Evaluation Support Group, Inc., Columbus OH (2013)

Professional Memberships:

Member, The American Academy of Health Behaviors (2015- Present)

Member, Ohio College Personnel Association (2012-2013)

Member, National Association of Social Workers (2011-2013)


Publish or Perish:

Citations in Peer Reviewed Articles = 3

h-index = 1

Research Gate:

Impact Score = 10.35

352publication views

Peer-Reviewed Publications:

11) Ruderman, D. E., Rathi, L., Stewart, A., & Clapp, J. D. (in review). Contextual Predictors of AUDIT Scores among Adult Men Living in India. The International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research.

10) Ruderman, D. E., Dahlquist, K. E., & Clapp, J. D. (in review). Comprehensive and Science-Based? Alcohol Prevention Programs among a Sample of U.S. Colleges and Universities. Journal of American College Health.

9) Clapp, J. D., Ruderman, D. E., Gonzalez Villasanti, H. J., Giraldo, L. F., Passino, K. M., Reed, M. B., & Fernandez, I. (in review). A System Dynamics Model of Drinking Events: Multi-level Ecological Approach.System Dynamics Review.

8) Wade-Mdivanian, R., Anderson-Butcher, D., Newman, T., Ruderman, D., Smock, J., & Christie, S. (in press). Exploring the long-term impact of a positive youth development-based alcohol, tobacco, and other drug prevention program.Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education.

7) Giraldo, L. F., Passino, K. M., Clapp, J. D., & Ruderman, D. (in press) Dynamics of Metabolism and Decision Making During Alcohol Consumption: Modeling and Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics.

6)Rossheim, M.E., Thombs, D.L., Gonzalez-Pons, K.M., Killion, J.A., Clapp, J.D., Reed, M.B., Croff, J.M., Ruderman, D.E., Weiler, R.M. (in press). Feeling no buzz or a slight buzz is common when legally drunk: results from alcohol field studies with U.S. college-aged adults. American Journal of Public Health.

5) Clapp, J. D. & Ruderman, D. E. (2016). Rapid translation of alcohol prevention science. Implementation Science, 11(Supplement 1): A51. (Published abstract from the Proceedings of the 3rd Biennial Conference of the Society for Implementation Research Collaboration (SIRC) 2015: advancing efficient methodologies through community partnerships and team science).

4)Ruderman, D. E., Clapp, J. D., Hofstetter, C. R., Irvin, V., Kang, S., Hovell, M. F. (2016). Comparison of Heavy Episodic Drinking Patterns between Korean and Chinese Immigrants. The International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research, 5(2), 65-71.

3) Begun, A. L., Clapp, J. D., & The Alcohol Misuse Grand Challenge Collective. (2015). Preventing and reducing alcohol misuse and its consequences: A grand challenge for social work (Grand Challenges for Social Work Initiative Working Paper No. 17). Cleveland, OH: American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare. Also published as an opinion piece – Begun, A., & Clapp, J. (2016). Reducing and preventing alcohol misuse and its consequences: A Grand Challenge for social work. The International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research, 5(2), 73-83.

2) Clapp, J., Reed, M., Martel, B., Gonzalez, M., & Ruderman, D. (2014). Drinking behavior among low-income older adults: A multi-method approach to estimating alcohol use. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 38(11), 2862-2868.

1) Clapp, J. D., Reed, M. B., & Ruderman, D. (2014). The relationship between drinking games and intentions to continue drinking, intentions to drive after drinking and adverse consequences: Results of a field study. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Special Issue on Drinking Games, 40(5), 374-379.

Book Chapters:

1) Clapp, J. D., Passino, K., Giraldo, F. L., & Ruderman, D. (in press). Developing a Collaborative Systems Dynamics Model of Drinking Events: Finding a Common Language. Innovations in Collaborative Modeling. Michigan University Press.

Dissertation and Thesis:

Dissertation: (in progress)

Thesis: Predictors of Educational Outcomes among Undergraduate Students with Disabilities. (A. Mares, Ph.D., Thesis Chair) (2013)

Research Presentations/Posters:

10) Ruderman, D. E. Using Qualtrics, an Online Survey Platform, to Survey Students. Interactive technology session at the Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Drug Misuse Prevention and Recovery National Meeting, August 3, 2016, Columbus, Ohio.

9) Clapp, J. D., Ruderman, D. E., Gonzalez Villasanti, H. J., Giraldo, L. F., Passino, K. M., Reed, M. B., & Fernandez, I. What is a Drinking Event? Toward a System Dynamic Conceptual Model. Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Alcohol Epidemiology Symposium of the KettilBruun Society, May 31, 2016, Stockholm, Sweden (peer reviewed).

8) Rossheim, M.E., Weiler, R.M., Thombs, D.L., Clapp, J., Reed, M., Croff, J., Ruderman, D., Gonzalez-Pons, K., & Killion, J. Perceived drunkenness and corresponding breath alcohol concentration levels. Poster presented at the 16th Annual American Academy of Health Behavior Meeting, February 22, 2016, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL (peer reviewed).

7) Clapp, J. D. & Ruderman, D. E. Rapid Translation of Science to Practice: A Checklist Approach. Poster presented at the 3rd Biennial SIRC Conference, September 25, 2015, Seattle, WA (peer reviewed).

6) Clapp, J. D., Giraldo, F., Passino, K., & Ruderman, D. Computational Analysis of Previously Observed Drinking Behaviors: Group Dynamics and Social Choice. Poster presented at the 15th Annual American Academy of Health Behavior Meeting, March 17, 2015, San Antonio, TX (peer reviewed).

5) Reed, M. D., Clapp, J. D., Martel, B., Gonzalez, M.C. & Ruderman, D. Drinking Behaviors AmongLow-Income Older Adults: A Multi-Method Approach to Estimating Alcohol Use. Poster presented at the 14th Annual American Academy of Health Behavior Meeting, March 17, 2014, Charleston, SC (peer reviewed).

4)Ruderman, D. Educational Outcomes for Undergraduate Students with Disabilities: Using Data Analysis to Measure the Academic Progress of a Specific Population of Students. Paper presented at the Student Affairs & Research Conference, June 14, 2013, Columbus, OH (peer reviewed).

3)Ruderman, D. Educational Outcomes for Undergraduate Students with Disabilities. Paper presented at the 13th Annual Multiple Perspectives Conference, April 17, 2013, Columbus, OH (peer reviewed).

2)Ruderman, D. Predictors of Educational Outcomes among Undergraduate Students with Disabilities. Poster presented at the 25th National Symposium on Doctoral Research in Social Work, March 27, 2013, Columbus, OH (peer reviewed).

1)Ruderman, D. Educational Outcomes for Undergraduate Students with Disabilities. Paper presented at the Ohio Association of Student Personnel Administrators (OASPA) and Ohio College Personnel Association (OCPA) Annual Conference, January 30, 2013, Columbus, OH (peer reviewed).


Theories and Biological Basis of Addiction (Autumn 2016 at OSU) Distance Learning Course, undergraduate students

Software Expertise:

Stella Professional, isee systems

SPSS, IBM Corporation

Stata, Statacorp LP.

SAS (Statistical Analysis System), SAS Institute

HLM, Scientific Software International

Community and University Service:

Member of the Wellness Collaborative (2014 – Present)

Member of the Sexual Violence Committee (2014 – 2016)

Chair of the Health and Wellness Committee for the Council of Graduate Students (2014 – 2015)

Elected Delegate for the Council of Graduate Students (2014 – 2015)

Elected Treasurer for the Doctoral Student Organization for the College of Social Work (2013-2014)

Scientific Journals:

Reviewer. International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research (2014 – Present)

Manuscript Coordinator. International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research (2013 – 2015)

Professional Practice:

Interim Counselor (2013) The Office for Disability Services at the Ohio State University. Review medical documentation to assess student eligibility for services and assist with office annual review.

Graduate Assistant (2012-2013) The Office for Disability Services at the Ohio State University. Counseled and assisted undergraduate and graduate students with disabilities.

Adaptive Behavioral Specialist (2010-2011) St. Vincent Family Center in Columbus, OH. Facilitated counseling and implemented an educational plan for preschool children with mood and behavioral disorders.

Intern (2010) Licking County Alcoholism Prevention Program in Newark, OH. Observed group and individual counseling sessions for individuals with various drug-related issues.

Intern (2009) Mental Health America of Licking County in Newark, OH. Assisted with grant writing and supervised a suicide support group.

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