JULY 21, 2015

Meeting was called to order by Chairman Sandquist with, Beck, Turner and Beckman present. George Zeilinger, Attorney, joined the meeting.

Beck moved to approve the agenda with the addition of Health Board discussion under old business. Turner second, carried.

Vouchers were reviewed. Turner moved to approve the vouchers. Beck second, carried

The minutes of the July 14, 2015 meeting were reviewed. Beck moved to approve the minutes as presented. Turner second, carried.

Beck reported that Twila Sekavec, Resource Management, would like a letter of approval sent from the motion made at a previous meeting approving the tire waiver.

Discussion was held on the upcoming NE CO Health Department meeting and the response letter sent from the Health Department. Tony Cappello joined the meeting by phone to discuss the Julesburg Family Market situation.

Mike Sullivan, SCED, joined the meeting. Sullivan told the Board that the Aerospace dinner had to move to the fairgrounds from the Hippodrome due to the overwhelming response and Sullivan is asking the Board if they are able to waive some of the fee’s for the use of the fairgrounds. Discussion was held. Beck moved to waive the fee’s for the use of the exhibit building for the Aerospace Roundtable to be held on July 22, 2015. Turner second, carried. Discussion was then held on the agricultural incubation and solar power for central pivots. Sullivan left the meeting.

A letter was received from Northeast Colorado RETAC asking for a new appointment for the position of Sedgwick County EMS RETAC representative. Dave Garnas, Sedgwick County Health Center, was contacted by phone. Discussion was held on a new appointment. The Board will table this matter until a further date.

Tasha Thode, Human Service, joined the meeting for the Human Service monthly report. Beck moved to approve the Human Service July 21, 2015 agenda as presented. Second by Turner, carried. Turner moved to approve the minutes of the June 16, 2015 meeting as corrected. Second by Beck, carried. Beck moved to approve the May 2015 financials, which includes Medicaid collections. Turner second, carried. Thode presented the Board with the Colorado Works MOU for review. Turner moved to approve the MOU between Colorado Works and Sedgwick County Human Services. Beck second, carried. Thode then presented the Board with the LEAP contract for review. Beck moved to approve the LEAP contract with Goodwill. Turner second, carried. Thode left the meeting.

Vicki Sandlin joined the meeting. Sandlin presented the Board with an outlay of the headquarters/registration for the Pedal the Plains event coming up in September. Cedar Street will be blocked off from 1st Street to 10th Street on Friday the 18th and Sunday the 20th. Sandlin left the meeting.

Sandquist told the Board he received a complaint about the bridge on County Rd 5. The Board will contact R&B Supervisor Renquist.

George Zeilinger, Attorney, joined the meeting. Zeilinger updated the Board on ongoing projects. Zeilinger is preparing an insight document for the Board and Beckman will pick it up when it is complete for the Boards review. Discussion was held on requirements for special events permits. Zeilinger left the meeting.

Meeting was adjourned.


Glen Sandquist, Chairman Christy M. Beckman, Clerk to the Board