/ NAIFA-Broward
A Professional Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors
Sponsorship Agreement
Company Name:
Contact Person: / Email:
Address: / City: / State: / Zip:
Phone: / Fax: / Cell:
2017-2018 MEETING DATES: 09/20/17; 10/18/17; 11/22/17; 01/17/18; 02/21/18; 03/21/18; 04/18/18; 05/16/18
I/We have read and understand the Sponsor Options below and have checked all that apply:
□ Gold$500.00
  • Three (3) minutes to speak at ONE meeting during membership year
  • Recognition at every meeting during membership year
  • Logo with link listed on meeting notifications for membership year
  • Logo with link listed on website home page for membership year
  • Space at resource table at every meeting during membership year
  • Handouts at member seats/tables
  • Sponsorship at one CE class with opportunity to speak (overlapping exposure with multiple audiences)
  • We would like to be a sponsor on: ______
/ □ Platinum $800.00
  • Two (2) minutes to speak atEVERY meeting during membership year
  • Recognition at every meeting during membership year
  • Logo with link listed on meeting notifications for membership year
  • Logo with link listed on website home page for membership year
  • Space at resource table at every meeting during membership year
  • Handouts at member seats/tables
  • First choice of sponsorship for upcoming special events
  • Sponsorship at every CE class with opportunity to speak (overlapping exposure with multiple audiences). Signage provided by Sponsor.

□CE Sponsorship $75.00/mo.
(Limited to two (2) sponsors per month)
  • Two (2) minutes to speak at one (1) CE Class
  • Your company information displayed
  • We would like to be a sponsor on: ______
/ □Lunch Sponsorship $75.00/mo.
  • Two (2) minutes to speak at one (1) Luncheon
  • Your company information displayed
  • We would like to be a sponsor on: ______

Payment must be received forty-five (45) days prior to the meeting date. Gold/Platinum Sponsor is responsible for supplying logo and preferred hyperlink.
We extend to our sponsors the following additional opportunities:
  • Present a Florida Department of Insurance approved 2 hour intermediate CE
  • Submit an article for consideration in the E-Courier
  • Arrive earlier to address those attending the CE class, and then again addressthose attending our luncheon
  • Present a sales Idea; bring a door prize
  • Members may also become more engaged at a committeeor leadership level

Form of Payment Enclosed: □Check (payable to NAIFA-Broward) □Visa □Mastercard □American Express □Discover Amount: $______
Name (as it appears on check or credit card) / Credit Card Number / CSC Code / Expiration Date
Billing Address: /  Same as above
Address / City / State / Zip
Signature Date
Sponsorship agreements may be completed and paid bycheck or with a credit card at
(954) 753-2262 · Facsimile (866) 813-6695 ·
Post Office Box 770188 · Coral Springs, Florida 33077-0188
NAIFA-Broward Sponsor Form rev.6/21/17