Name: ______
Date: ______
Water Investigation 2: Hot Water, Cold Water -
Language Extensions
Exploring Vocabulary
Look upexpand and contract in a dictionary. Write synonyms and antonyms for each.
- Definition of expand:
Synonyms of Expand / Antonyms of Expand- Definition of contract:
Synonyms of Contract / Antonyms of ContractWater Investigation 2: Hot Water, Cold Water -
Language Extensions
Describe Icy Worlds
Frozen worlds have provided the background for many science fiction and fantasy stories. Write and illustrate a story about a world where water is found only as ice.
Water Investigation 2: Hot Water, Cold Water -
Social Studies Extensions
Research Ice in Warm Climates
There are places on Earth where people never experienced ice before refrigerators and freezers were introduced. Can you determine where these places might be? Start by finding the places on earth where the temperatures are hottest. You may use our library, or the computer for your research.
Water Investigation 2: Hot Water, Cold Water -
Social Studies Extensions
Ice in Warm Climates
Can you find out the word for ice in different cultures?
Name: ______
Date: ______
Word for Ice
Name: ______
Date: ______
Name: ______
Date: ______
Name: ______
Date: ______
Water Investigation 2: Hot Water, Cold Water -
Social Studies Extensions
Research Ice in Cold Climates
Use a map or globe to locate places in the world that may have ice all year long.
Name: ______
Date: ______
Name: ______
Date: ______
Write a story about what it would be like to live in one of these places.
Water Investigation 2: Hot Water, Cold Water -
Science Extensions
Putting Water if Different Containers
Gather different shaped containers from the center. Measure the same amount of water, 150ml and place it into each container.What do you notice about the shape of the water? Record your observations below.
Water Investigation 2: Hot Water, Cold Water -
Science Extensions
Calibrate a Thermometer
Name: ______
Date: ______
Hand-made thermometer from investigation 2
Celsius Thermometer
Name: ______
Date: ______
1. Tape a strip of paper to the straw of your water thermometer.
2. Using a Celsius thermometer, place both thermometers in ice water for 5 minutes.
3. Mark the temperature on the paper.
4. Repeat this process with hot water, and mark the hot temperature on the paper.
5. Place your calibrated thermometer near a window to monitor classroom temperature.
Date / Classroom TemperatureWater Investigation 2: Hot Water, Cold Water -
Science Extensions
Compare the density of Salt and Plain Water
Name: ______
Date: ______
Two cups
5ml spoon
Room Temperature Water
Measuring Cup
Food coloring
Dipper (vial, rubber band, and popsicle stick)
Name: ______
Date: ______
1. Measure out 50 mL of water and place it into a cup.
2. Put three 5-mL spoonfuls of salt into the cup until it dissolves.
3. Add 5 drops of food coloring, and stir.
4. Get a second cup, and measure out 150 mL of regular water into the cup.
5. Place the colored salt water into the dipper, and lower it into the cup.
Draw a picture of what happened when you placed the colored salt water into the room-temperature water.