The following Section shall be made part of the Standard Specifications:



This section is for removing the existing tree(s) as shown in the construction documents or as directed by the City’s Project Arborist (CPA) or if none is assigned to the project then the City Department of Parks and Recreation Division of Urban Forestry (DPR-DUF). The work shall include, but not limited to, removing the existing tree(s) and all visible surface roots, protecting adjacent tree(s), backfilling the tree and root hole(s), and disposing of the removed tree(s) and debris.

The Contractor shall engage the services of a certified, Qualified Arborist (QA) to oversee and coordinate the tree removal work.

All tree removals shall be conducted within the scope of all ANSI and OSHA standards.


A.Removal of Tree(s)

The Contractor’s QA shall notify the CPA or if none assigned to the project then the City’s Department of Recreation Division of Urban Forestry (DPR-DUF) a minimum of five (5) business days prior to the scheduled tree work to allow for adequate time to notify affected residents and/or property owners. The Contractor and QA shall consult with the CPA of the recommendations on tree removal if needed.

The Contractor shall cut down the tree, grind the tree stump 12 inches below grade, and take out all visible surface roots. Once removal of a tree has begun, the Contractor shall finish without undue delay. At a minimum, a tree shall be cut flush to the ground surface and removed offsite by the end of the day, unless approved otherwise by the CPA/DPR-DUF.

The Contractor shall protect the adjacent trees from injury and adjacent sidewalks/walls/buildings from damage. The Contractor shall be held responsible for any damages that occur during the tree removal process.


Following the tree stump removal, surface root removal, and stump grinding, the Contractor shall remove the chips and debris away from the work areas and backfill the tree hole(s) (including where the surface roots were) with top soil and roll. The Contractor shall not leave tree and root holes open overnight.

Planter Strip. For trees located in a planter strip, plant grass in the top soil to match the existing grass or equal. Contractor to water and maintain grass up to 90% coverage.

C.Disposal of Material

The Contractor shall dispose of the removed tree trunk, branches, roots, chips and debris at an authorized disposal site. The disposal shall follow local government regulations.


The Officer-in-Charge will measure tree removal per each in accordance with the contract documents. The Officer-in-Charge will pay for the accepted tree removal at the contract price per each. Payment will be full compensation for furnishing the necessary material, equipment, and labor to complete the work in place prescribed in this section and the contract documents."


Special Provisions63-13/18/16