Project LOGO

Project acronym: ENDURANCE

Project title: EU-wide Establishment of Enduring National and European Support Networks for Sustainable Urban Mobility


Country: Hungary

Date of preparation:
Start date of project: / 1st of May 2013 / Duration: / 36 months
Prepared by:
Checked by:
Verified by:
Dissemination level:


Introduction 3

National inventories as a basis for roadmaps 4

Standardised structure of the national inventory 5

A) Awareness of SUMPs in your country 6

B) Planning tools used in your country 6

C) State of the art of SUMPs implementation in your country 8

D) Most active partners in your country 9

E) Existing initiatives in your country 9

F) Potential financial resources for SUMPs preparation and the SUMP network funding 9


This document comprises the first step within the WP2 tasks of the ENDURANCE project focused on building-up of enduring national networks on SUMPs. A ‘National SUMP Network’ is a national network which actively supports its members in preparing and implementing Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs). The national SUMPS networks will then:

·  foster a national policy and national support for SUMP

·  organise and develop information, training and training materials in the local language

·  facilitate national knowledge exchange between cities

·  be the national contact point and thus to channel and to institutionalise the knowledge exchange on the international level

·  be able to provide support to cities and agglomerations in terms of sustainable mobility.

The networks aim at encouraging and supporting cities to engage in sustainable urban mobility planning and implementation. This requires country-specific approaches as the starting point and situation differs among countries and even among cities within a country.

Each country partner in ENDURANCE is called a National Focal Point (NFP): it is the focal point for the national networks and the contact point for international exchange and communication for its country. Each NFP will prepare a national inventory of already existing network structures as well as of relevant stakeholders and initiatives in terms of sustainable mobility planning.

National inventories as a basis for roadmaps

The national inventories will serve as a basis for producing roadmaps of national SUMP network formation.

The roadmaps will be updated in the course of the ENDURANCE project and they will also give the path on which the networks will develop and continue after the project ends. The roadmaps will serve as a guideline for the central task of the ENDURANCE WP2: the actual national network development.

Thus the national inventories are the first step to feed the inputs which are necessary for network foundation / adaption and should cover above all the following:

-  what has already been done,

-  what has worked well (why)

-  and what hasn't (and why)

-  the actual status of these networks,

-  the demand for SUMP services,

-  already available local resources and further important contacts that could support the networking and SUMP implementation on national, regional and local level.

The inventory of the national level network status can build on the already existing national networks on Mobility Management that have been built up within the project EPOMM-PLUS. These existing national networks (in 21 countries) need to be thematically expanded to cover SUMP.

In four countries that were neither in EPOMM-PLUS nor in EPOMM (Denmark, Slovakia, Latvia and Ireland) there is no such national network structure, neither for MM nor for SUMP. Here the network needs to be built up from scratch.

The inventories will cover the actual status of these networks, and the potential for the SUMP networks to be established.

WP2 is closely connected with WP3. WP3 will make an inventory of all cities and actors in your country which were involved in EU projects related to SUMP. These partners can make an important contribution to the roadmaps and the SUMP networks we are going to build and endure.

Standardised structure of the national inventory

To fill in the template, please use, among others, the following sources:

·  SUMP State of the art:

·  EPOMM MM-monitors:

·  ELTISplus, above all awareness raising and training events (the Workshop Follow-Up Report is available for: Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovenia)

We would like to kindly ask you to go through the following template and fill in the national inventory accordingly, to summarise all the needed inputs to be able to build on them roadmaps and further activities. Feel free to adjust the template to specifics in your country, when needed. Please send your national inventory by email to: and by June 24, 2013. Thank you.

A) Awareness of SUMPs in your country

A.1. SUMP acceptance and awareness by cities in your country

Are cities in your country familiar with the concept of SUMP? To which extent?

Budapest is familiar with the concept of SUMP to a great extent. However, the capital does not have a SUMP, it has a strategic document called “Transport Development Plan for Budapest” (Budapest Közlekedési Rendszerének Fejlesztési Terve).

Other cities are familiar with the concept to some extent. Some of them have met the methodology of SUMP, others have not. Raising their awareness is one of the most important priorities.

A.2. Gaps in awareness and how to overcome them

Do you see any gaps in awareness of SUMPs? (E.g. cities have heard about SUMPs, but do not always understand how it could contribute to better planning / cities do not know what topics are included and what tools are usually incorporated in SUMPs / cities do not know any practical example from other cities how it works, etc.). How can these awareness gaps be overcome in your country and generally how to raise awareness of SUMPs in your country?

In this respect, the capital should be thought of separately as the awareness of SUMP in Budapest can be considered appropriate.

Other cities might have heard about the concept of SUMP but mostly they are not aware of its significance or they simply lack for financial resources. Such gaps can be the deficiency of specific knowledge, the lack of practical examples (national and international as well) and the want of decision maker’s support.

In order to overcome these gaps raising the awareness of decision makers would be the most important. Fostering international knowledge exchange, having disseminated successful practical examples and organising trainings to demonstrate how SUMP could advance the development of a city would contribute at a large extent to overcome the mentioned gaps. Making necessary and relevant literature available in Hungarian could be another essential pillar.

From a financial point of view the scarce resources of municipalities raise up a considerable question to be solved. Running into debt threatened most municipalities for a long period of time, however this burden of debt has been assumed by the public budget in Hungary. As a consequence the ability of obtaining financial resources on credit has been limited on the level of municipalities.

A.4. Specific up-to-date needs of cities related to SUMP topic

Have some of the cities’ needs been identified yet in your country (e.g. in ELTISplus)? If so, please fill in what are these cities’ needs. If not, you will be able to fill in this question after contacting the cities in WP3.

Based on the State-of-the-art Report of ELTISplus (2012) the following needs have been identified:

·  Need for consistent legislation on a national level concerning the implementation of SUMP (such codification must make funding scheme conditional on the application of SUMP)

·  Need for a national guidance

·  Need for quality assurance in the process

·  Awareness raising of decision makers (need for political will)

·  Awareness raising of the society to ensure full participation

·  Need for deepening specific knowledge (trainings)

·  Need for financial resources (for the creation and the implementation of the plan as well)

·  Inclusion of ongoing infrastructure renewal

·  Integration with regional plans

B) Planning tools used in your country

B.1. Legislation (laws and regulations) related to sustainable mobility in your country

Are there any major policies supporting introduction and/or implementation of SUMPs in your country?

National level:

National transport policy □

National cycling policy □

Legislation on air quality □

Legislation on PT quality / energy efficiency □

Land use prescribing obligations in transport planning □


Comments, details (how does the national legislation contribute to the SUMPs implementation in your country?):

For the moment, the implementation of SUMP is not codified in Hungary. National policies do not comprise any content in connection with the introduction of SUMP.

The National Transport Strategy is being prepared at the moment that might have a recommendation regarding SUMP.

Regional level:

(Please fill in per region)

[Region name]:

Regional transport policy □

Regional cycling policy □

Legislation on air quality □

Legislation on PT quality / energy efficiency □

Land use prescribing obligations in transport planning □



Comments, details (how does the regional legislation contribute to the SUMPs implementation in your country?):

For the moment, the implementation of SUMP is not codified in Hungary. National policies do not comprise any content in connection with the introduction of SUMP.

Development strategies for counties exist in Hungary but regional level does not really function in practice at all.

Budapest has a consistent plan for transport development called “Transport Development Plan for Budapest” (Budapest Közlekedési Rendszerének Fejlesztési Terve). Although, this strategic document is not a SUMP, its revision considering SUMP is planned. Due to legislation there is a resolution (No. 67/2009) of the General Assembly of the Municipality of Budapest which requires the regular revision of the “Transport Development Plan for Budapest”.

[Region name]:

Regional transport policy □

Regional cycling policy □

Legislation on air quality □

Legislation on PT quality / energy efficiency □

Land use prescribing obligations in transport planning □



Comments, details (how does the regional legislation contribute to the SUMPs implementation in your country?):


B.2. Approach of national public institutions towards the concept of SUMPs

What is the approach of public institutions and cities towards the concept of SUMP like (i.e. towards creation of a consolidated, comprehensive transport policy covering all key topics and tools towards sustainable mobility):


Legislation: The codification regarding SUMP is totally missing.

Funding: Lack of financial resources for extra tasks is a common problem of Hungarian cities.

Providing of guidelines for creation of SUMPs: The national guidelines of SUMP is missing too.


Comments, details:

The public institutions of Budapest show willingness to introduce SUMP. The Centre for Budapest Transport (BKK) is a key actor regarding the implementation of SUMP.

Apart from Budapest the concept of SUMP is not widely known or has not succeeded to gain importance, yet. Public institutions are usually reluctant to allocate resources to extra tasks. They have fundamental problems with covering even their basic expenses. However, there are some cities paying attention to sustainable mobility planning and giving priority to their transport policy.

C) State of the art of SUMPs implementation in your country

C.1. What has been done in your country regarding SUMPs implementation?

Please explain what the experience from the SUMPs implementation in your country is like:

[Tip: consult the Eltis case studies from your country (search on topic transport planning and land use)]

Regarding the implementation of SUMP it has not been done a lot in Hungary but there are several institutions showing a positive attitude concerning SUMP.

Good experience - why:

National bodies: / [Description of the measure]
Good experience because:
Regional bodies: / [Description of the measure]
Good experience because:
Networks / associations of cities: / [Description of the measure]
Good experience because:
NGO: The Clean Air Action Group (CAAG) / CAAG has a positive attitude towards supporting the implementation of SUMP.
NGO: Regional Environmental Centre (REC) / REC also has a positive attitude and has participated in some relevant activities.
Cities: The Centre for Budapest Transport (BKK) / BKK is a key actor supporting the concept of SUMP, also being involved in SUMP-related EU projects such as CH4LLENGE.
Other institutions:
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE) / BUTE is about to organize a summer school for students regarding SUMP in cooperation with BKK.

Bad experience - why:

National bodies: / [Description of the measure]
Bad experience because:
Regional bodies: / [Description of the measure]
Bad experience because:
Networks / associations of cities: / [Description of the measure]
Bad experience because:
NGOs: / [Description of the measure]
Bad experience because:
Cities: / [Description of the measure]
Bad experience because:
Other institutions: / [Description of the measure]
Bad experience because:

C.2. What cities have implemented a SUMP in your country?

Please provide lists of cities (and resp. contact details of cities) which have already implemented a SUMP, cities planning to introduce a SUMP, and cities interested in the topic (needing more attention and information to be provided). Fill in the table according to your best knowledge to make a “starting” overview – WP3 will soon provide you with city files from your country, including the cities’ participation in SUMP projects and contact details.

Cities with implemented SUMP / Cities planning to introduce SUMP / Cities interested in SUMP
1 / Budapest (BKK) / Possible candidates:
Nyiregyháza, Kecskemét, Székesfehérvár, Debrecen, Szeged, Miskolc, Pécs, Győr

Any comments / explanations / details:


D) Most active partners in your country

Identify stakeholders and partners active in sustainable mobility, mobility management and sustainable urban mobility plans (SUMPs) in your country and provide a list of them. Focus on national/regional/local actors – WP3 will soon provide you with information on EU project activity in your country.

Name of the institution / Main area of activities / Activities related to SUMPs up to now (relevant projects, etc.) / Contact details (web page, contact person, email, phone etc.)
Centre for Budapest Transport (BKK) / ·  transport organizing authority / CH4LLENGE
TIDE / ·  Tünde HAJNAL

·  Mattias JUHÁSZ

·  Tamás MÁTRAI

·  László Sándor KERÉNYI

The Clean Air Action Group (CAAG) / · sustainable transport
· sustainable energy policy
· sustainable urban development / ·  Márton VARGHA

Regional Environmental Centre (REC) / · governance for sustainability
· green economy / ELTISplus / ·  Eva CSOBOD

Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE) / · education
· R&D / ·  Dr. Csaba OROSZ

Széchenyi István University (SZE) / · education
· R&D / ·  Dr. Emese MAKÓ

E) Existing initiatives in your country

What are the existing national networks operating in the field of transport / sustainable transport, energy efficiency, health, regional development and other areas relevant for SUMP implementation in your country? (e.g. EPOMM-Plus network, CIVINET, Healthy cities association, etc.)