HPAC Application Instructions

To obtain a committee interview and letter, you must submit all materials to Interfolioby midnight onFriday, February 19, 2016.Please see the Interfolio Instructions document on the Health Professions HPAC website for detailed instructions.

Application Components

  1. WrittenMaterials

The following should be uploaded to Interfolio as a single Word document:

  1. Applicant Data Form

You must include an AMCAS, AADSAS, AACOMAS, or TMDSAS ID on the data form. These IDs are assigned to you when you open an account with the appropriate medical or dental school association. The ID you receive is the same one you will use when creating your online application through their centralized application system. You can learn more here. If you do not yet have an ID, you will need to provide it when you receive it.

B.Personal Statement(5300 characters, including spaces)

  1. Supplemental Information
  1. Checklist and FERPA waiver

Please print, sign, and upload to Interfolioas a separate document. Electronic signatures will not be accepted. If you cannot upload it to Interfolio, you may drop it off in person at the Pre-Professional Advising Office located in Phillips Hall, 107.

  1. Transcript(s)

After the Fall 2015 grades have posted, obtain an unofficial copy of your academic transcript from the Registrar (you can get a free copy from Colonial Central in the Marvin Center) and scan and upload it to Interfolio. We will not accept transcripts printed from GWeb. Also obtain copies of unofficial transcripts from other schools where you have taken courses and have these transcripts submitted to Interfolio. Transcripts from study abroad are not necessary.Transcripts from pre-matriculation credits (such as dual-enrollment college credits you received in highschool) are only needed for science or math coursework.

IV.Letters of Recommendation(LOR)

You need at least three letters of recommendation, including one from a member of the science faculty at GW and one from a member of the faculty in your major at GW. The total number of recommendations should not exceed five.

  • Instructions for your letter writers are available here. Please be sure to read them and provide a copy to your letter writers!

Interview Process

You will receive an email in the last week of February with instructions about how to schedule your HPAC interview. Interviews take start in early March and run through May. Each interview will be 15-20 minutes in duration. You will need to provide 4 copies of your current resume at the time of your interview.

Committee Letter Packet

The Committee Letter of Evaluation will be written by early Julyfor all interviewed students. Once the letter is completed, it will be combined with a cover letter describing the GW HPAC process, your letters of recommendation,and your Checklist and FERPA Waiver submitted as a part of this application. The aforementioned documents will be maintained in your Interfolio account as a Committee letter packet.

HPAC Application



State of Legal Residence:

Email Address: GWID:




I will be applying to (check all that apply):

MD only program (Allopathic medical school) Dental school

MD/PhD program Post-baccalaureate program

DO program (Osteopathic medical school) Other: ______

Have you ever been evaluated by the GW Health Professions Advisory Committee in the past? If yes, what year?

YesYear: No

Have you applied to professional school in the past (NOT INCLUDING GW’s Early Selection Program)? If yes, what year?

YesYear: No

I will be submitting letters of recommendation from the following individuals:






Personal Statement

Your essay should be no more than 5300 characters (including spaces, 10pt font)and should address the following questions:

  • Why have you selected the field of medicine/dentistry?
  • What motivates you to learn more about medicine/dentistry?
  • What do you want medical /dental schools to know about you that hasn'tbeen disclosed in other sections of the application?
  • Special hardships, challenges, or obstacles that may have influenced your educational pursuits.
  • Commentary on significant fluctuations in your academic record that are not explained elsewhere.


Please take your time when completing this information as it may be used in part to construct the committee letter. You may choose to answer these questions on a separate page, but please use 10pt font and DO NOT go beyond the allotted space.

  1. What is the greatest strength and weakness of your medical/dental school application?


  1. As a physician or dentist, you will work as part of a healthcare team. What experience has prepared you for this?

  1. Do you have a unique hobby? How has it contributed to your development?

  1. What book are you reading right now? Why did you choose it?

  1. How have you spent your summers since entering college? How do these experiences make you a better applicant?

  1. If you couldn’t become a doctor or dentist, what would you do instead? Why?

  1. Were you ever the recipient of any action by any college, university, or professional school for unacceptable academic performance (e.g. dismissal, disqualification, suspension, etc.) or conduct violation(s) (to include any administrative or judicial record or any record that has been expunged)? If yes, please explain the circumstances and consequences.


  1. Please list anyactivities or jobs(both health-related and otherwise) you have pursued since entering college that have contributed to your preparation for medical or dental school. You may only list ten activities, so please select the experiences that were most valuable to you. Please list chronologically with your most recent experience first.

Dates (From-To) / Title & Location / Description of Responsibilities / Hrs/week / Paid?
  1. Pick the two most meaningful activities from the lists above and explain how they have contributed to your personal growth and development and/or how they make you a stronger medical/dental school applicant. Please use 10pt font. Do not go beyond the allotted space.


I am submitting the following materials in support of my request for a HPAC Committee Letter of Evaluation, as indicated by my initials beside each required element:

Applicant Data Form______

Personal Statement ______

Supplemental Information ______

Academic Transcript(s)______

I understand that under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) I have the right to inspect and review my education records, with certain exceptions. I further understand that my HPAC Letter Packet may include one or more of my education records and/or information from my education records. By requesting a HPAC Committee Letter of Evaluation I am waiving my right to inspect and review my HPAC Letter Packet and its contents.

I certify that that I personally completed the Applicant Data Form, Personal Statement and Supplemental Information, and that all information I have provided or submitted in support of my application is truthful, correct and complete. I understand that the submission of false, incorrect or incomplete information or documents is prohibited and will be grounds for cancelling or withdrawing the Letter of Evaluation.

Full Name:




Date (mm/dd/yyyy):
