ONE DAY– C.Y.P.F.S Leader Accreditation Training
Friday 29th of April, 2016 – 9am - 5pm
(Combining the normal 2 day training into one longer day)
For all Teachers, Career and Transition, VET, Engagement, Well-being, Personal Learning
CYPFS is an approved WACE ENDORSED PROGRAM – includes up to 80 hours of coaching curriculum
Coaching Young People For Success (CYPFS) is a complete Youth Coaching Program that includes the TRAINING and all the RESOURCES schools and youth agencies need to introduce their own powerful life, career, school performance and peer coaching programs in groups and one to one straight away! CYPFS includes five stand alone coaching modules that together will assist young people design an inspiring and personalised life, career and school performance pathway plan from the inside out and then support them to achieve it.
The Program has been mapped against the ABCD blueprint and the Australian National Curriculum Framework and includes up to 80 hours of potential coaching curriculum and ready to use motivational activities that schools and youth support workers can use to enhance their existing careers and transitions, mentoring, personal learning and case management programs.
To learn more about CYPFS go to
The Training Fee includes:
- 12 month license and member login to CYPFS members Resource Library:
- Unlimited use of the Five coaching Modules with “turn key” power points for groups and one to one
- Printable and Writable Pathway Plan Answer Worksheets for every young person you coach
- Up to80 hours of potential coaching curriculum– ENDORSED PROGRAM UNDER THE WACE
- All Program upgrades
- A step by stepC.Y.P.F.S Leaders’ Manual
- Leaders’ Resource Kit - eight sets ofCoaching Activity Card Sorts (optional and can be shared)
COST: $330 pp (with 12 month license) OR Training Plus Leader Coaching Card Kit $660
(Kits are used in conjunction with the CYPFS Modules but can be shared amongst team members – see below for contents)
TRAINER:Robyn Chellew, Life Business Consultancy
ENQUIRIES:BRUCE SHERBOURNE on 0417 953 517or Robyn Chellew 0417144359
BOOKINGS: Email the registration form C/o Robyn Chellew at
Or complete your registration online at
ONE DAY CYPFS Leader's Accreditation Workshop EXTENDED - 9am – 5 pmParticipants will learn how to be successful leaders of the C.Y.P.F.S Program and be taken step by step through the Program and Leader’s Resource Kit and learn how deliver the Life, Career and Performance Coaching Modules in both GROUPS and ONE to ONE within their own programs. Participants will learn the Life Business P.O.W.E.R Coaching Model and how to assist young people design an inspiring Life, Career and Performance Pathway plan from the inside out and how to lead powerful conversations using the G.O.A.L model, and practice key one to one coaching skills to assist young people implement their goals on an ongoing basis.
Training Outline:
- Introduction to the C.Y.P.F.S Program & Resources
- The Life Business P.O.W.E.R Coaching Model
- Module 1. Career Coaching - Designing a “Life and Career Pathway Plan”
- Module 2. Life Coaching - Designing a “Steps for My Life Success” Master Plan
- Module 3. Performance Coaching - My TOP Performance Plan for Yr 11 & 12 and College Students
- Module 4. Performance Coaching - Steps For My School Success for Yr 7 – 10 Students
- Coaching for change using the G.O.A.L conversation
- Planning and Review
OR book ON-LINE CYPFS Leader's Accreditation Training – 12 HOURS OF VIDEO TUTORIALS
/ Participants will receive can complete the CYPFS Leaders Accreditation Training course at their own pace via an online training platform that includes approximately 12 hours of training video tutorials and life and career coaching activities. We will take you step by step through the five CYPFS Coaching Modules and teach you the key coaching skills you need to confidently deliver the CYPFS Life, Career, Performance and Peer Coaching Modules in GROUPS and ONE to ONE straight away within your own program or school!
Once completed every participant will be registered as a C.Y.P.F.S Leader and receive a Leaders Certificate and an on line login to access all FIVE Modules, power points, coaching resources and a license to print all the Pathway Plan Worksheets for every young person you coach for 12 months.
CYPFS Leaders Coaching Kit
/ includes 8 sets of coaching card activity card sorts that can be purchased individually or as a set to be delivered conjunction with the CYPFS Modules and slideshows.
My Life Motivator Cards -(20 x A4 cards)
The Life Motivator Cards highlight 20 core values to assist participants identify their key drivers for meaning and success in life and work. / Interest Coaching Cards - (33 x A5 cards)
The Interest Cards identify 33 different areas of interests, to quickly assist participants pinpoint what they are curious about and activities they love.
Workstyle Coaching Cards –(32 x A5 cards)
The Workstyle Coaching Cards assist participants imagine and identify specific workstyle preferences that would make them the happiest. / Lifestyle Coaching Cards - (25 x A5 cards)
The Lifestyle Cards assist participants identify specific lifestyle that would make them the happiest.
My Life Type Coaching Cards(6 x A4 Cards)
My LifeType coaching cards identify 6 personality and lifestyle preferences to assistparticipantsgain a deep appreciation of their strengths, and the life and career they could love. / “My Life” Cards (52 x A5 Cards)
Includes 50 images to assist participants identify how they feel about their life today and a compelling vision for how they would love there life to be. A must have resource for every coach
Emotional Intelligence Cards - (30 x A5 cards)
The My E.Q cards outline 31 key emotional skills that maximise success in life/work. Cards assist participants identify key emotional strengths and areas for development. / Performance Cards- (45 x A5 cards)
The Performance Coaching Cards include forty-five strategies to assist participants take their school performance to a new level.