JUNE 20, 2016

The regularly scheduled semi-monthly meeting of the Hawley City Council was held on Monday, June 20, 2016 in the City Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Mayor Johnson with the following members present: Johnson, Gunkelman and Joy. Absent: Young, and Mork. Also present were Clerk Treasurer Jetvig, Attorney Baer, Engineer Hajicek, Public Works Superintendent Kluck, Marc Ness and Enson Maattala.

A motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Joy to approve the amended agenda. Ayes: 3. Absent: 1.

Johnson announced that long time City Councilmember, John Young, Jr., passed away on June 7, 2016. Johnson called for a moment of silence in honor of the 28+ years of service that John Young, Jr. has served the City of Hawley. Johnson read letters of condolences from the cities of Lake Park and Oak Park Heights. Johnson shared that when he and Joy attended the LMC training the previous week, they heard condolences from dozens of League employees and elected officials from other Cities.

A motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Joy to approve RESOLUTION NO. 16-24 Resolution Declaring a Vacancy, Young seat. Ayes: 3. Absent: 2.

Johnson encouraged anyone interested in serving on the City Council to fill out an application at City Hall by June 28, 2016. Interested parties must be at least 21 years of age and have been a resident of the City of Hawley for at least 30 days.

Engineer Hajicek gave the Council an update on the proposed project to install water and sanitary sewer service lines to the Hewson property at 2119 Ridgeview Circle. The estimated cost of the project is $58,000. Bids for the project will be opened on July 18, 2016. Hajicek has met with the Hewsons and City staff to go over the plans and specifications.

This project is installing service lines to an existing home, and these lines can only be used by the Hewson property. No other lot(s) could hook into these service lines. The other 7 lots located on Ridgeview Circle will remain unbuildable lots, as City Code requires that a lot must be served with City water and sewer before a zoning permit can be issued. Development of all the lots in the area would come by a petition of 100% of the property owners to do an initial installation of Streets, storm sewer, sanitary sewer main and water main.

It was discussed that when this area gets developed, and water/sewer mains are installed with the City street, the Hewson property would be required to hook up to those mains and get assessed for the project.

A motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Joy to approve RESOLUTION 16-25 Improvement Hewson #1 Approving Plans and Specifications and Ordering Advertisement for Bids. Ayes: 3. Absent: 1.

Johnson encouraged residents to look into the water and/or sewer service line warranty programs available to City of Hawley residents through Service Line Warranties of America.

Public Works Superintendent Kluck gave the Council an update on the City of Hawley Wellhead Protection Program. It is a program required by the State of Minnesota. The goal of the plan is to prevent human-caused contaminants from entering our water supply wells and to protect all who use our water supply from adverse health effects associated with groundwater contamination.

The City of Hawley Wellhead Protection Plan needs to be completed by September of 2019. It was noted that our wells have been found to be not vulnerable to contamination.

Kluck informed the Council that staff is having electrical issues with the mosquito sprayer. It was purchased in 2002 and has an average life expectancy of 10 years. The Council reviewed the quote from Clarke in the amount of $9,500 plus shipping of $68.80 for a new sprayer. Kluck stated that there is money in the Vector Control budget to purchase a new sprayer. Kluck felt the old sprayer could be sold for $2,000.

A motion was made by Gunkelman, seconded by Joy to purchase a Cougar Smart Flow Mosquito Sprayer from Clarke for $9,568.80. Ayes: 3. Absent: 1.

Kluck gave the Council an update on the City of Hawley 2016 Clean Up Days. The cost was $6,695 compared to $6,503 in 2015 and $5,187.40 in 2014. It was the feeling of the Council that this is a valuable service to offer to the residents of Hawley.

Gunkelman stated that the City Council will hold a Public Hearing on July 18, 2016 at 6:15 p.m. regarding the Gregory R. Larson Annexation Petition. The land proposed to be annexed is approximately 8.15 acres at 22240 Highway 10 (north of UAS and Leonard Street). The public is invited to attend.

The sketch plan for the proposed Autumn Subdivision in the annexation area was referred to the Planning Commission.

Gunkelman reported that the Red River Regional Dispatch Center(RRRDC) Board of Authority has approved their 2017 budget in the amount of $4,179,300.15. The budget represents an increase of 12.048%. In addition to the 2017 budget, the radio consoles are scheduled for replacement. The agencies has set aside $400,000 for this expense and the remainder ($338,452) will be assessed as a special assessment.

Baer noted that there are only 2 elected officials (Cass and Clay County Sheriffs) on the RRRDC Board that has a budget of over $4 million.

A motion was made by Gunkelman, seconded by Joy to approve RESOLUTION 16-26 Accepting Donations from M State of BES items. Ayes: 3. Absent: 1.

Joy reported that a Heartland Trail meeting is scheduled for June 28, 2016 at 3:00 p.m. in the Hawley City Council Chambers.

A motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Gunkelman to approve the following consent items:

-05/27/16 special meeting minutes

-06/06/16 minutes

-May 2016 Fund Balance Report

-MAOSC 3 updates

-US Census Bureau 2016 Webinar Series

-Draft July City Newsletter

-June/July 2016 Meetings Calendars

The motion carried by a vote of Ayes: 3. Absent: 1.

A motion was made by Joy, seconded by Johnson to approve the following accounts payable $89,567.37. The motion carried by a vote of Ayes: 3. Absent: 1.

There being no further business at 6:30 p.m. it was moved by Joy, seconded by Gunkelman that the meeting be adjourned. Ayes: 3. Absent: 1.



Gary E. Johnson Lisa Jetvig

Mayor Clerk Treasurer