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Chapters X - XVIII Quiz

Circle the correct answer to each question.

1. Inkstained and Goldbuttons are friends of

a. General Washington

b. Mr. Billingham

c. Mr. Lockton

2. What does Isabel promise to “get” Ruth that is important to her?

a. a doll

b. food

c. a new dress

3. Why do the soldiers take the windows from the Lockton’s house?

a. as a form of punishment

b. for the lead to make ammunition

c. for the glass to make dishes

4. By working as a spy, what does Isabel hope to gain for herself and Ruth?

a. money

b. freedom

c. land

5. Who treats Isabel with kindness?

a. Lady Seymour

b. Lady Billingham

c. Lady Elihu

6. Why is the Royal Fleet on its way to New York City?

a. to join in the fight against King George

b. to stop the Patriot troops

c. to work out a peace treaty with the colonists

7. Lockton, Goldbuttons and the Mayor plan to

a. invade the Patriot fortress.

b. start a riot that will kill Patriot soldiers.

c. assassinate George Washington.

8. Madam says that Ruth is “possessed by the devil.” What is really wrong with her?

a. She is seeking attention by faking sick.

b. She is having an epileptic seizure.

c. She is truly possessed by the devil.

9. What does Madam threaten to do to Ruth after her “fit?”

a. sell her

b. beat her

c. take her to a priest

10. What did Isabel steal from Mr. Lockton’s desk?

a. a book

b. money

c. an important paper

11. Where did the Patriot troops stay?

a. the Battery

b. the Patriot Hotel

c. FortGeorge

12. Why did Isabel go to see Colonel Regan?

a. to tell him Mr. Lockton’s plans

b. to see Curzon

c. to get a gun to kill Madam

13. What is the code that Isabel is to use given to her by Colonel Regan?

a. huzzah

b. ad astra

c. rats

14. What will happen to Mr. Lockton if he is arrested for his crime?

a. He will be hanged.

b. He will be sent back to England for trial.

c. He will be jailed and have to pay a fine.

15. How did Mr. Lockton escape?

a. He left in the middle of the night.

b. He disguised himself as a Patriot soldier.

c. He sent himself away nailed into a box labeled ‘cheese.’