Connected Communities Implementation Grant

Project Expansion Plan (Milestone 4)

The purpose of the Project Expansion Plan is to identify and document specific areas that must be addressed in order for yourConnected Communities Grant project to be expanded to additional trading partner organizations beyond the scope of the grant project while maintaining the trading relationships that were established with the healthcare organizations that participated in this grant. In order to completely address the questions below you will need input from clinical and operational leadership from: the grantee organizations, grant collaborator organizations and additional organizations that are interested in being included in the use cases that were implemented through this grant. The final Project Expansion Plan should be at least 3 pages in length.

How do you plan to sustain and expand participation in the use cases that were implemented through this grant? Include a description of how you will include current grant collaborators, and other healthcare organizations in the community that were not part of the grant. Please list additional organizations and specific contacts by name and indicate the role that they will play in rolling out the use case within their organization (e.g. project champion, clinical lead, technology lead).
Discuss how you plan to promote the use cases that were funded by this grant to support at least one of the following:
  • Alternative payment arrangements of use case participants, e.g. Medicare Shared Savings Program, Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA), Medicare’s Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS), Mass Health ACO or other alternative payment model
  • Mass HIway Connection Requirement for use case participants (see The Mass HIway connection requirement: Who must connect to the Mass HIway and when underSummary of Mass HIway Regulations)

What were the key factors to the success of your project and what were your greatest challenges?
If the state were to roll out a use case model similar to the one you and your collaborators just implemented, what are your recommendations for the types of services the state could provide to organizations to support their adoption of the use case?