Who was there today: Lorna Wise, Jan Mills, Janet Chierchia, Jenny Steeples, Mo Rowe, Rita Kinsey, Kathy Osborne, Stephen Taylor, Rebecca Hayles, Ophelia Matthias, Marica Lawman, Bernadette Chuter, Jennifer Kelsey, Judith Lesley-Smith, Helen Dayson, Donna Williams, Anna Bundy, Andrew Malster, Amy Beth Cater-Dalgliesh, Henry Sims, Brian Sims, Andrea Fawcett and Florence Garland
LD Plan
Key Threads are: (all through considered in each chapter)
- About me – (inc personalisation/PCPs/Choice/control)
- Complex needs (inc SLD/autism/Aspergers/sensory loss)
- Changes in my life (all types of transition)
- Communication (how we communicate and ensure people are heard)
- Staying healthy
- The right place to live
- My day (inc 2 sub chapters, learning and leisure for life and work and opportunities)
- Being safe
- Relationships and family
- Supporting carers and families
- The right support
Agreement of themes for next year Partnership Board – only one per meeting
Things people do during the day / 11 /- combined with after transformation (Jan 2014)
After transformation / 11
Transition / 1
Good support not just care / 16 /
- 16thOctober 2013
Information / 10 /
- (April 2014)
Holidays/respite / 3
Relationships / 8 /
- (July 2014)
Housing support / 7
Person centred coordinated care / 8 / (Oct 2014)
More with less / 6
Access / 2
Work / 2
It was decided that we would have a workshop on good support (not just care but also PCP and supporting each other) This will be a chance to invite providers to work with us to think about what we want support to be like and how they can make that happen. We will have this workshop after the board in October so we have all the questions and things we are worried about to think about at the workshop. Flo and Andrea will organise this.
The reps would like a yearly report so they can look at what they have achieved. Award ceremony? Or maybe certificate? Andrea said the LIGS needed to think about how they would write the report and what a certificate might be for.
It was also decided that the LIGs should submit less questions but more strategic ones (max 10 but 5 would be better!). As agreed, no personal questions.
It was decided that the reps would be elected for 2 years so that they grow into their role. The Co-Chair of the Partnership Board should be elected every year although the same person could be elected for another year if they wanted to put themselves forward and people voted for them. You do not have to put yourself forward for co-chairing the meeting if you do not want to but you can still be a LIG rep. We decided that we would have elections for the co-chair at the July Partnership Board meeting. People who are interested in being the co chair need to send Flo a bit of information about themselves and let people know why they should vote for them. Flo will make sure these are sent out to all the LIGs so people know who they can choose from. Flo will need this by the 10th of June so everyone has time to think about who to vote for.
Cllr Hindson has now retired and Steve would like a rep to come with him to talk to the new Adult Services Executive Memberwhen we know who it is, this will be after 23 May. Andrea has also sent a briefing note for the new Executive Member about the Partnership Board so they will know something about what everyone has been doing and why the board is important, this might help them make up their mind if they would be willing to be one of the chairs..
There was a reminder that for each LIG rep, there is a £15 per month for attending meetings/workshops etc.
(please don’t forget to send your forms in to Flo within 3 months)
There was a discussion about whether there should be two carer reps for each LIG but the service users and Steve felt this would make it harder for Learning Disabled reps to be heard. The carers were concerned that people with complex needs would not be well represented but this should be the responsibility of all the reps.
It was agreed that there would still be one named carer per LIG who sits on the board (LIG to decide) and it was also agreed that a 2nd carer could be elected to be backup carer rep and if they wanted they could come and observe the Partnership Board meetings though they would not be able to join in the discussions.
There was a reminder that there is £15 per month for the named carer for attending meetings/workshops.
Anything else
Recording of the Partnership Board: it was left with the LIG reps to discuss at the next LIG reps meeting next week and them to come back to Flo with their findings.