Executive Committee Meeting

March 31, 2007

Dallas, Texas

The Executive Committee of TCCTA met on Saturday, March 31, 2007, at 10:30 a.m. in Conference Room A at Love Field, in Dallas, Texas, pursuant to the call of such meeting.

ATTENDANCE The following Executive Committee members were present: Ms. Terry Mouchayleh, President, Mr. Revis Bell, President-Elect, Dr. Fred Newbury, Secretary, Dr. Annie Johnson Benifield, Treasurer, Ms. Danita L. McAnally, Immediate Past President, and Mr. Larry C. Allen, whose term as Immediate Past President concluded that day. Mr. Richard Moore, Executive Director, and Dr. Scott Nelson, Associate Executive Director, were also present at the meeting. Dr. Andrea Zabel, Vice-President, arrived late to the meeting, due to car trouble.

CALL TO ORDER Meeting called to order by Ms. Mouchayleh at 10:30 a.m.

APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Ms. McAnally offered a motion that the consent agenda be approved. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bell and was passed unanimously.

TREASURER’S REPORT Mr. Moore discussed the status of the budget, noting that there were still several accounts receivable and items related to the convention yet to be paid. He said that a better picture of the budget would appear at the committee’s meeting in May, but he believed the budget for the year just ended would be in a slight deficit position.

REPORTS OF OFFICERS Ms. McAnally requested that minutes of Executive Committee meetings for the past five years be sent to the President and President-Elect. She also noted the considerable uncertainty in the current legislative session. She believes accountability measures will move forward in some form before the end of the session, and that they will likely be included in the Coordinating Board’s implementation of vertical teams.

Mr. Bell reported that members at his college had requested an organization chart for TCCTA. It was agreed by consensus that Mr. Moore prepare a draft of such a chart for the committee’s next meeting. Mr. Bell also said members have expressed to him an interest in restricting certain information on the association’s Web site to a members-only area.

Mr. Allen expressed his appreciation to members of the Committee, as well as former members who served during his terms of office. His tenure on the Executive Committee, he said, has been a highlight of his professional career. Mr. Allen also reported on developments in a legal case at his college in which the Association had assisted a member. It was his opinion that these developments had clearly vindicated the member, as well as the Association’s handling of such sensitive matters.

Dr. Zabel arrived during Mr. Allen’s report. She said she enjoyed her students this semester, and that the college has a number of building projects underway on campus.

The committee discussed the proposed assignments and considered several changes. Mr. Allen offered a motion, which was seconded by Ms. Mouchayleh, that the proposed committee assignments, with changes as noted in the attached list, be approved. The motion was passed unanimously,

APPOINTMENTS TO COMMITTEESMs. Mouchayleh presented a list of proposed committee assignments for the coming year. She indicated her interest in acknowledging the service and loyalty of long-time members, while also integrating new members into the leadership of the organization. She also said she tried to include members from as many schools as possible. After consideration of the proposal, Ms. McAnally offered a motion, which was seconded by Mr. Bell, that the proposed committee assignments be approved, and that as individuals decline appointments, Ms. Mouchayleh be authorized to name their replacements. The motion was passed unanimously.

LEADERSHIP RETREAT Ms. Mouchayleh expressed her desire that chairs of all TCCTA committees attend the Leadership Retreat, in May. She would like the Retreat to focus on action items, to follow up on the strategic planning of the past two years. Her goals are to implement some of the findings of the strategic planning process, with a special emphasis on positioning TCCTA as an essential part of our members’ professional lives. Understanding the concerns and styles of the four generations currently at our institutions will be crucial in that effort, she said.

COMMISSIONS TO COMMITTEES Ms. McAnally asked that the commission to the Membership Services Committee be reconsidered. As we align the services of the organization to our members’ needs, the work of this committee will require special attention. She noted, for example, that a new “members-only” section of the Web site may be used to implement and promote certain initiatives of the committee.

AUDIT OF ASSOCIATION FINANCIAL RECORDS Mr. Bell made a motion, seconded by Dr. Zabel, that Steve Tilson, a Certified Professional Accountant, be hired to perform an audit of the Association’s financial records. The motion was approved unanimously. It was agreed by the committee that a different auditor should be selected next year.

CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSAL BY AVECTRA CORPORATION Mr. Moore described a proposal offered b the Avectra Corporation to house and support the Association’s membership database. Explaining that the current database system is no longer adequate, and has led to some frustration for members, he recommended that the database be migrated to Avectra this spring and summer so it will be ready prior to the membership drive in the fall. A motion was made by Dr. Zabel, and seconded by Ms. McAnally, that Mr. Moore execute a contract on behalf of the Association with Avectra to offer database management services. The contract will require the Association to pay no more than $3,000 per year for these services. The motion was passed unanimously.

POSITION VACANY ON ASSOCIATION STAFF Mr. Moore offered an update on the position vacancy in the State Office staff. Dr. Nelson, he reported, will continue working in the State Office through the current legislative session, and perhaps slightly longer. Mr. Moore would like to make a final decision on the new staff person as soon as possible to ensure a smooth transition. After discussion, it was agreed that he will send a job description to the Executive Committee, then publicize the position in the April issue of the TCCTA Messenger, on the Association’s Web site, and through an e-mail distributed to Campus Representatives.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING It was agreed that the next meeting of the Executive Committee would be held on Monday, May 21, at 1:00 p.m., in conjunction with the Leadership Retreat, in Austin.

ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the committee, the meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m.