NHS Aspiring Finance Leaders National Talent Pool Application form

1. Personal details and current role

Before you begin the application, please take the time to read through the Director of Finance & Chief Finance Officer capabilities document, downloadable from the Future Focused Finance website. In addition to this application form, please send an up to date CV to .

1.Your first name *

2.Your last name *

3.Your job role *

4.Your organisation name *

5.Your email address *

6.Your organisation type *

/ Acute Trust
/ Clincal Commissioning Group (CCG)
/ Mental Health Trust
/ Ambulance Trust
/ Community Trust
/ Infrastructure body (organisations other than trusts, CCGs, mental health and social care organisations)
/ Other (please specify):

Please summarise your current role and responsibilities, including structure chart demonstrating the line management tier(s) from your post to the Director of Finance/Chief Finance Officer (max 100 words) *

2. Motivation and learning and development activities to date

Having considered the capabilities required of an NHS finance leader I can confirm that I believe that I am ready now, or in the very near future, to become a Finance Director or Chief Finance Officer, and that I am committed to applying for that level of role as my next career step. *

/ Yes
/ No

7.Please describe why you believe yourself to be ready now, or in the very near future to become a Finance Director or Chief Finance Officer (hereafter referred to as ‘finance leader’)? (max 100 words) *

8.Explain what you personally hope to gain from joining the National Talent Pool and how that links to your personal and career development plan (max 150 words) *

9.Explain what you hope the wider NHS will gain from you joining the National Talent Pool (max 150 words) *

10.Describe the key personal learning and development activities undertaken within the last 2 years to support your move to a finance leader role e.g. additional responsibilities, skills development, or projects. Briefly explain their impact on your capability (max 100 words)

11.Please provide details of internal or external leadership development training undertaken e.g. NHS Leadership Academy Nye Bevan, Executive Leadership Development Programme Ashridge Management College, MBA, Aspiring Director programmes

Start date / End date / Name of Training / Training Provider

3. NHS Finance Leader Capabilities

Before filling in this section, please make sure you have read the Director of Finance & Chief Finance Officer capabilities document downloadable from the Future Focused Finance website.

Self as Leader (max 250 words) Thinking about your leadership style please provide examples of how you have demonstrated the following capabilities in your recent career. Please provide an example for each capability. Interpersonal skills and communication (1 example) Drive, integrity, resilience and respect for others (1 example) Emotional intelligence (1 example) *

Working with Others in the Organisation (max 300 words) Reflecting on how you work with your team/ senior people in other divisions/ your Board or Governing Body please provide examples of how you have demonstrated the following capabilities in your career to date. Please provide an example for each capability. Leading strategic direction and leading change (1 example) Leading teams and people (1 example) Influencing, negotiation and decision making (1 example) Building relationships (1 example) *

System Leadership (max 250 words) Considering your local, regional or national health and care systems, please provide examples of how you have demonstrated the following capabilities at a senior level in your career System leadership and leading system change (1 example) Building external relationships (1 example) *

4. Supporting Declaration

Applications for the Aspiring NHS Finance Leaders National Talent Pool require the active support of the applicant’s Director of Finance or Chief Finance Officer, or in exceptional circumstances an appropriate board level sponsor. By their signature on this form, the applicant’s sponsor supports the readiness of the applicant now or in the very near future to become a Finance Director or Chief Finance Officer. The signature also demonstrates that the sponsor and therefore the employing organisation fully support the applicant to take part in development activities associated with membership to the talent pool including: a residential development centre, three coaching sessions, four action learning sets and two masterclasses. Additionally, the participant will require the active support of their sponsor to plan and actively work on the learning activities captured in their personal development plan and to hold regular (at least once a month) meetings with their line manager to discuss and support their progress.

12.Who is supporting your application? *

/ Director of Finance
/ Chief Finance Officer
/ Board level sponsor (if not Finance Director or Chief Finance Officer)

13.If your sponsor if someone other than your Director of Finance or Chief Finance Officer, please provide details of their name, job title and organisation.

14.The National Talent Pool is funded by the Finance Leadership Council. Please tick this box to declare that you agree to pay all or part of the relevant fee if you are invited and agree to attend, but do not complete the development centre and/or required Talent Pool activities (including coaching, masterclasses and action learning sets): *

/ I confirm that I agree to the terms and conditions described above

15.In the event you were unsuccessful, we would normally forward your details to your FSD manager who can signpost you to other relevant opportunities. To opt out of doing this, please tick this box.