Practice Test for Exam 1

  1. “An explanation for natural phenomena that is well supported by many reliable observations” describes which of the following?
  2. Fact
  3. Hypothesis
  4. Law
  5. Scientific theory
  1. A scientific theory is considered fact.
  2. True
  3. False
  1. Atmospheric oxygen became abundant due to eukaryotic plants.
  2. True
  3. False
  1. Mitochondria and plastids both have circular DNA separate from the DNA contained in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell. This is evidence supports what theory?
  1. Which clade carries out non-plant like photosynthesis (does not produce O2 as a result of photosynthesis)?
  2. Proteobacteria
  3. Spirochetes
  4. Chlamydias
  5. Cyanobacteria
  1. Bacteriorhodopsin is a photosynthetic pigment unique to
  2. Extreme thermophiles
  3. Extreme halophiles
  4. Methanogens
  5. Proteobacteria
  1. Members of this clade have complex life cycles and are known to be malaria-causing:
  2. Euglenozoa
  3. Parabasala
  4. Apiocomplexans
  5. Dianoflagellates
  1. Plasmodial slime molds belong to clade
  2. Stramenopila
  3. Ameobozoa
  4. Rhodophyta
  5. Alveolata
  1. In a certain area of the Pacific, yellow and green sunlight penetrate the water down to 50m. You have discovered a new photosynthetic protist that lives 75m below the surface of the water. This organism is ______and belongs to phylum ______.
  2. Chlorophyta, Proteobacteria
  3. Stramenopila, Rhizaria
  4. Green algae, Protista
  5. Red algae, Plantae
  1. A radioactive isotope has a half-life of 1.2 billion years. As measured by the presence of the isotope and its stable decay product, a rock originally contained 10 grams of the radioactive isotope, and now contains 1.25 grams. Approximately how many years old is the rock?
  1. 1.2 billion years
  2. 10,000 years
  3. 3.6 billion years
  4. 4.8 billion years

11. Fossils that can be used to establish relative dates are most likely to be found in ______.

  1. Glacial till (i.e. rubble)
  2. Sedimentary rock
  3. Igneous rock
  4. Volcanic archipelagos

12. What disease is caused by the organism illustrated?

  1. Trichomonas
  2. Chlamydia
  3. African Sleeping Sickness
  4. Lyme Disease

13. What evidence supports the hypothesis that mitochondria and plastids evolved from prokaryotic endosymbionts?

  1. They have a single circular chromosome similar to bacterial chromosomes
  2. They have flagella similar to bacterial flagella
  3. Their ribosomes are more like prokaryotic ribosomes than eukaryotic ribosomes
  4. Both a and c

14. All the members of which one of the following groups have the greatest number of characteristics in common?

  1. Class
  2. Kingdom
  3. Phylum
  4. Species

15. Bacterial cells, but not eukaryotic cells possess ______.

  1. Photosynthetic pigments
  2. A nucleoid with a circular chromosome
  3. Membrane-enclosed organelles
  4. Cell walls

16. Bacteria that use light for their energy source and CO2 for their carbon source are called:

  1. Photoautotrophs
  2. Photoheterotrophs
  3. Chemoautotrophs
  4. Chemoheterotrophs

17. Prokaryotes found inhabiting the Great Salt Lake would be:

  1. Cyanobacteria
  2. Extreme Methanogens
  3. Extreme Thermophiles
  4. Extreme halophiles

18. What supergroup is characterized by thread-like pseudopodia, termed “filose”?

  1. Excavata
  2. Unikonta
  3. Rhizaria
  4. Stramenopiles

19. Which class of archaea includes most of the extreme thermophiles?

  1. Euryarchaeota
  2. Crenarchaeota
  3. Korarchaeota
  4. Extremophiles

20. A coenocytic mass is a feature of what group?

  1. Gymnamoebas
  2. Plasmodial slime molds
  3. Lobose Amoebae
  4. Green Algae

21. Which of the following is NOT a use of diatomaceous earth?

  1. Nanotechnology
  2. Pesticide
  3. Metal finishes
  4. Reflective paint

22. What is the structure illustrated in the picture?

  1. Coenocytic mass
  2. Body mass
  3. Psedupodium
  4. Sporangia

23. What clade do these two organisms belong to?

  1. Ciliates
  2. Cyanobacteria
  3. Green Algae
  4. Spirochetes

24. Pick the correct order in which these groups appear in the fossil record, starting

with the earliest and ending with the most recent:

a. Prokaryotes, Abundant O2 in atmosphere, Eukaryotes, Land plants

b. Abundant O2 in atmosphere, Prokaryotes, Eukaryotes, Land plants

c. Prokaryotes, Land plants, Abundant O2 in atmosphere, Eukaryotes

d. Abundant O2 in atmosphere, Prokaryotes, Land plants, Eukaryotes

25. Mitosis produces daughter cells ______to their parent cells. Meiosis produces daughter cells that are ______from their parent cells.

a. Genetically different; genetically identical

b. Genetically identical; genetically different

c. Genetically different; genetically different

d. Genetically identical; genetically identical

26. List the prokaryotic domain(s):

27. List the eukaryotic domain(s):

28. All members of this clade of bacteria are obligate intracellular parasites:

  1. Spirochetes
  2. Chlamydiae
  3. Plantae
  4. Proteobacteria

29. Which group of protists has both hairy and smooth flagella?

a. Amebozoa

b. Parabasala

c. Alveolates

d. Stramenopila

30. Taxonomy is the grouping of species to reflect evolutionary history and the degree of relatedness between/ among taxa.

a. True

b. False

31. Taxonomy is the process of finding features that distinguish between closely related species; a method of cataloging or giving names to reflect species-to-species relationships.

a. True

b. False

REVIEW: Figures 29.7, 30.7, summary table 30.2

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