This competition consists of 50 questions divided into five parts.

For multiple choice questions, clearly circle the correct answer(s).


  1. Which sura contains ‘Bismillah’ twice?

(a) Luqman (b) Hud (c) Qasas (d) Namal

  1. In which ayat, is the giving of the ring as Zakat by Imam Ali, mentioned?

(a) 2:43 (b) 5:55 (c) 22:77 (d) 9:112

  1. Allah has taken the work of guarding the Holy Quran in ayat:

(a) 75:17 (b) 10:15 (c) 54:17 (d) 15:09

  1. In which Ayat are Imam Hassan and Hussain referred to as children of the Holy Prophet?

(a) 2:146 (b) 9:24 (c) 3:61 (d) 33:33

  1. By which name is ayat 42:23 commonly known?

(a) Ita’am (b) Mubahilla (c) Mawaddat (d) Ghadir

  1. Which quality of the Holy Prophet is mentioned in ayah 53:03?


  1. In which ayat is a clear order about Hijab given?

(a) 24:60 (b) 24:31 (c) 33:59 (d) 33:53

  1. Which quality of the daughter of Hazrat Shoaib is mentioned in 28:25?


  1. Write four pieces of advice given by Hazrat Luqman to his son in 31:17.



  1. In 11:46, for which reason is the son of Hazrat Nuh, not accepted as part of the family?



  1. Write the names of the four books of Hadith, known as Kutbe Arba’a. ______


  1. How many volumes does Bihar-ul-Anwar consist of, and who is its author?


  1. Jabir-e-Ju’fi narrates from which Maasum?


  1. Hadith-e-Mufazzal is attributed to which Imam?


  1. Write the translation of Hadith-e-Saqlain.



  1. The Holy Prophet said, ‘O Ali, you are to me as Haroon was to Musa’. What is this Hadith known as?

(a) Safina (b) Ghadir (c) Manzilat (d) Daar

  1. Which number in Nahjul Balagha is the lengthy will of Imam Ali to Imam Hassan? ______
  1. Which knowledge is the knowledge of discussing about the validity of narrators of Hadith?


  1. Nahjul Balagha consists of how many letters, sermons and sayings?


  1. How many duas are contained in Sahifa-e-Sajadiyya?


The main book used for the following questions was Kitab-ul-Irshad and The Message:


  1. How many people had the name Muhammed, before the Holy Prophet?

(a) 0 (b) 4 (c) 12 (d) 16

  1. Who were the two foster mothers of the Holy Prophet?


  1. In the treaty of Hudaybiyya, who was the standard-bearer of the Holy Prophet?


  1. During the life of the Holy Prophet, in which battle was Imam Ali not present?

(a) Bani Qurayza (b) Badr (c) Tabuk (d) Mutaa

  1. In the last days of the Holy Prophet, which young man was made commander of the army?

(a) Imam Ali (b) Imam Hassan (c) Usama (d) Ibn Masuud

  1. What was the first message of the Holy Prophet after announcing Prophethood? ______


  1. Who was the first person to accept Islam? ______
  1. Where did Imam Hussain (a.s) receive the news of the martyrdom of Hazrat Muslim? ______
  1. What was the age of Imam Mehdi (a.s) when he entered Ghaybat-e-Kubra? ______
  1. Write the name of four representatives, known as Nawab-e-Arba’a, during Ghaybat-e-Sughra?





  1. Is Taqleed necessary in Usool-e-Deen?


  1. What is meant by Aab-e-Jari? ______


  1. How many Mutaherrat are there? ______
  1. What is Wudhu-e-Jabira? ______
  1. State four things on which Zakat is Wajib. ______
  1. Are men allowed to wear gold, not including Namaaz? ______
  1. If a person is able to do Hajj, from which age is Hajj wajib? ______
  1. Which things make Namaaz-e-Ayaat wajib? ______
  1. What is meant by Nazr? ______
  1. If Namaaz-e-Mayyat is being offered, is it Wajib to recite or to just listen to Dua? ______


General Questions

  1. Who was the founder of Hawza-e-Ilmiya Najaf?


  1. What was the name of Sheikh Baqir Sadr’s learned sister, who was martyred with him?


  1. What is the name of the famous book written by Ayatullah Hamid Hussain Mousavi of India?


  1. What is the name of the most distinguished Madressa in Qum?


  1. Who is the author of the book Jamiul Sadaat?


  1. Which maasum has narrated Dua-e-Makaramul Akhlaq? ______
  1. What is the Muslim population of the UK?


  1. Which Holy Prophet’s shirt gave sight to which other Prophet?


  1. According to the saying of Imam Hussain (a.s), which seven living creatures were not created from a mother?






  1. To whom did Imam Ali say, “You have served me with the same distinction and devotion with which I served my master, Muhammed, the blessed apostle of God.”? ______
