** D R A F T ***

EK Home and School Parent Council Association

Minutes of the meeting for Tuesday,March 19th, 2013


Charon Buck, Frances Locs, Hannah McIntosh, Denise Minardi, Danielle Nunn, Kathryn Rumbold, Simone Thomson, Xanthe Vallentin, and Jennifer Walsom

Total in attendance: 9


The February 2013 minutes were presented for approval. MOVED: by Xanthe that they be accepted. SECONDED: by Danielle. CARRIED.


TheMarch 2013 Agenda was presented for approval. MOVED: by Jennifer that they be accepted. SECONDED: by Frances. CARRIED.


* Parent Info Event: This event will take place on Monday, April 22nd. It will be a 6:30 start, and the session will last for approximately one hour. The discussion will touch base on children and anxiety. We are looking to provide childcare. It was suggested that perhaps we can have the karate school provide a program for grades 1 – 5 students and that we have babysitting available for the junior grades. It is Charon’s intent to advertise in the community as well as at EK. TO DO: Hannahwill contact the karate school to see if they would be available with providing a program. Simone to contact Madame Blais about junior childcare.

* Volunteer Appreciation Assembly: This year we are doing something different than having a volunteer tea. We would like the children involved so that they are aware of all the volunteers we have within the school. The assembly will take place April 29th and more information will be forthcoming.

* ArtGallery Trips :Pleased to announce that the Grade 3 – 5 Art Gallery Trips are continuing and the children seem to really enjoy them.

* Big Brother / Big Sister Penny Drive: Since the penny is being discontinued, we are looking to have a penny drive for Big Brothers / Big Sisters from May 6th – May 10th. These groups are involved in a very successful mentoring program at EK. A lot of the volunteers tend to be nursing students from McMaster. TO DO: Charon will put a note in the next EK email update that this is taking place and have everyone save their pennies.

* Spirit Day: In keeping with tradition, we had a beach day event the Friday before March break. The kids seem to still really enjoy this. We did not have an assembly this year.

* After School Scholars Program: The Grade 3 literacy support program has recently started and the children seem to be working very hard.

* Library Reorganization: We are slowly “remodeling” the library. We are looking to get a book nook and have a reading area with smaller furniture, bean bags, etc. where the children can “hang out” and read.

* Enrollment 2013: At present, we seem to be inline with the numbers we have had in the past. Although the full day program will have more children, the classroom sizes will be larger and will also have a teaching assistant – so at present – it does not seem like we will need any portable(s). We will be offering SK FI classes in September – approximately 2 – 3 classes.

* Junior CIL – Math: Staff at EK have been fortunate to be chosen to participate in this inquiry based profession learning program. This program encompasses grades 4 & 5 curriculum. Teachers get to provide feedback and participate in ways that math can be brought forward to the students to enhance their success.

* Water Bottles: The water bottles have been ordered. A draft of what the bottle will look like was distributed.

STAFF REPORT– Nancy / Jennifer

No report was presented however; questions were posed about the status of extracurricular activities and year end excursions. Parents have been approaching members of the committee for a status update. It was MOVED by Kathryn that a letter be sent to Nancy to get some clarification. Seconed by Xanthe. CARRIED. TO DO: Simone will draft a letter to Nancy to see if an update would be possible.


The current bank balance is approximately $20,308. Once we deduct funds already committed, we end up with a balance of approximate $5,000. Frances noted that the funds for the Forest Reading program have not yet been deducted from the account. Also, we may have some extra funds available if the Grade 5 year end excursion to BrockUniversity does not take place. Denise mentioned that perhaps we can have someone come in and teach the kids ringette (Rocks & Rings, for grades 1 – 5) and perhaps have Mountsberg bring in their exotic bird collection for the junior grades. It was agreed that these would be great events for the kids. We should also be looking at potentially booking another bilingual theatre. Denise will look into booking these three events. TO DO: Charon to follow up to ensure books were ordered. Denise to look at the possibility of booking ringette program, Mountsberg program and a bilingual theatre event.


* JK Info Night: The information session will be taking place on Thursday, April 25th. Xanthe and Kathryn will be attending as representatives for the group. A package will be prepared for distribution introducing the committee. TO DO: Simone to send out info on Fright Night and other info she had created previously for potential use.

* EK Parent – Waffaa Abdou: Xanthe brought to the groups’ attention that an EK mom has been detained by immigration since January 5th without the ability o see her children. Waffaa has 3 children that attend EK. The question was posed, “How can we help?” Ms Buck suggested that we need to get her story “out” and encourages all to contact David Christopherson’s office and note your support. Mr. Christopherson has been made aware of the situation and is currently involved. It was also suggested that we approach the husband to see how we can be of help. TO DO: Xanthe to contact David Christopherson’s office and advise how best to handle. Simone to draft a letter to her spouse, Mr. Wilki, and offer our support and ask how we can be of any help.

* May Art Auction: Xanthe will be drafting information for the teachers and distributing it to them. Information will outline size of art, etc. The closing of the auction will be dependent on when classroom visits will end.


* May Book fair: Location of the book fair and art auction was discussed. It was agreed that both events will take place in the gym. Hours of the book fair is anticipated to be from 3:30 – 7:00 ish – but this will be dependent on when classroom visits will end. TO DO: Xanthe to contact Allison who is running the book fair and coordinate.

* Open House: Open House is on May 9th. The Optimist group has been booked for the event. BBQ will be made available from 4:30 – 6:30 pm. We are hoping that classrooms are made available from 6:30 – 7:30. Charon will look at getting confirmation from the staff. It was also proposed that the group arrive early (just after 2nd recess) so that they can drive their trucks while the children are not on the playground. After some discussion, it was agreed that we should have them set up against the fence along Stanley.TO DO: Denise will coordinate with the group in reference to where they should set up. Simone will look at doing some “posters”.

* Rez Soccer: Denise was wondering if anything has arrived as yet. No one has seen any forms to date for distribution.


* Milk Program: On behalf of Cathy, Simone reported the following. (1) The form distributed for Pizza and Milk order inadvertently showed pizza day as being week one versus week two. Cathy and Kerry will be looking to amend this and ensure that pizza orders along with the milk orders take place accordingly. (2) The new donations section of the form was very successful. Cathy estimated that the funds received pretty much covered the current subsidies. (3) Some people who had ordered and paid for pizza in January also ended up ordering pizza for April and paying for it. These funds will be flushed into the donations category. It was felt by the group that the form was very clear that the April pizza event would be covered by January’s payment since we never had pizza day in January due to a snowday.


The group adjourned at approximately 8:20 pm.

The next meeting of EK Home and School Parent Council Association is to be held on Tuesday, April 9th, 2013at 7:00 pm. Please forward any agenda items to Simone Thomson at: byFriday, April 5th.

Respectfully submitted, Simone Thomson.

Approved:______Date: ______