Sheffield-Sheffield Lake City School
Lu Hyde
Scholarship Application
A Scholarship for students planning on majoring in English related fields or education.
Deadline for consideration – March 29, 2017. NO EXCEPTIONS
Two $500.00 Scholarships may be awarded
Name: ______Current Grade Level ______Graduation Date: ______
Address: ______City: ______Zip Code: ______
Mother/Guardian Name: ______Employer: ______
Father/Guardian Name: ______Employer: ______
Do you live with your family? YES ____ NO ____ Birthdate: ___/___/_____ Current Age: ____
Place of Birth: ______County, State of ______Country ______
Grade Point Average: ______Guidance Counselor Signature: ______
Have you applied for other scholarships or financial aid: YES ___ NO ___
What college do you plan to attend: ______
Have you been accepted: YES ___ NO ___ If no explain status: ______
What is your planned academic major in college? ______
Include with this application (2) one-page essays on the following topics:
a. Select three (3) adjectives, which best describe you and elaborate.
b. What book has most affected your life? How or why was this the case?
The Sheffield/Sheffield Lake City School
Lu Hyde Scholarship
The Lucretia Hyde Scholarship has been established to honor Lu Hyde, an outstanding teacher at Brookside High School for 27 years. There will be a scholarship awarded every year at the BHS Award ceremony. This gift will be packaged directly to the student(s) in one of Lu’s favorite books, The Precious Present.
We have tried to reflect Lu’s love of books and commitment to higher education in the parameters set forth for this scholarship. Therefore, the following will be the criteria for receiving this scholarship:
1. The student must intend to major in English related fields or education in college.
2. The student must be accepted at a college/university prior to being awarded this scholarship.
3. Financial need is not a requirement.
4. The application deadline is March 29, 2017, before 3:00 pm. Turn into the Guidance Office.
A 5-member interdisciplinary council will judge all applications. This council’s decision will be based on the above criteria.
A plaque with the recipients’ names will be displayed in the hallway at Brookside High School describing Lu and the scholarship so that the local community will have an opportunity to be aware of the winners.