The hearing was called to order at 6:02 p.m.

Those present: Councilor Michael Cummings, Councilor Scott Emery, Councilor Dave Morang, Councilor Mary Repole, and Council President, Robert Peacock. Also in attendance was City Manager, Jon Southern; City Clerk, Ella Kowal; and Legal Counsel, Dennis Mahar.

Present in the audience: Robert Scott, Jon McNerney, Lawrence G. Doak, Sr., Constance Knight, Ruth Wiens, Lynn Bowden, Sue Lara, Victor J. Voisine, Ronda Voisine, Reyndell Stockman, Kathryn Lewis, Cynthia Morse, Michael Morse, Leon Darden, Greg Noyes, Ken Brown, Denise Cassidy, Richard Clark, Margaret McGarvey, Edward French, Jack Reece, Hugh French, Paul Theriault, Jeanne Peacock, Damon Weston, Jan Finley, Lisa Stephen, David Consalvi, Dennis Mahar, and Sarah Talbot.

The Council President, Robert Peacock, reminds everyone of the importance of signing the signature sheet for attendance of the Public Hearing and asks that everyone attending be sure to sign it.

The Council President begins by giving the Fire Chief an opportunity to speak. He isin favor of accepting these funds as the building is in much need of the renovations and upgrades.

The City Manager addresses the Council and reflects that the City has been diligent in applying for and trying to get grant funding year after year for the renovation and upgrade to the Public Safety Facility a/r/a the Fire Station. He informs that we have been successful in reaching our goal and that the City has been awarded $300,000. He also notes that there is a requirement that the City match $75,000 and that this was previously voted on by Council to take it from


Economic Developmentand that the City does have these funds. He further states that the renovations will consist of a new roof; better insulation; a complete rebuild of living quarters; a training room for the firefighters; and other upgrades (if money permits) to the heating system and an air ventilation system. He takes a moment to thank everyone for their participation and involvement in getting us to this point as it has been a long process and one that is long overdue. He continues with informing the Council that he has met with the contracted engineer/ construction company (Steve Martin who is a general independent contractor) two weeks ago. He will be looking to do the initial assessment within the next two to three weeks from now and the work will begin within five to six weeks, weather permitting. As we enter into the construction and renovation phase of the fire station, the City will need to re-house the EMS crew and reminds the Council that we have offered up the trailer on Mitchell Street for this accommodation and that we are currently going through the required process for temporary occupancy and that it is being considered by the Planning Board. As we go through this construction, it is our intent to have full EMS services with minimal disruption.

Councilor Cummings asks the City Manager if this went out to bid. The City Manager responds that it went out a couple of years ago as part of the grant application whereby we needed to have a contractor on board to spec out the actual grant. Councilor Cummings raises concern about the prices changing. The City Manager advises that Mr. Martin is confident that that he is able to keep within the original prices previously committed to. Councilor Cummings asks these questions as he does not recall the bid process for said project. The City Manager reminds him that this took place before his employment with the City and probably before the beginning of Mr. Cummings serving his term as a Councilor. The City Manager makes reference that the only difference may be the fact that there may not be enough funds to do a new heating system or be able to do added luxuries. Richard Clark responds to Councilor Cummings and explains that the general contractor bids out the labor. The City Manager again reminds Councilor Cummings that the City is required to have a general contractor on board to be eligible for the grant. The City Manager does make reference that they will have to comply with the Davis-Bacon Act (which deals with pay scales, etc.) as a CDBG requirement.

Council President asks if there are any further questions. A member of the audience addresses the City Manager with a question relative to the recycling of air being considered as part of the luxuries previously mentioned. The City Manager responded that maybe luxuries was not the proper term to use; but that it would be more of what other upgrades could be incorporated given what is available for monies but also utilizing a scale of priorities and considered to be


essential. If any of the anticipated upgrades are not able to be attained with these funds, he further states that alternative resources or potential funding would be pursued. Councilor Cummings addresses the Fire Chief with a question as to whether or not these renovations and upgrades will be sufficient and he responded that they would as well as bring us up to code.

Council President calls for any additional questions or comments and there were none.

The Council President declared the hearing closed at 6:09 p.m.








The hearing was called to order at 6:10 p.m.

Those present: Councilor Michael Cummings, Councilor Scott Emery, Councilor Dave Morang, Councilor Mary Repole, and Council President, Robert Peacock. Also in attendance was City Manager, Jon Southern; City Clerk, Ella Kowal; and Legal Counsel, Dennis Mahar.

Present in the audience: Robert Scott, Rhonda A. Voisine, Jon McNerney, Lawrence G. Doak, Sr., Constance Knight, Sue Lara, Victor J. Voisine, Eart Small, Reyndell Stockman, Kathryn Lewis, Cynthia Morse, Michael Morse, Leon Darden, Greg Noyes, Ken Brown, Denise Cassidy, Richard Clark, Margaret McGarvey, Edward French, Jack Reece, Hugh French, Paul Theriault, Jeanne Peacock, Damon Weston, Jan Finley, Lisa Stephen, Dennis Mahar, David Consalvi, and Sarah Talbot.

The Council President, Robert Peacock, reminds everyone of the importance of signing the signature sheet for attendance of the Public Hearing and asks that everyone attending be sure to sign it.

The Council President addresses Hugh French and asks if he would like say a few words as Sarah Talbot had not yet arrived. He begins by explaining that this grant would be utilized to help with finishing up long-term efforts on the downtown revitalization. These efforts have been reflective over a period of the last ten yearsand are geared towards facade improvements for the Historic District downtown.

Councilor Morang asks Mr. French if the City is required to put any money towards this grant and he responded "no" that there are no matching funds required of the City. However, Mr. French and the City Manager both explain that the building owner would need to put up a 50/50 match should they decide to apply.


Councilor Cummings also addresses Mr. French with a question with respect to the possibility of incorporating the restoration of the bandstand which is behind the Library. Mr. French responded that a requirement of this grant is for the projects to be viewable to the public on the front street and/or walkway. However, he did say it is worth asking about funding for such a project and putting it out there to see if this is a possibility for

consideration through the facade program. Although he could not answer this for certain, he did say that he would inquire about it.

Council President informs the Council that there has been a proposal to change the prison BucksHarbor facility from a "minimum medium" facility to an "all minimum" facility which would have more service orientation work outside the gate and give towns the opportunity to benefit from the inmates being able to participate in such

a program.

Meg McGarvey reminds the Council that Deb Train is active in pursuing alternative resources for the restoration of the bandstand and suggests that she be contacted and included in the City's inquiry with respect to consideration through the facade program.

Sue Lara asks Mr. French if these funds from this grant would be used for the repair of the bandstand. He responded that initially the intent was geared more for the buildings in the Historic District. However, it is unknown at this time if this would be a possibility and that an inquiry would be made. She further asks for clarification that a business owner could potentially apply for such funding for their store front repair and what the application process entails. The City Manager responded that there would be a committee that would give consideration to these applications. He further states that it is his understanding that the applicant must be able to meet the 50/50 match.

Council President reminds everyone that this Public Hearing is for an application.

Ed French speaks as Chair of the Historic Review Board in support of the grant application and places emphasis on its importance.

Sue Lara asks a question relative to the timeline. The City Manager responds that he believed the City may hear something back within a month's time. However, he was not certain of it as it is hard to put a date out there until the City has received notice.


The City Manager also informs the Council of an entity that comes to us every two years which is a group called All Souls Congregational Church who are volunteers as well as experienced carpenters. He has been working with their coordinators and has been in touch with them as of recent and will be meeting with them next week to do a preliminary study of the areas within the community that could benefit from their services. Discussion has taken place that consideration be given to the bandstand, the Senior Citizen Center, and the Cemetery.

The Council President asked if there were any further questions or comments and there were none.

The Council President declared the hearing closed at 6:19 p.m.









The hearing was called to order at 6:20 p.m.

Those present: Councilor Michael Cummings, Councilor Scott Emery, Councilor Dave Morang, Councilor Mary Repole, and Council President, Robert Peacock. Also in attendance was City Manager, Jon Southern; City Clerk, Ella Kowal; and Legal Counsel, Dennis Mahar.

Ed French addresses the Council and speaks in favor of this amendment and also explains to the Council that this request has come from the property owner and that it has the approval and support of the Historic Review Board as well as the Planning Board. He further comments to say that this amendment is simply to include it into the Historic District and is an overlay zone to the existing zoning. He also emphasizes that the amendment does not have any effect to the taxation of the property but that any exterior changes would need to go through the Historic Review Board for their approval,

Councilor Morang asks for confirmation that this change would only affect said property and not any others on this street. Mr. French responds that this is accurate and that it would only apply to 6 Green Street.

Councilor Cummingsposes a question with respect to this change only being reflective of the building itself and Mr. French responds that it does not pertain to the adjacent lot just the building.

The Council President asked if there were any further questions or comments and there were none

The Council President declared the hearing closed at 6:21 p.m.







The meeting was called to order at 6:22 p.m. by Council President, Robert Peacock.

Those in attendance and present were: Councilor Mike Cummings, Councilor Scott Emery, Councilor Dave Morang, Councilor Mary Repole, and Council President, Robert Peacock. Also in attendance was City Manager, Jon Southern; and City Clerk, Ella Kowal; and Legal Counsel, Dennis Mahar.


The City Clerk addresses the Council with a need to add an item to the agenda as Item #4A and that being a Council Resolution that requires the signature of Council with respect to the Sewer grant.


Councilor Repole speaks on behalf of Persis Mooers in her absence and explains that she has met with the Budget Committee and was pleased to report of this opportunity and that they are looking ahead to move forward in a positive way.

Councilor Cummings asked if the minutes were available for review. Mr. Doak from the audience responded and said that they were available and that he would make sure they were attained and accessible.

4.SCHOOL/BUDGET CUTS (David Consalvi)

Mr. Consalvi introduces himself and addresses the Council. He is here tonight as a representative of the PTCO which is also referred to as the Parent/Teacher CommunityOrganization and their goal is to attain and acquire help in support of the educational system. He presents to the Council a graph which charts five years of historical data that is reflective of the budget and tax figures. He further explains that this was put together to put to rest some confusion and to help clarify what it is reflective of in terms of the budget and its process.


Meg McGarvey from the audience reminds Mr. Consalvi of the next PTCO meeting that is scheduled for Thursday, March 15that SheadHigh School in the Library at 6:00 p.m..

He further comments that these meetings are not exclusive to parents and/or teachers but that all are welcome to participate and that they are also working with neighboring communities as well.

Sue Lara from the audience asks Mr. Consalvi where he retrieved his data from. He responded to say that a majority of the figures were acquired from issues of the Quoddy Tides which reflect postings of the budget and some come from the school figures and is reflective of the number of students.


The City Manager addresses the Council and explains the need for a Council Resolution that it is pertaining to the submission of a grant and the second round of CDBG monies for the Public Infrastructure of the Sewer plant. He furthers states that the City was successfully awarded $500,000 last year which has been frozen and that we are hoping to add to it and utilizing it as leverage for larger money for things such as forgiveness loans from the Federal government, etc. The City is looking at a $2.2 million dollar project at the Sewer treatment plant and this would bring us half way there and would give us leverage with Federal funds. He continues to explain that Public Infrastructure is a category whereby you can apply two years in a row provided you are successful with the first year application. This would be the City’s second application. He also informs the Council that he has been working with CDBG staff and government agencies to ensure that they are able to see the importance of investing in Eastport’s wastewater treatment plant and that it is essential. He reminds that Council has approved the application previously. Thus, it was thought that the Council minutes reflective of Council’s approval for the borrowing of matching funds in the amount of $125,000 would be sufficient ; however, this was not the case and requires the City to produce said CouncilResolutionon a previously agreed project as submitted by the City Manager.

Council President continues forth with the reading of the Council Resolution.

Councilor Cummings makes a comment that he thought the City was already approved and that we had access to the money. The City Manager responded that was for last year and that money is earmarked. This resolution is pertinent to this year’s application. The City Manager emphasizes that the $500,000 awarded through the first application is available to the City through the State of Maine bank. The City Manager explains that if we do not receive funding from the secondapplication, we will begin with the upgrades by early Summer. He continues further to say that the project has been deliberately phased into three stages which is structured around the available pools of funding. The first phase is for pump station upgrades – telemetry and controls of the pump stations and