Stansbury Service Agency

Of Tooele County


1 Country Club, Suite #1, Stansbury Park, Utah, 84074

Phone: 435-882-6188 Fax: 435-843-5183

The regular meeting of the Stansbury Service Agency of Tooele County was held Wednesday, March 25th, 2015 at 7:00 pm, at the Stansbury Park Clubhouse, 1 Country Club, Stansbury Park, UT 84074. The agenda was published in the Transcript-Bulletin and on the Public Notice website.

Business Meeting:

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Neil Smart.

Pledge of Allegiance: Glenn Oscarson led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call:

Jamie Lindsay-Present

Gary Jensen-Present

Mike Johnson-Present

Glenn Oscarson-Present

Neil Smart-Present

Rod Thompson-Present


Randall Jones-Present

Cindy Curtis-Present

Review and Adopt Minutes:

Mike motions to adopt the minutes of the March 11th, 2015 minutes with the change of the statement that the wake board system can be used at the same time with other users of the lake. Gary seconds the motion and the vote is as follows:

Gary-yes Jamie-yes

Rod-yes Neil-yes

Glenn-yes Mike-yes

The minutes are approved.

Public Comment:

Dion Meyer, 172 Lakeview. Dion introduces Barbara Royale. Barbara is looking for space to hold meetings for a Parkinson's disease group on Friday's.. Word is getting out about the meetings so they need to have more space. Mike states that Friday's are difficult because it would conflict with the weddings. He suggests Monday thru Thursday and also suggests that Barbara call Tooele City or the library for available rooms. Barbara thanks the board for their suggestions.

Brenda Spearman, SPCA trustee. Brenda states that she is aware that there are problems and asks if a written agreement would be appropriate to alleviate some misunderstandings. Mike states that David sent an email expressing some of the problems he has been having such as access to the building and storage space. Randy has let them know that we need the current space they are using as storage for an office. There is a closet downstairs that they can move into. Neil asks Brenda to put together a list of what they need and we can meet again and work things out.

Margo Huddleston, 132 Delgada. Margo comments that this is the 9th year of picnic, paddle and play. Their focus has always been to keep this for local Stansbury Park residents. Margo expresses her concerns about the boat ramp.

Probable Vote Items:

a. Community Association clubhouse use. Discussed under Brenda Spearman's comments.

b. Food Truck Friday space. Neil turns the time over to Ryan Willden. Ryan is proposing an event similar to the "Food Truck Roundup" that is done in Eagle Mountain. He suggests having it in the parking lot near the clubhouse and lakefront by the boat ramp. People can sit on the grass and spread out. The trucks supply their own resources, such as power and water. Several suggestions and ideas were discussed. Neil states that if we can work out the logistics it is a good possibility and the item is tabled until the next meeting.

c. Approval for fencing the peewee baseball field. Neil states that baseball is going to do the dugouts this year and because of costs they will be doing the fence next year and will include the cement mow strips.

Mike motions to approve the baseball association installing a fence on the peewee field. Rod seconds the motion, and the vote is as follows:

Gary-yes Jamie-yes

Rod-yes Neil-yes

Glenn-yes Mike-yes

The motion is approved.

d. Restrooms at Village Park and Parkview Park. Randy passes out the plan for the restrooms explaining that the Village Park plan is for 3 restrooms and 1 storage area and the Parkview Park plan is for 2 restrooms. There are only two companies that make the pre-cast buildings that we are looking for. The company in Colorado has the state contract for the state of Utah. With the state pricing, they were the company with the cheapest bid. It will be approximately $15,000 per building to hook up water and sewer. Both of the restrooms with the stainless steel upgrades will be about $175,000 which is under the $200,000 that we budgeted. The board agrees that they want a drinking fountain and lighting.

Jamie motions to approve the CST Cortez single and double with the upgraded look, electricity and water. Glenn seconds the motion and the vote is as follows:

Gary-yes Jamie-yes

Rod-yes Neil-yes

Glenn-yes Mike-yes

The motion is approved.

e. Clearwater Development trail system design. Randy reports that he has met with the developer and they were not comfortable with the 10' wide asphalt trail. They do not like the location being in front of homes and want to be able to offer the home owner a cement drive to their home. They would like to go with an 8' wide concrete trail in front of the homes. Randy and the developer agreed that they would do asphalt where possible.

Rod motions to approve the exception with the concrete conforming to the standard 6" thick and 8' wide in the areas where there are houses fronting it and in areas in the parkway it will be 10' wide asphalt with a painted stripe in the middle. Jamie seconds the motion and the vote is as follows:

Gary-yes Jamie-yes

Rod-yes Neil-yes

Glenn-yes Mike-yes

The motion is approved.

f. Purchase of vacuum excavator. Randy is asking for a vacuum excavator for use in the park. Although SPID has this equipment it is too big for what we need. Randy would like a smaller one that can be towed by the Ranger or a small truck. The cost would be $27,000 plus shipping. After a short discussion, Mike motions to authorize the manager to purchase a vacuum excavator not to exceed $30,000 including shipping. Glenn seconds and the vote is as follows:

Gary-yes Jamie-yes

Rod-yes Neil-yes

Glenn-yes Mike-yes

The motion is approved.

g. Arbor Day tree planting event. Gary states that this will be a morning event. He is working on advertising and will have a flyer to distribute. Randy asks what his role will be and what help they will need. He will have the holes dug but volunteers will need to bring their own shovels and tools. Randy reports that he has talked with the condo association and they have said that we can plant trees on the east side of their complex where there are no trees now, but they do not want to cut down any existing trees.


A 15 minute recess was taken.

Work Session:

Discussion Items:

a. Park maintenance. Jamie states that about a month ago she brought up the condition of the playground at the dinosaur park. It has not been repaired yet. She had a report that the slide at Woodland Park is broken also. She would like those tied off so that they can't be used until they get fixed. We don't want anyone to get hurt. Randy states that he looked at the one at the dinosaur park and there isn't anything that can hurt anyone and does not pose any risk. He will be getting wood chips for all the parks and was not aware of the problem at Woodland Park and will check it out. Neil also comments that there are some dead trees at the Porter Way park that have been cut off and pose a hazard. He asks Randy to get them cut down to the ground or flag them so they can be seen. Glenn asks Randy to get a grate on the culvert. Gary comments that at the Gateway park someone has lowered the basketball hoop down and kids are climbing all over it. Randy will take care of it.

b. Addition of a basketball court to the tennis court at Porter Way Park. Jamie asks if it would be possible to change out one of the tennis courts making it into a basketball court. Randy states that there is already a place for one behind the tennis courts. This planned basketball court is not going to be full size. Neil states that although we want to install the basketball and pickle ball courts as soon as possible, the tunnel plans have us on hold right now. Jamie also states that the ramp to the sidewalk for the handicap access is dirt and you cannot get a wheel chair up onto the sidewalk. There is handicap parking in that small lot so it may be beneficial to put in something temporarily.

Manager’s Report:

1.  We have started turning on the water to the sprinkler systems and other facilities throughout the park. We started with the athletic fields and will continue to the rest of the parks and greenbelts in the coming week. The water meter for the front entrance water features was damaged over the winter. We have repaired it and should be able to turn on the waterfalls by the end of the week.

2.  While the golf course ponds are dry, we took the opportunity to cut down all of the cattails in the front 9 ponds.

3.  We have been clearing the waterways at Porter Way Park and Rabbit Ditch to ensure the flow of water for the summer.

4.  Work has begun to refinish the club house kitchen floor, and should be completed early next week.

5.  We have trained our new employees on the power equipment and we should be ready to start mowing the grounds next week.

6.  The employee 457 retirement plan is now set up and in place. All of our full time employees are participating in the plan.

Neil comments that in the pond by his home, the inlet and outlet are 50' from each other on the same side. He has talked with SPID to see if we could add pipe to have the inlet at the other end so the pond can get more circulation and not get so stagnant. Brett has some excess pipe and it would cost us about $1,000 to 1,500 to do this. Randy states that it is within the budget and we can go ahead with it.

Board Member’s Reports and Requests:

Gary Jensen-The scouts have spent 4 hours taking out some Russian Olive trees on the Frontage road. He reports that the Church will be taking down their own trees and we will provide the sycamores for replanting.

Jamie Lindsay--Jamie reports that someone has cut their foot badly on the broken boat ramp. Randy states that we won't be getting the boat ramp replaced until September. Mike suggests that we put out a sign until then.

Mike asks about the logo for the new truck. Randy states that he has gotten one bid back and is waiting on the other one.

Glenn Oscarson--There is an eagle scout project going on at the cemetery putting in some more of the corner markers. Glenn will be writing up the grant requests which are due on April 2nd. He states that one of the projects he will be putting in for is the restrooms and asks if there are any other projects the board can suggest. Neil suggests some uniform signs for all the parks. Benches and picnic tables by the lake, a path to the gazebo and more trees along the frontage road were all suggested.

Glenn states that in 2002 the board passed a resolution the includes lifetime use of the park amenities that includes the golf course. After looking at the golf course lease, it negates that resolution for certain people. He would like the service agency to address this. Randy states that the lease was negotiated that way. That the resolution was promised by a board for service given in the past, but they never did get that benefit. So it is not something they are expecting. Glenn is very concerned that another board can come down the road and negate our promises. Mike states that the lease was written in 2007 and would grandfather anyone in who was on the board in 2002. It is only anyone who is on the board after 2007. There are four people that this would affect. Glenn would like to bring this up with the golf course. Neil asks him to talk with Rod prior to approaching Jeff. Glenn also reads the portion of the lease that states what areas are included and it does not include the parking lot.



Financials and Bills:

The checks were signed and the bills taken care of.

Gary motions to adjourn and move into a closed session to discuss personnel. Glenn seconds the motion and the meeting was adjourned.