School Name: / Chapel Hill Middle
Weekly Components
Co-­‐Teacher/Para: / M. Combre / Week of: / Unit Implementation Week:
August 21, 2017 / Unit 2 - Week 1
Course: / World Studies / Unit Name:
Geography & History of the Middle East
Priority Standards:
(content specific) / SS7G7 - EXPLAIN the impact of location, climate, physical characteristics, distribution of natural resources and population distribution on Soutweast Asia (Middle East).
a.DESCRIBE how the deserts and rivers of SOuthwest Asia (Middle East) impact trade and affect where people live.
Supporting Standards:
(content specific) / SS7G5Locate selected features in Southwest Asia ( MIddle East).
a. Locate on a world and regional political-physical map: Euphrates River, Jordan River, Tigris River, Suea Canal, Perdian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Arabian Sea, and Red Sea.
b. Locate on a world and regional political-physical map: Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Kuwait, Saudia Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Gaza Strip, and West Bank
Map and Globe Skills
Information Processing Skills
Non-­‐Content Standards: (WIDA, interdisciplinary standards, literacy, etc.) / L6-8WHST7: Conduct short research projects to answer a question drawing on several sources and generating additional related, focused questions that allow for multiple avenues of exploration.
L-6-8WHST8: Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, using search terms effectively; assess the credibility and accuracy of each source; and quote or parapahrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation.
Learning Targets:
(what learners will be able to do at the end of the learning
activity) / Identify location of countries and physical features in the Middle East.
Essential Question(s): (address philosophical foundations; contain
multiple answers; provoke inquiry) / How do Location, climate, physical characterisitics, distribution of natural resources and population distribution impact trade and affect where peiple live in Southwest Asia?
Big Idea(s):
(main ideas, foundational understandings, conclusions, or generalizations) / Location affects a society's economy, culture, and development.
Academic Vocabulary: / Academic: physical characteristics, natural resources, population distribution
Unit Specific/Domain: Euphrates River,Jordan River, Tigris River, Suez Canal, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Arabian Sea, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Gaza Strip, West Bank
Engaging Performance
Scenario: / Introduction to the Middle East: Students look at various "souvenirs" (items with some relation to the region such as Quran or petroleum based product) from the Middle East, identify the item, write a description of the item, and ifer a relationship to the Middle East.
In the areas below, place an “X” in the box(es) to indicate the selected strategies and resources.
Research-­‐Based Instructional Strategies: (weekly strategies chosen to guide teaching and learning) / OPENING: Engaging Instructional Activity / Activate Prior Knowledge / Questioning (Raises questions) / Clarify Previous Lesson / Phenomenon
Feedback / Scaffold
Instruction / Create Interest / Other:
Exploring, Explaining, Extending, and Elaborating / Facilitate
Learning / Academic
Discussions / Cooperative
Learning / Other:
Demonstrate/ Model / Generating and Testing
Hypotheses / Independent Learning / Other:
tend concepts and skills / High-­‐Level Questioning / Interdisciplinary Writing / Other:
CLOSING: Evaluating / Summarize Lesson / Provide Alternate Explanations / Respond to EQs / Other:
Allow students
to assess their own learning / Quick Write / 3-­‐2-­‐1/K-­‐W-­‐L / Other:

DCSD RCD Aligned Lesson Plan Template 7/23/2017 5:04 PM Components of this lesson plan may change according to the needs of the students.

21st Century Learning Skills:
(weekly strategies chosen to guide student engagement) / Teamwork and Collaboration / Innovation and Creativity / Accessing and Analyzing Information
Initiative and Leadership / Critical Thinking and
Problem Solving / Effective oral and Written
Curiosity and Imagination / Flexibility and Adaptability / Other:
Intervention Strategies
Intervention Strategies (Tiers 1, 2, 3)
Additional Support in Classroom / Specially Designed Instruction for Exceptional Education Students / Strategies for English Language Learners
Re-­‐Voicing / Conferencing / Visuals/Realia
Explaining / Additional time / Front-­‐loading
Prompting for Participation / Small group collaboration / Echoing/Choral response
Challenging or countering / Modify quantity of work / Color-­‐coding
Asking “Why?” “How” / Take student’s dictation / Multiple exposures in different media
Reread / Scaffold information / Pair-­‐share
Practice new academic vocabulary / Differentiated
content/process/product / Modeling
Assistive technology / Consistent reward system / Language scaffolds: eg, sentence frames
Pre-­‐teach re-­‐teach in a different way / Refer to students’ IEP or 504 plan / Deconstruct complex sentences
Use of manipulatives / Assistive technology / Increase student-­‐to-­‐student talk
Collaborative work / Strategies vocabulary instruction
Create differentiated text sets / Additional think time
Gifted – Extensions for Learning
Tier 1
Flexible-­‐Learning Groups / Varied Pacing with Anchor Options / Varied Supplemental Materials
Choice of Books / Work Alone or Together / Computer Mentors
Homework Options / Flexible Seating / Think-­‐Pair-­‐Share
Use of Reading Buddies / Varied Scaffolding / Open-­‐ended Activities
Various Journal Prompts / Varied Computer Programs / Explorations by Interest
Student/Teacher Goal Setting / Design-­‐A-­‐DAY / Options for Competition
Tier 2
Gifted Edu. Cluster Classes / Alternative Assessments / Community Mentorships
Gifted Edu. Collaboration Classes / Subject Advancement within class / Stations
Tiered Activities and Products / Curriculum Compacting / Group Investigations
Use of Literature Clubs / Tiered Centers / Assess Students in Multiple Ways
Multiple Testing Options / Spelling by Readiness / Student choice
Multiple Texts / Varying Organizers / Simulations
Tier 3 / Tier 4
Advanced Content (all core content) / Above grade level accelerated (all core content)
Resource Classes / Advanced Placement Classes
Independent/Directed Study / International Baccalaureate Classes
Socratic Seminars / Internship/Mentorships
Differentiated Instruction
(content, process, product) / Assessment Evidence
(formative, summative)
NHD - differentiated by content and product
What do you see? mapping activity - differentiated by content / Sheppard's Software review - formative
(weekly materials chosen to support teaching and learning) / Textbooks / Lab Materials / Other: (List the other resources below.)
Audio/Visual Aids / Course Syllabus / transparencies, Vis-aVis
Handouts / Dictionaries
White Boards / Video Clips
Electronic Devices / Promethean Board
Supplemental Texts / Manipulatives
Calculators / Internet (tech)
Daily Lesson Plan for Monday
Pre-­‐Instructional Activity: (sponge; bell-­‐ringer; journal; allows attendance to be taken) / Students copy classwork and homework into agenda planner; get stamp from teacher and signature form parent
Opening (ENGAGE): (introduces the lesson; summarizes previous lesson; clarifies misconceptions) / Prompt students with the questions "Why do you think there is so much excitement about the solar eclipse?" Engage students with an open discussion about their thoughts on the event. Introduce students to the social aspects of the eclipse as opposed to the science component.
(contains the mini lesson; allows students to practice concept; assesses student learning) / 2nd , 3rd, and 7th period: Students work in groups to analyze various written/visual materials about solar eclipses - historical documentation of past eclipses, cartoons, myths and misconceptions about eclipses throughout history. Groups identify type of resource and summarize for class discussion.
1st period: Science lesson across the team
6th period: Student with signed permission slip will go outside to view the eclipse; other students will view eclipse on Internet stream.
Closing (EVALUATE): (summarizes lesson; ensures understanding; clarifies misconceptions) / Students share their findings with whole group
Daily Lesson Plan for Tuesday
Pre-­‐Instructional Activity: / Students prepare weekly sponge page and answer Tuesday geography/decision-making question in appropriate brochure space.
Opening (ENGAGE): / Introduction to National History Day research project and competition. Students view student-made documentary that competed in the national NHD competition. Discuss components of research project related to the theme "Conflict and Compromise" that students will participate in throughout first semester.
EXTEND/ELABORATE): / Teacher demonstrates navigation of identifying the 2018 theme page and related resources. Distribute theme handout, suggested topics handout, Students read/review sections of the theme handout in their groups. Summarize reading and prepare notes to share with group. Share summaries and discuss.
Closing (EVALUATE): / Teacher distributes topic proposal handout and explains process for completing the proposal
Daily Lesson Plan for Wednesday
Pre-­‐Instructional Activity: / Students prepare weekly sponge page and answer Wednesday geography/decision-making question in appropriate brochure space.
Opening (ENGAGE): / Student groups receive a bag of "souvenirs" of items related to the Middle East, identifying the item(s) and what they think the relationsip is to the region; share thoughts with whole with teacher redirecting misconceptions.
Work Period (EXPLORE/EXPLAIN/ EXTEND/ELABORATE): / Students work in groups to write a "creation" story for a country in the Middle East given an outline of the country - Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Kuwait, Saudia Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Gaza Strip, and West Bank. Students will draw a visual to accompany the story.
Closing (EVALUATE): / Students share their creation stories and visuals with whole group.
Homework: Graffiti Wall - SW Asia Map Terms
Daily Lesson Plan for Thursday
Pre-­‐Instructional Activity: / Students prepare weekly sponge page and answer Tuesday geography/decision-making question in appropriate brochure space.
Opening (ENGAGE): / Teacher defines mnemonic device and solicits examples of mnemonic devices from students. EX: NEVER EAT SOGGY WAFFLES for compass directions North, East, South, West or Order of Operations - M
EXTEND/ELABORATE): / Teachers uses Promethean board to model use of mnemonic device to learn all countries of the Middle East. Student follow along with an outline map, trasparency overlay on the map and a Vis-a Vis pen
Mnemonic device Notes p. 5 in Interactive notebook (BoK):
U-shaped country - United Arab Emirates
Q-tip - Qatar
Over to the Ocean (alliteration) - Oman
Letter series I,J,I,K,I,L - Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Iran, Lebanon
Thanksgiving - Turkey, Syria (Stuffing), Cyprus (Cranberries)
South to Saudi Arabia (alliteration)
Why (Y) - Yemen
Because I wasvstung by a Bee (sound and size) - Bahrain
Awful! - Afghanistan
Closing (EVALUATE): / Individual students recite mnemonic devices to identify countries in Middle East or continue to recite as whole group. Students complete personal outline map for homework. (p. 4 in BoK)
Daily Lesson Plan for Friday
Pre-­‐Instructional Activity: / Students prepare weekly sponge page and answer Tuesday geography/decision-making question in appropriate brochure space.
Opening (ENGAGE): / Use Promethean board to review Middle East countries using Sheppard's software game. students rotate pen to click on location of identifed country. After refview, teacher introduces physical features of Middle East.
Work Period
(EXPLORE/EXPLAIN/ EXTEND/ELABORATE): / Students copy list of physical features from board into notes (Euphrates River, Jordan River, Tigris River, Suea Canal, Perdian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Arabian Sea, and Red Sea), then using myWorld Studies texbooks, Claimont Press workbook, and classroom atlases, students write descriptions of the location of each feature on list. (p. 7, BoK)
Closing (EVALUATE): / Students share their description while locating the feature on an outline map on the Promethean board. Students complete personal outline maps for homework. (p. 6)