Detailed terms and conditions of tender for appointment of PDS wholesale nominee cum carriage contractor
01.The sealed tenders should be addressed to the Deputy Commissioner, ______district. The envelope should be properly sealed and subscribed “Tender for appointment as PDS nominee cum carriage contractor.
02.When tender is sent by post it should be sent in double cover. The inner cover containing the tender should be sealed and should bear all inscriptions as per Para – 1. The outer cover shall be addressed to the Deputy Commissioner; ______and should not bear any indication of its contents.
03.Tenders will be received in the office of the Deputy Commissioner,______district up to______hrs. on ______and will be opened by a Board of officers at ______hrs on the same day in presence of intending tenderers.
04.Tendered rates should be clearly indicated in figures as well as in words. The rates should be quoted for per quintal per km. basis, separately for road transport (vehicular) and head load transport. No separate rates should be quoted for summer, winter, plain area and hill area.
05.Alterations/ overwriting should be avoided and if committed, should be attested by the full signature of the tenderer.
06.Final acceptance of tender lies with the Government which also reserves the right to reject any or all signature of the tenderer.
07.The tender should be submitted in printed letter pad indicating clearly the name of proprietor(s) with full address and telephone numbers of the tenderer along with all supporting documents as mentioned below:
i) Earnest money of Rs.______/- only in the form of “Deposit at Call receipt/ FDR in favour of the Deputy Commissioner, ______district. The earnest money will be re- funded on finalization of the tender.
ii) Financial Soundness Certificate from a nationalized bank, mentioning the value of Contract, and that the tenderer is capable of undertaking for a minimum amount of Rs.______(as per category).
iii) No dues certificate from all banks (SBI, APCAB, UCO, Vijay Bank, UBI, APRB etc) should be furnished by the tenderers along with the financial soundness certificate.
iv) Preference shall be given to tenderers having experience in transportation of food grains and/ or other Government stores and details of experience should be attached with the tender.
v) Income tax clearance Certificate/ Income tax exemption Certificate as the case may be.
vi) A duly signed copy of this terms and conditions should be enclosed with the tender, in acceptance of the same.
vii) Details of vehicles owned by the tenderer along with attested copies of Registration certificates and road permits (minimum four trucks) with attested copies of registration certificates and road permits,
viii) ST Certificate,
ix) Permanent Resident certificate,
x) Date of Birth certificate,
xi) Educational qualification certificate and,
xii) Details of other infrastructures available.
08.Every tenderer should submit along with the tender papers, a rate analysis, showing the basis on which the rate has been quoted.
09.To avoid quoting of un reasonably low rates and also to avoid quoting of high rates, the Government has fixed a Bare Minimum workable rate of Rs…………per qtl per km for vehicular transport and Rs………….per qtl. Per km for head load transport. Rates quoted below the above Bare minimum workable rate shall not be accepted. If more than one qualifying tenderer quotes the same lowest rate, the award of contract shall be finalized by drawing lots.
10.An undertaking as per Annexure – ‘A’ should be submitted along with the tender.
11.Trucks belonging to Civil Supply Department can be engaged by the carriage contractor for transportation of food grains etc. on payment basis whenever such trucks are available.
12.The rates tendered shall include:
a)Loading and Unloading charges.
b)Transportation charges by vehicles including Boat/Mules/Porters etc.
c)All other incidental charges including those arising out of natural calamities etc.
d)No additional transportation charges shall be admissible for transshipment, transportation through diverted longer routes etc.
13.A list of locations to where the food grains etc. are to be transported is placed at Annexure – B.
14.The successful tenderer shall be required to furnish security deposits in the form of DCR/FDR drawn on a recognized bank in the district HQ, pledged in favour of the Deputy Commissioner, ______district within one week from the date of issue of acceptance letter for both carriage contract and PDS wholesale nominee ship separately. Failure in furnishing security deposits as mentioned above will lead to forfeiture of the earnest money deposit. (The amount of security deposit being 5% of the contract value should be specified by the Deputy Commissioner as per guidelines).
15.After having deposited the security money as referred to above, two deeds of agreements shall be executed by the successful tenderer, one each of carriage contract and nomineeship.
16.After execution of the deed of agreements as referred to above, the successful tenderer shall obtain two license fee as per existing guidelines on the subject.
17.No person or firm or registered Co- operative Society, granted license as wholesale nominee and Carriage Contractor for PDS items, shall sub- let the license or engage any other party to carry on the business of drawal of PDS items and their transportation.
18.The security deposit shall remain with the Deputy Commissioner, ______till successful completion of the contract and will be released thereafter. The Deputy Commissioner,______shall have the right to forfeit the entire security deposit or part thereof in the event of unsatisfactory performance of t6he carriage contractor/ wholesale nominee in execution of the contract according to the terms and conditions of the deed of agreement, license and any other directives of the Government.
19.The rates accepted by the Government will remain valid during the contract period and no claim for enhancement of rates will be entertained under any circumstance during the contract period.
20.In case of drawal of food grains etc. from any FCI depot other than the designated depot, transportation charges will be admissible, between the base depot and the drawal depot, at the rate of road transport charges approved/paid by the FCI authorities.
21.Payment of transportation charges (HTS/RTC) shall be made to the carriage contractor by the concerned Deputy Commissioner or Government of Arunachal Pradesh only after receipt of payments/funds from the FCI authorities.
22.Any other terms and conditions which are not specified herein shall be governed by the relevant Acts, control orders and guidelines/ instructions issued by the government from time to time.
23.If there are less than 3 valid tenders, NIT for re- tender shall be floated.
N. B. :
i) For the purpose of submission of financial soundness certificate, as mentioned at Sl.7 (ii) above, the district have been divided into three categories and the extent of financial soundness required has been indicated against each category.
Extend of financial soundness required Rs. 1,00,00,000/- (minimum) / Extend of financial soundness required Rs. 75,00,000/- (minimum) / Extend of financial soundness required Rs. 50,00,000/- (minimum)
(ii)These terms and conditions are illustrative and not exhaustive and any other terms and conditions as considered necessary may also be included.
* * ***
Name (in block letters):-
Full postal address:-
Telegraphic address:-
Telephone Number (Mobile No also):-
Certified that I/We have carefully read the Terms and Conditions of Tender Notice No. ______dated ______and fully understood and agree to abide by those.
I/We agree to keep this offer up to ______and further agree and undertake to carry out the carriage work at the accepted rates and shall not under any circumstances request for enhancement of rates during the validity period of contract. I/ We also agree that I/We shall not sublet the license or engage any other party in the work.
I/We also agree that in the event of acceptance of my/ our tender I/ We shall furnish required amount of security deposit within 7 (Seven) days from the date of issue of formal acceptance of my/our rates. Should I/We fail to do so, the Deputy Commissioner, ______shall be at liberty to forfeit my/ our Earnest money.
I/We also hereby undertake to indemnify the Govt. for any loss or damage a rising out of inaction or inability on my / our part in fulfilling this undertaking and / or the agreement to be executed with the Govt.
Witness :-
Sl.No. / Name & Address / Signature1
Signature of Tenderer (s)