AI HOMEWORK 4 二技子三甲 A9011031 林家瑜

  1. Heuristic program



#File: unravel.icn


#Subject: Program to find thread colors for weaving


#Author: Gregg M. Townsend


#Date: May 26, 1999




# This file is in the public domain.




#Unravel solves a coloring problem inspired by weaving. Given a

#multicolored rectangular pattern, assign colors to warp and weft

#threads that will allow the pattern to be woven on a loom.

#We ignore questions of structural integrity and insist only

#that each cell's color be matched by either the corresponding

#warp thread (column color) or weft thread (row color).




#Usage: unravel [-bdnv] filename


#-b: run in batch mode (don't show results in window)

#-d: show details of solution on &error

#-n: no shortcuts: retain solid & duplicate rows & cols

#-r: raw output on &output of columns, rows, grid data

#-t: include timing breakdown in result message

#-v: write verbose commentary on &output


#Input is an image file (GIF, XBM) to be mapped to the c1 palette

#(these require graphics, even in batch mode) or an image string

#acceptable to readims(). The maximum size is 256 x 256.


#After analysis, the pattern is declared "solved" or "insoluble".

#This result is displayed in the title of the result window and

#printed on standard error output.


#The output window shows an enlarged copy of the pattern with row

#and column color assignments along the top, bottom, and sides.

#With an insoluble or pattern, colors just reflect the program

#state at termination. Type "q" in the window to exit.


#A one-line result summary is always written to &errout. The -d

#option adds two more lines giving the row and column assignments,

#with the colors coded by the "c1" color palette.


#With the -r option, three lines are written to &output:

#column colorings

#row colorings

#grid data




# Requires: Version 9 graphics




# Links: graphics, imscolor, imsutils, numbers, options, random



link graphics

link imscolor

link imsutils

link numbers

link options

link random

record vector(# one row or column

index,# index of this row/column (1-based)

label,# row/column label: "rnnn" or "cnnn"

mchar,# char used in mapping

cells,# string of colors in row/column cells

live,# string of colors in active row/column cells

fam,# color family

ignored# non-null if to be ignored (if solved, or if redundant)


record family(# a family of vectors that must all be the same color

vset,# set of vectors

color# assigned color (null if not yet set)


global opts# command options

global fname# input file name

global logfile# output file for logging, if -v specified

global t1,t2,t3,t4,t5# &time measurements

global imstring# image string of original pattern specification

global data# raw cell data

global rows# list of row vectors

global cols# list of column vectors

global mapchars# string of chars used for col & row mapping

global rowvalid# valid columns in row

global colvalid# valid columns in column

############################## CONTROL ##############################

procedure main(args)

local n, v

opts := options(args, "bdnrtv")

if \opts["v"] then

logfile := &output


log := 1# disable logging function

*args = 1 | stop("usage: ", &progname, " [-bdnrtv] imsfile")

fname := get(args)

imstring := load(fname) | abort("can't load file")

t1 := &time

setpattern(imstring) | abort("can't parse pattern string")

setmaps()# initialize mapping strings

loggrid()# show problem diagram

t2 := &time

if /opts["n"] then {# if not -n, then reduce problem

while dupls(rows | cols) | solids() do

setmaps()# reduce problem size

loggrid()# show reduced problem


t3 := &time

# check for quads until no longer worthwhile

while (not trivial()) & quad(rows | cols) do {

setmaps()# reduce problem size

loggrid()# show reduced problem


t4 := &time

log("choosing colors arbitrarily")

every v := active(rows | cols) do# will solve or show impossible

setcolor(v, ?

setmaps()# should detect solved problem

abort("didn't finish!")



2. Map-Coloring Problem

For example, let's consider the map coloring problem: we have a number N of countries in a map and we want to assign a color to each country from a given palette, such that each country has a different color with respect to all the neighboring countries.
In this problem, we can consider a variable for each country in the map. Each variable can be assigned a color, so the domains will be the range of colorsNot every assignment is feasible, because of the constraint that imposes different color for neighboring countries. The constraint graph can be represented as a set of nodes, which represent the countries, and arcs connecting the nodes which represent the constraints between two neighboring countries.
