Program for the Ph.D.-seminar

Existential and Religious Meaning-making and Spiritual Needs in Secular Societies 9-11 April 2013

Day 1

12.00Arrival. Lunch in the campus facilities.

13.00 Introduction to the course: Research focusing on Existential and Religious Meaning-making and Spiritual Needs. Presenting “The Grid”, Ass. Professor, Theol.Dr. Niels Christian Hvidt.

13.30Meaning-making and Spiritual Needs from a Theological Perspective. By Professor Dr.Theol. Klaus Baumann.

14.30 Meaning-making and Spiritual Needs from a Health Professional Perspective. ByProfessor Dr.Med. Arndt Büssing.

15.30 Coffee break

16.00 Presentation by two ph.d.-students of the way they conceptualize and do research in meaning-making in their projects. Discussion and feedback by two senior researchers.

18.30 Dinner and social event in town

Day 2

9.30Theoretical and methodological reflections on existential questions and meaning-making and spiritual needs based on a Swedish empirical material

Maria Liljas Stålhandske PhD, researcher, Uppsala Religion and Society Research Center (CRS)

10.30 Coffee break

11.45 Workshop I: How do we conceptualize existential meaning-making in our research?

Workshop II: Existential issues – spiritual matters. Interpretation of worldly needs into a spiritual realm.

Workshop III: Illness, suffering and meaninglessness. How do we make sense of it?

13.00 Lunch on Campus

14.00 To develop meaning. A Discussion of Concepts used in Psychology to describe Meaning-meaking. By Ph.d. cand. psych. Peter la Cour, Pain clinic Rigshospitalet

15.00 Coffee break

15.30 Presentation by two ph.d.-students of the way they conceptualize and do research in meaning-making in their projects. Discussion and feedback by senior researchers.

17.30Plenary about today’s talks and discussions.

18.30 Dinner in town

Day 3

9.30: How secular are our Nordic countries really? Making meaning and spiritual needs in the North. Prof. ph.d. Hans Stifoss-Hansen, Senter for diakoni og profesjonell praksis, Sandness

10.30 Coffee break.

11.30 Final Discussion. (possibly presentation of workshop findings)

Future directions of Nordic Network for Reflections and evaluation. Handing over the chairmanship to the Norwegian group.

13.00 Lunch on Campus