YOUTH NEWS……. SUNDAY EVENING YOUTH FELLOWSHIP tonight 5:00-7:00 PM. Dinner Served.

Minute to Win it Games - real prizes... well sort of!

Details about FALL RETREAT at Family Camp

Learn more about JUST SAY Y.E.S.!

Sinking Sand or Solid Rock revisited. Everyone in grades 6-12.

Please join the Youth Fellowship on September 23rd from 5-7 pm as we welcome Jason Smith. Jason is celebrating his bar mitzvah in October 2012. For his mitzvah project, and in conjunction with his interests of both history and geography, Jason chose to learn the story of Ronnie Breslow, a Holocaust survivor, through the "Witness to History Project." Jason interviewed Mrs. Breslow and then conducted independent research to learn of her tale aboard the S.S. St. Louis and in the Rotterdam West detention camp. He now plans on teaching this story to others at local youth groups, churches, and temples so that the tragic stories of the Holocaust will never be forgotten.

The Bethel Hill UMC Youth Ministry is encouraging our young people to "JUST SAY Y.E.S" (Youth Engaged in Service). We are planning several local service works and we need adults to mentor and assist our youth workers. One of our first activities will be painting the offices at the Lansdale Community Housing Center. If you are able to volunteer - even for a short block of time - an evening, a Saturday or a Sunday, please complete the following form and place in the offering plate, the cross box in the church lobby, email or call the church office at 610-584-5936. We are called to serve our neighbors, here is our opportunity.

I will volunteer to assist the youth JUST SAY Y.E.S.


NAME ______PHONE ______E-MAIL ______

My work preference is ____ Painting ____ Renovation ____ Landscaping

____ Cleaning ____ Other

I am available ______

(dates, times, week-days, evenings, week-ends, other...)

Bethel Hill United Methodist Church

Announcements for week of September 16, 2012

Pastor Bible Study- Monday, Sept. 17 at 7:30pm. Topic: The Gospel of John, sign up in the narthex and pick up materials for study. The study will continue on the 2nd Monday evening of Oct, Nov. Dec.

Join us on Oct 14 for a 3 in 1 service at 10:00am with our District Superintendent Anita Powel preaching. Fellowship time in Hayes Hall following the service, hosted by the History committee.

Annual Charge Conference will be held on Wednesday, November 14 at 7:30. All committee reports must be submitted to the office by Oct 15. Look in your mailboxes for your CC forms. Any questions, contact the church office.

Check out the Newly Designed Bethel Hill Website at

It offers information on ministries, events & activities. You can view the latest edition and past Bugle Newsletters and current calendar listings. The email list is password protected, please contact the church office.

'Quaintance Group Trip to Lancaster, Pa. Sat. Oct 13 to Landis Valley Village & Farm Museum. Come to experience the Harvest Days Festival with arts, crafts, quilts and learn more about Dutch/German heritage. Meet at the farm at 10:30am, tour begins at 11. Admission is $11.50pp, must have money to Jim or Andrea Barbiers by Sept 30. Contact Barbiers' at 215-513-9471 for more info.

Help Wanted and Needed…Help is needed for the Usher position at the 9:30 service. Sign up in the narthex. Training is available call the office at 610-584-5936.

Yoga @ 6:15 - 9/18, 9/25, 10/3, 10/9, 10/16, 10/23, 10/30, 11/6, 11/13, 11/20, 11/27, 12/4, 12/11, 12/18.
Beginner/chair yoga @ 6:30 - 9/20, 10/4, 10/18, 11/1, 11/15, 12/6, 12/20.
Pilates @ 6:15- 9/27, 10/11, 10/25, 11/8, 11/29, 12/13.

Contact Karen Cox for more information

Mark you calendars…

Sunday, Sept 16 – 3rd Grade Bible Presentation at 9:30 worship.

Blood Pressure Screenings in Hayes Hall at 10:30am

Tues. Sept 18 Prayer Praise & Healing Service – 7:30pm – Sanctuary

Wed. Sept 19 Lunch Bunch – All invited to bring a bag lunch for

fellowship and fun. Beverage & dessert provided.

Saturday, Oct 6 Trustee Work Day – 8:30am donuts served. All

invited to help spruce up our campus for fall.

Sunday, Oct 7 Blessing of the Animals – 4:00pm – Front lawn

Monday, Oct 8 Pastor's Bible Study – 7:30pm – SS Bldg.

Sat. Oct 12-14 Family Camp at Innabah

'Quaintance Group trip to Landis Farm

Sunday, Oct 14 3 in 1 Service at 10:00am.

Sat. Oct 20 Women's One Day Retreat - 8:30am – 8:00pm

Manna on Main St 5 K Run/Walk – 8:30am

Sunday, Oct. 28 Laity Sunday

Everyone is invited to attend

Family Camp Retreat Weekend October 12-14

at Camp Innabah, Spring City Pa

Theme: Get Plugged In

Plug into the P.O.W.E.R and Get Recharged

P stands for prayer, O is for others, W is for Word (of God), E stands for equipped and R means respond.

A Retreat for everyone in our church family, singles, couples & families.

Pick up a brochure & registration form in the narthex. Contact Elaine Smith at 215-584-5936 or


COME SEE “What’s Cooking?”


Guest Speaker: Pastor Dorry Newcomer


Where? Stony Creek Farm Clubhouse on North Wales Road!

Registration forms in the narthex or contact Elaine Smith, Karen Cox or Dotti Asbert.

Mission News……

Manna on Main Street 5K Run/Walk – Saturday Oct 20 at 8:30am at the Knapp Elementary School. Brochures are available in the narthex. Our Missions Team is aware of the conflict with the Women's Retreat, please try to support both if possible.

UM Men's Breakfast – Sat. Sept. 29 at 8:00am. All welcome.

Women's Breakfast – Sat. Oct 13 at 8:30am. All welcome.