Burstall Village Hall AGM November 15th 2016
Present: Mary Smith, Rupert Catlin, Nick Fiske, Ann Day, Wayne and Heather Bryan, Andrew Cooper, Keith Raby, Steve Packard, John Aiton, Jeff Rawlings
Apologies: Ann Burchnall, Wendy Minchin, Carol Mayston, Steve Hicks and Steve Fordham.
Minutes of last AGM: read and agreed. Proposed KR seconded MS
Election of Committee:
PC – AC & KR
Bowls Club – WM
W.I – AD & Joan Eagle
Craft Group – CM
Lunches – AB
Website – SH
Neighbourhood Watch – John Benton
Members from the Parish – MS,,RC,SF,SP,TB
Chairman - KR –nominated by AC seconded SP
Treasurer – AC – nominated by KR seconded JA
Secretary – AB – nominated KR, seconded AC
Agreed by those present.
AB has said that she will be standing down at the next AGM so a new secretary must be sought. KR thanked her for her sterling work over the last three years.
Treasurer’s Report: The halls finances are probably the healthiest they have ever been with £21095.64 in the bank, this is due largely to a very successful show. There had also been a donation of £1000 from the Tim Gooderham estate and the payment of the £9,000.64 grant awarded towards the new heating system . The hall hiring fees were up by £600 and the electricity costs down by approximately £100. Water bill was slightly higher but insurance much the same.
It is reckoned that the hall cost approximately £3,500 a year to run and is subsidized by the show takings. The treasurer is of the opinion that a review of hire charges will need to be carried out soon.
£860 had been raised towards the Tim Gooderham Memorial Bench and all this money will have been spent by the time the bench is secured to a concrete base
NF asked if the December community lunch would be free again this year and it was pointed that last Christmas, when a free lunch was offered with the option of giving a donation, more money was collected than usual. The lunches raised approximately £290 over the year.
The village website now has a different provider and there is a charge of £36 pa which will be paid by the Parish Council. The site is managed by SH and receives five or six hits per day more at show time. SP along with his daughter will set up a Facebook page to help advertise next year’s show. SP asked for photos to upload on to the site.
Tanya Holland was thanked for auditing the accounts.
The acceptance of the treasurers report was proposed by KR and seconded by SP. AC was thanked for all his hard work as Treasurer.
Chairman’s report: KR recalled this year’s social events - the quiz had been particularly successful and he thanked John Benton for the organization and explained that another is planned for 18th February next year. The games evening was less successful but enjoyed by those that attended. There was a barbecue in June to mark the unveiling of the Tim Gooderham’s memorial bench which will be permanently positioned in the spring.
The pavilion is now complete thanks to RC, AB and TB.
The flagpole has been repositioned and Dot Chapman and Paul Godden have taken on the responsibility for raising the flag.
AB was thanked for acquiring the defibrillator which is now available in the telephone box and for organising the CPR training sessions.
KR concluded by thanking everybody for their support .
MS asked if a catering dishwasher would increase hall bookings and RC and the treasurer thought not although one would be useful for the show and community lunches.KR will ask Karen Gough and the catering committee to make enquires about cost etc.
KR thanked Rupert and Helen Catlin for taking the hall bookings for the last three and a half years and Steve Fordham for taking over the job.
Hall Maintenance: The toilet windows are being replaced by Apex Joinery. The external paint work will be painted in the spring.
JA suggested that the clock tower should be professionally surveyedand once there is a cost for the repair along with the cost of replacing the sheds it might be possibly to get outside funding for all the work. SP, SF, AC and RC will act as a subcommittee to investigate.
Burstall Show Update: NF apologised for not being at the post show meeting and had a couple of points to raise – there were some issues with the marquee this year and if these cannot be resolved before next year it may be necessary to source a marquee elsewhere and this would cost considerably more. NF and AC to investigate.SP pointed out that if the low number of vegetable entries continues a smaller marquee would suffice although it was agreed at the post show meeting to have one last try at improving the number of entries by increasing publicity and the Facebook page.
NF also apologised for the length of the grass particularly in the vintage car area. He is of the opinion that money prizes are best for the sideshows and suggested that the heavy red chairs should be disposed of. KR pointed out that AB had been trying to do this on a ‘give away’ website but had had no takers.
NF questioned whether there should be some disabled parking. Suggested name tags should be worn by the committee and he thinks there should be a ‘best in division’ handicraft cup.
NF reported that he had been approached by the Beaumont family who would like to donate some money for a permanent memorial to Janet Beaumont who died recently. He thought the family might like to fund a handicraft shield and perhaps a cup for the best children’s entry. All thought the shield a good idea but there have been problems with getting the children’s trophies returned. An alternative suggestion was that the Beaumonts might like to make a contribution towards the restoration of the clock tower. NF will discuss with them.
SP asked NF if the Horse Show/Gymkhana could be brought back in place of the dog show but NF assured the meeting there was no longer enough space.
Suggestions for show attractions included the Samba Band, Morris Dancers, Punch and Judy and it was hoped that this will be sorted before the show schedule goes to print.
Entertainments: A quiz in February and KR and Steve Turner are planning a revue for Christmas 2017.
AOB: A cleaner needs to be found to replace Julia Roberts who is moving shortly. AC will advertise the position locally.
The meeting agreed to appoint KR and AC to sign on behalf of the committee the annual statement of lottery(return) - this is for the Burstall show draw.
Jeff Rawlings who lives in the Old School House next door to the hall, asked if the hall bookings manger would ask hirers not to put bouncy castles next to his boundary as it disturbs his dogs.
The meeting closed at 9.30 pm and the date of next meeting is 10th January.