Padua, February 9, 2005

Newsletter 1/2, 2005

Dear Friends,

let me start by sending you the best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous 2005! I hope you have a good memory of the 2004 Meeting, held in October 2004 at the Abbey of Praglia (Padua), on which I received several positive feedbacks.

This is the first Newsletter, out of two, that I forecast in 2005. Items:

A)New composition of the AECVP Council


C)ESP Congress, Paris, September 3-7, 2005


E)AECVP logo

F)Future activities

G)Meetings of interest

H)Other items


The following are the Officers, Councillors and Members of Standing Committees with term:

Officers / Name / Term
Past President / Anton E. Becker / 2006*
President / Gaetano Thiene / 2006*
Vice President/President Elect / Patrick J. Gallagher / 2006*
Secretary-Treasurer / A.C. van der Wal / 2006
Councillors / Name / Term
Marck Kockx / 2006*
Hans Anton Lehr / 2007*
Patrick Bruneval / 2005

Standing Committees:

Educational / Name / Term
Ulrik Baandrup, Chair / 2007
Chris Ihling / 2005
C. James Kirkpatrick / 2005
Membership / Name / Term
Annalisa Angelini, Chair / 2005
Michiel Knappen / 2005
S. Kim Suvarna / 2005
Nominating / Name / Term
Anton E. Becker, Chair / 2006
Margaret Burke / 2005
Mat A.P. Daemen / 2005
Webmaster / Name / Term
Cristina Basso / 2006

*final term


Before the Praglia Biannual Meeting the number of members was 65:

- Regular members:53

- Trainee: 9

- Emeritus/Honorary: 3

There were new applicants in Praglia and the list will be updated soon.

Member fee has been confirmed at 50 Euro. According to the Bylaws,trainee and Emeritus members are exempted. Name and address of the members will be visible in the website by March 31, 2005. The name willnot be inserted, at request, for privacy. The Secretary General, Dr. Allard van der Wal, will contact you separately, for payment of membership dues 2005 and previous ones.

C)ESP Congress

As you know, AECVP was committed to arrange the Cardiovascular Pathology program within the ESP Congressas Associated Society. The 2005 ESP Congress will include the following activities of AECVP:

Symposium / Myocardial infarction in the era of interventional cardiology
Chairpersons : P. Gallagher (UK), H.A. Lehr (Germany) / Tuesday Sep 6
16:30 – 18:00
Short course / Surgical pathology of vascular diseases
Chairpersons : P. Bruneval (France), A.C. van der Wal (The Netherlands) / Wednesday, Sep 7
09:00 – 10:30
Business Meeting / Demonstrative cases in cardiovascular pathology
Chairman : G. Thiene (Italy) / Wednesday, Sep 7
11:00 – 12:00

I would like to draw your attention to the Business Meeting Session, where most of the time will be devoted to presentation and discussion of “odd cases”. Please, submit by e-mail both to Ulrich Baandrup, as Chairperson of Educational Committee, and to me, as President, one A4 page, double spaced, typewritten abstract of the case report by March25, 2005. Five cases will be selected for 8 min. oral presentation. The abstracts will be published in the ESP Congress Proceedings.

Of course, you are also warmly invited to submit abstracts for presentation at the ESP Congress (deadline March 31, 2005). For all information, including accommodation, see the website of the ESP

D)AECVP Website

Cristina Basso is in charge of the website of our Association at which holds all the information regarding the AECVP. An introduction has been already written and inserted by the founding father Anton Becker. A page will be devoted to correspondence from members. Please, do not hesitate to use the web for any issue you would like to draw the attention to.


Prof. Becker, our Past President, was committed to propose the definitive logo of our Association. Meanwhile, we adopt the “G.B. Morgagni” picture we used for the Praglia Biannual Meeting.

F)Future AECVP Activities

The 2nd Biannual Meeting of the AECVP will be held in Aarhus-Denmark, October 2006. Ulrik Baandrup will be the Local Organizer and, by the way, he will be responsible of the scientific program, being Chairperson of the Educational Committee. Please, correspond with him for any idea or proposal of topics.

The 3rd Biannual Meeting will be held in London in 2008, organized by Patrick Gallagher,President Elect. In September 2007, there will be our usual attendance to the ESP Congress, the location of which should be Istanbul-Turkey. Meanwhile, the ESP will organize an InterCongress in Ioannine-Greece, May 25-27, 2006, as it did in Baveno 2002. This InterCongress is intended as a Focus on the Activities of the Working Groups and Associated Societies of the ESP. Thus, the participation of our Association is compulsory and we have to start thinking about.

In consultation with Ulrik Baandrup, I will contact Prof. Niki Agnantis, who is President Elect 2005-2007 of the ESP and Local Organizer Chair, to negotiate our participation. Any input on this issue is welcome.

G)2005 Meetings of interest

-The Companion Meeting of the Society for Cardiovascular Pathology will be held in San Antonio, Texas, February 27, 2005. The 20th year from foundation will be celebrated with a Symposium on Advances in Cardiovascular Medicine.

-The Association for European Paediatric Cardiology will convene in Copenhagen on May 18-21, 2005 (visit the website

-The Italian Study Group of Cardiovascular Pathology will meet in Udine (Italy), June 10-11, 2005. For information, please contact Prof. Carlo Alberto Beltrami (E-mail: )

-The British Cardiovascular Group Meeting will convene in London, June 17, 2005. For information please contact Dr. Mary Sheppard ()

-The Annual Congress of the European Society of Cardiology will be held in Stockholm, September 3-7, 2005 (see the preliminary program on the website

-The Annual Meeting of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery has been planned on September 24-28, 2005, inBarcelona (visit the website

H)Other Items

I just want to list and comment pending issues:

a) Relationship with the Society for Cardiovascular Pathology, our American “sister”. We organized a joint Symposium at the 1st Biannual Meeting in Padua on “Stem cells” and we expect something similar in the future during their Meeting in U.S.A. They (nearly 200 members) have their own journal (Cardiovascular Pathology), the Editorial Board of which already includes some members of our Association. By increasing the number of our Associates, we might consider to adopt the journal also as our official journal.

b) The Session on “Autopsy Standards” in the UK, held by Margaret Burke and Sebastian Lucas in Praglia,was very challenging.The wide variation of legislations among the European Countries requires to move on the political setting, in order to figure out common necroscopic rules in Europe. I wonder whether this hot topic might be one of those to propose for the 2006 InterCongress ESP Pathology in Greece, being of interest for all the European pathologists.

As you see, there are a lot of irons in the fire for the next future. The Association is growing up.Please do your best in order to attract new members, especially trainees and young pathologists.

Best wishes.

Gaetano Thiene, MD, FRCP

AECVP President