April, 2014

Room 11 Newsletter

Brookside School: Allendale, NJ

This month, we will continue our work with decimals. We are currently learning about how money is related to decimals. We will be drawing area models to represent decimals, writing decimals in place value charts, converting back and forth between fractions and decimals, comparing and ordering decimals, and problem solving using both fractions and decimals. After our topic test, we will move along to our geometry units.
As standardized testing approaches, we will review key concepts and procedures from throughout the current school year. We will also continue to refine our "writing in math" skills. We know the importance of explaining of math concepts using models, computations, and words. What many students struggle with is time management and "showing" their smarts in a very limited amount of time. I have many learning links on my website where students can review fourth grade curriculum. There are also many apps to help make this practice fun and engaging.
Please continue to have your child practice their math facts. Fluency, automaticity, and accuracy with all math facts (multiplication and division)are essential. Students should be practicing their facts every night for at least 10 minutes- more if they have difficulty with their facts. As you know, online Xtra Math accounts were set up for each student in early January. In addition, students should all have their lists of 30+ fun ways to practice math facts. We have transitioned to division drills. Students were all given a packet of pages that will be used as assessments. These serve as one more helpful home resource. Automaticity with facts is needed in test taking and life in general. :-)


In reading workshop, we are reading informational texts. Students have done wonderfully recognizing the structure of nonfiction texts. Not only that, students can now identify WHY the author used that particular structure and take notes in a way appropriate for that structure. Students have learned to write "long and strong" intertwining their learning with their thinking. They are also pushing themselves to consider the author's purpose in writing the text and ponder how they can connect their learning to the "real world." We will be reading across texts to compare and contrast facts, viewpoints, and formats on the same topic. Students will deepen their understanding with each text they tackle.

It is crucial that students continue to challenge themselves to read more and more. We do want students to continue to build their reading stamina and skill set. A helpful guideline for parents tells that, depending on the length of the (4th grade appropriate) book, 4th graders should be reading an average of 1/2 - 3 books a week- every week! This means your child should be reading 1-6 novels every 2 weeks or about 3-10 chapter books a month. If your child is not meeting these goals, they may not meet the reading benchmarks set forth by the district. I will continue to encourage increased home reading, but parental support is also a vital factor.

In writing workshop, students are digitally publishing their own informational books. By now, all research should be complete. The structure and format of each chapter should also be planned. The students should be working on drafting each chapter. Please refer back to the timeline sent home and check in with your children to make sure they are "up to date" with their work. As discussed previously, there is a large home component to this project- students should work about 20 minutes each night on this project. Also, research materials should come back and forth to school each day.

Our spelling homework grid was modified last month. The new system is in full swing. Students should be "sorting" at home- just as they do in school. In addition, we now have creating and solving analogies as part of our classroom work. Being playful and having fun with words is so important!

More Important News


The students are working Mrs. Vivino where they are studying biomes.


We are deep into our study of the U.S. Constitution. We have been spending time researching, note making, watching video clips, analyzing primary documents, simulating debates, and reading from a variety of sources. This unit will continue through the month ahead. After April break, we will start our integrated unit on Immigration.

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