Geddes City Council Meeting
Monday, September 8, 2014
The monthly meeting of the Geddes City Council was held in the Community Building meeting room. The meeting was called to order by Mayor, Dan Schulte, at 7:30 p.m. with the following council members present: Duane Hubers, Mike Krietlow, Ray Mushitz, Carol Oberbroekling and Sharon Ackley. Also present were Dale Larson and Donna Paulson, Finance Officer.
Established changes in the agenda were the water tower, building permit and Midstate Communications.
Ray Mushitz made a motion to approve the August, 2014 minutes. Carol Oberbroekling seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
August, 2014 financial reports were presented. A motion was made by Mike Krietlow and seconded by Sharon Ackley to approve these reports. Motion carried unanimously.
September, 2014 disbursements were presented. Carol Oberbroekling made a motion to approve the September, 2014 disbursements and Ray Mushitz seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Bills as followed were paid:
To Whom / CK # / Total All / DescriptionNorthWestern Energy / 4416 / $940.61 / Electricity
Randall Comm Water Dist. / 4417 / $3,007.00 / Water
Randall Comm Water Dist. / 4418 / $59.08 / Total Coliform
Midstate Communications / DWD / $144.69 / Phone/Internet
Geddes Farmers Coop / 4419 / $379.21 / Gas/Diesel/Batt.
Dallas Kok / 4420 / $58.00 / Garbage serv.
Rural Development / DWD / $2,030.00 / Sewer payment
Charles Mix County News / 4421 / $226.57 / Publishing
Dan Schulte / 4422 / $184.70 / Salary
Sharon Ackley / 4423 / $78.50 / Salary
Duane Hubers / 4424 / $78.50 / Salary
Lawrence Jaeger / 4425 / $78.50 / Salary
Mike Krietlow / 4426 / $78.50 / Salary
Raymond Mushitz / 4427 / $78.50 / Salary
Carol Oberbroekling / 4428 / $78.50 / Salary
Donna Paulson / 4429 / $1,081.88 / Wages
Dale Larson / 4430 / $810.37 / Wages
Richard Strehlow / 4431 / $447.90 / Wages
IRS / DWD / $488.69 / Payroll Tax
Whalen Law Office / 4432 / $125.00 / Retainer fee
Department of Revenue / 4433 / $26.00 / Coliform-PA
Noteboom Implement / 4434 / $115.35 / Belts & Freight
Midwest Ag Center / 4435 / $46.14 / Valve/Clamp
Brosz Enginnering, Inc. / 4436 / $1,995.00 / Comp./Research
Jones Supplies / 4437 / $116.85 / Towels/Bags
Schuman Electric / 4438 / $318.75 / Wire/Trenching
Severson Oil & LP Co., Inc. / 4439 / $274.49 / 189.3 LP
Geddes General Store / 4440 / $55.20 / Faucet/Hose/etc
H & H Contracting, Inc. / 4441 / $8,715.90 / Riser pipe rep.
Total / $22,118.38
Maintenance report: Dale Larson reported that Richard Strehlow is doing all the mowing and doing a very good job. Dale reported that he mowed on 8th street, but has not bladed it yet. Also, pushed in the dump, put new belts on the John Deere mower, sprayed around fences at the ballpark, assisted with a water leak on 5th street, put new valves on the sprayer, read water meters and assisted with a water leak at the end of Missouri Avenue.
Old Business:
Donna informed the council that she compiled the list of telephone numbers and cell phone numbers of all residents and emailed it to Konechne Heating and Cooling. Chancey Shrake with Brosz Engineering advised that the contract and notice to proceed were emailed to Konechne Heating and Cooling to sign and return.
New Business:
Information received on the 2014 Rooster Rush promotion was presented to the council. No action taken at this time.
Donna informed the council that she had been contacted by Sandy Gant regarding the removal of 2 pillars on the east side of the cemetery. Sandy asked if the City employees could remove the pillars and dispose of them. The gate brackets would have to be removed the pillars so that they could be reinstalled on the new pillars. Dale was informed to check into this.
The 2015 annual budget was presented to the council. After review, Ray Mushitz made a motion to approve the annual budget and Sharon Ackley seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
City of Geddes2015 Budget
Ordinance #2014-01
Appropriations / Receipts
Mayor & Council / 7,600.00 / Liquor Commission / 4,500
Election / 500.00 / Penalty & interest / 1,000
Legal / 3,000.00 / Current Tax / 34,000
Finance / 14,000.00 / 5% municipalities / 7,000
Employee Benefit / 6,500.00 / Wheel Tax / 8,200
Police / 0.00 / Water/Sewer / 86,000
Streets / 31,000.00 / Sales Tax / 57,000
Fire / 200.00 / Inter gov't Revenue / 63,000
Insurance / 7,500.00 / Total / 260,700
Telephone & Office / 61,000.00
Parks & Rec / 4,900.00
Clean Up / 10,000.00
Capital Assets / 9,000.00
Community Bldg. / 7,000.00
General / 67,000.00
Total / 260,700
TOTAL / 260,700 / Total / 260,700
Dated at Geddes, South Dakota this 8th day of September, 2014.
Dan Schulte, Mayor
Donna Paulson, Finance Officer / By: ______
Published: First Reading: 09-16-14
Second Reading:
Attest: ______
/ Approval:
Discussion was held on the recent sewer problems on Minnesota Avenue and South Main. Donna informed the council that when a problem is reported, she advises the resident to contact a plumber to see if their sewer can be opened up that way first. Donna then advises the resident that they need to contact someone to dig the sewer up to see where the problem is. If the problem is in the main, it will be the city responsibility to pay to have it dug up and fixed. If the problem is not in the main, then it is the resident’s responsibility to pay to have it dug up and fixed. People are getting upset when they are told this as they think the city should have to contact someone to have it dug up and fixed.
Dan Schulte advised the council that he has been contacted by H & H Contracting regarding several problems with the water tower. Dan stated that 30’ of insulation is bad and insulation at the top of the water tower also needs to be replaced. The electrical box that was installed approximately a year ago needs to be moved and a light and switch need to be installed. The recirculation pump needed to be repaired and has been reinstalled. The approximate cost for the insulation and recirculation pump is $19,000.00. Ray Mushitz made a motion to have the insulation replaced and the recirculation pump fixed and installed. Mike Krietlow seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Dale Larson was informed to contact Schuman Electric to have the electrical box moved and to install a light and switch.
Sharon Ackley informed that council that she was informed by PUSH, Inc. that gravel will be hauled in and leveled so that the newly installed equipment that PUSH just put in will be level.
Building permit application was received from Mike Krietlow. Duane Hubers made a motion to approve the building permit application. Ray Mushitz seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Water testing is safe at this time.
Carol Oberbroekling made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:42 p.m. Ray Mushitz seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Dan Schulte, Mayor Donna Paulson, Finance Office
“This institution is an equal opportunity provider, and employer.”