Institution Tracking No. / FC-09-062 UCC-09-100

Idaho State Board of Education

Academic/Professional-Technical Education

Notice of Intent

To initiate a

New, Expanded, Cooperative, Discontinued, program component or Off-Campus Instructional Program or Instructional/Research Unit

Institution Submitting Proposal: / UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO
Name of College, School, or Division: / COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE & LIFE SCIENCES
Name of Department(s) or Area(s): / FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCES

Indicate if this Notice of Intent (NOI) is for an Academic or Professional Technical Program

Academic / XX / Professional - Technical

This is a New, Expanded, Cooperative, Contract, or Off-Campus Instructional Program, or Administrative/Research Unit (circle one) leading to:


(Degree or Certificate)

Proposed Starting Date: / Summer 2009

For New Programs:

/ For Other Activity:
Program (i.e., degree) Title & CIP 2000 / Program Component (major/minor/option/emphasis)
Off-Campus Activity/Resident Center
Instructional/Research Unit
X / Discontinuance/consolidation
Contract Program

Dean’s signature on file 2/18/09

College Dean (Institution) / Date / VP Research & Graduate Studies / Date
Chief Fiscal Officer (Institution) / Date / State Administrator, SDPTE / Date
Chief Academic Officer (Institution) / Date / Chief Academic Officer, OSBE / Date
President / Date / SBOE/OSBE Approval / Date

Before completing this form, refer to Board Policy Section III.G., Program Approval and Discontinuance.

1. Briefly describe the nature of the request e.g., is this a new program (degree, program, or certificate) or program component (e.g., new, discontinued, modified, addition to an existing program or option).

The School of Family and Consumer Sciences is discontinuing the program leading to the Bachelor of Science in Child, Family and Consumer Sciences – Education Option.

2. Provide a statement of need for program or a program modification. Include student and state need, demand, and employment potential. Attach a Scope and Sequence, SDPTE Form Attachment B, for professional-technical education requests. (Use additional sheets if necessary.).

The BS in Child, Family and Consumer Sciences – Education Option has enrolled a very low number of students (graduating 2-3 per year) in recent years.

3. Briefly describe how the institution will ensure the quality of the program (e.g., accreditation, professional societies, licensing boards, etc.).

Discontinuing the BS in Child, Family and Consumer Sciences – Education Option will have no effect on continuing programs of the School of Family and Consumer Sciences.

4. Identify similar programs offered within the state of Idaho or in the region by other colleges/universities. If the proposed request is similar to another program, provide a rationale for the duplication. This may not apply to PTE programs if workforce needs within the respective region have been established.

Idaho State University and BYU-Idaho both offer degrees in Family and Consumer Sciences Education.

Enrollment and Graduates (i.e., number of majors or other relevant data)

By Institution for the Proposed Program

Last three years beginning with the current year and the 2 previous years

Institution / Relevant Enrollment Data / Number of Graduates
Current / Previous
Year / Previous
Year / Current / Previous
Year / Previous

Degrees offered by school/college or program(s) within disciplinary area under review

Institution and
Degree name / Level / Specializations within the discipline
(to reflect a national perspective) / Specializations offered within the degree at the institution

5. Describe how this request is consistent with the State Board of Education's policy or role and mission of the institution. (i.e., centrality).

Not applicable.

6. Is the proposed program in the 8-year Plan? Indicate below.

Yes / X / No

If not on 8-year plan, provide a justification for adding the program.

8. Resources--Faculty/Staff/Space Needs/Capital Outlay. (Use additional sheets if necessary.):

Estimated Fiscal Impact / FY / 2009 / FY / FY / Total

A. Expenditures

1. Personnel (savings)

/ 36104.02

2. Operating

3. Capital Outlay

4. Facilities


/ 36104.02

B. Source of Funds

1. Appropriated-reallocation / 36104.02
2. Appropriated – New
3. Federal
4. Other:
Total: / 36104.02

B. Nature of Funds

1. Recurring * / 36104.02
2. Non-recurring **
Total: / 36104.02

* Recurring is defined as ongoing operating budget for the program, which will become of the base.

** Non-recurring is defined as one-time funding in a fiscal year and not part of the base.

Notice of Intent (NOI) Approval Tracking Form

Committee Chairs please append this document to the relevant NOI and send it forward to the next committee for review.

Committee: Academic Programs Advisory Committee, CALS

Program/Degree: B.S. F.C.S. Ed


This discussion began with the Associate Dean presenting the rationale behind this NOI – low student numbers and lukewarm support from the FCS faculty. He told the committee that he has received emails from alumni and other stakeholders supporting the B.S. F.C.S. Ed option. The Associate Dean said he is committed to combining the F.C.S. Ed option with Agricultural Education sometime in the future, but immediate consolidation is impossible within the Program Prioritization timeframe. Some committee members voiced their concerns that this discontinuance will negate any possibility for consolidating these programs in the future.

Dr. Sandra Evenson, interim department chair of F.C.S., presented an argument opposing this NOI. According to Dr. Evenson, there are three reasons to keep the F.C.S. Ed program. First, if the College consolidated the F.C.S. Ed program with the Agricultural Education program, then money would be saved by sharing classes. Second, the F.C.S. Ed program affords students an alternative career path to teaching high school students – namely adult education and a career in Extension. Third, F.C.S. Education is central to the mission of a Land Grant institution and is necessary for to live a healthy and productive life. Dr. Evenson also stressed the current national shortage of F.C.S. educators, and the fact that there is only one other F.C.S. Education program in Idaho (at ISU, and it is housed in their College of Education and is not “easy to find”).

The F.C.S. faculty does not support this discontinuance NOI. However, they would support consolidating this program with the Agricultural Education department.

Vote: 0 in favor, 3 opposed, 3 abstained

Notice of Intent (NOI) Approval Tracking Form

Committee Chairs please append this document to the relevant NOI and send it forward to the next committee for review.

Committee: FCS Faculty

Program/Degree: BS FCS, Family and Consumer Sciences Education Option

Discussion: The faculty was most concerned by the term “discontinuance.” If we discontinue the FCS Ed option, will we still be able to consolidate it with Ag Ed?

Faculty recognize that the program has been difficult to sustain, that student majors and graduates have been low, and that the program needs to be marketed in a new way.

However, the faculty discussed how consolidation was a better choice than closure for the following reasons:

·  Consolidating programs will save money. We anticipate courses will be either team-taught or will break out into separate FCS and Ag recitations. Classes will be larger and the FCS instructor could be part-time.

·  Consolidation will boost enrollment in an area central to the Land Grant mission. Ag Education has a reputation in the state for nurturing its students and mentoring its new teachers. This, in turn, supports enrollment at the HS level and recruitment to the University of Idaho. If FCS Ed could piggy-back this effort, we could boost enrollment and new teacher support.

·  Students would become aware of Extension as a viable career path. Often, students discover that they are interested in adult education instead of secondary education. Ag Educations offers coursework in Extension Education, which offers an alternative and lays the foundation for filling future Extension Educator positions.

In addition, Family and Consumer Sciences is central to the original mission of land-grant universities to “promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and professions of life.” While some terminology is archaic, it reflects the fact that not all high school graduates plan to attend a university. It is the university’s mission and the mission of Family and Consumer Sciences to ensure the people of the state have the information they need to live a healthy and satisfying life. This includes information on personal finance, child development, family relations, consumer textiles, and food and nutrition. When schools can not find teachers, programs close. In these economic times, it is critical to offer young adults the information they need to avoid the problems we face today, such as high consumer debt and childhood obesity. Consolidating FCS Ed with Ag Ed makes it possible to graduate and recruit FCS teachers to fill a need greater than simply employment. It is one stone in the foundation of recapturing state productivity.

Vote: 10/10 (a quorum) voted not to accept the NOI as written.

Notice of Intent (NOI) Approval Tracking Form

Committee Chairs please append this document to the relevant NOI and send it forward to the next committee for review.

Committee: University Curriculum Committee Date: 2/23/09

Present: Richard Battaglia, Jill Dacey (Chair), Gail Eckwright, Walter Hesford, Allen Kitchel, John Marshall, Mark Secrist, Bob Stone, Richard Wells, Jeanne Christiansen, Jean Henscheid, Rod Hill, Nancy Krogh, Heidi Anderson, Garrett Holbrook, Joel Zwainz.

Absent: Ruprecht Machleidt.

Others Present: Margrit Von Braun, Paul Joyce (substitute for Ruprecht Machleidt), Chris Thompson, Paul Rowland, Kathy Browder, James (Ding) Johnson, Andrew Brewick, Janet Rachlow, Robert Zemetra, Kathy Aiken, James Connors, Carl Hunt, Sandra Evenson, 1 Other Guest, Charles Tibbals, Dwaine Hubbard

Program/Degree: Discontinue Bachelor of Science in Family and Consumer Sciences (B.S.F.C.S.) major in Child, Family and Consumer Sciences, Family and Consumer Sciences, Education Option


UCC-09-100 College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

The committee reviewed the proposed Notice of Intent (NOI) from the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences to discontinue Bachelor of Science in Family and Consumer Sciences (B.S.F.C.S.) major in Child, Family and Consumer Sciences, Family and Consumer Sciences, Education Option. Sandra Evenson provided some of the history of this program and its importance. Evenson noted that the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) lost their dedicated faculty position in this area. Evenson noted that their long term goal is to blend their program with the Agricultural Education (AgEd) program as there is a great deal of overlap between the two programs. Committee member Dacey asked if the proprietary courses between FCS and AgEd would continue to be offered by the respective department no matter the outcome of the vote. Evenson indicated that they would continue to be offered. The committee Denied the proposed NOI 4 for and 7 against with 1 abstention, and will forward the proposed NOI to Faculty Council for review.

Vote: Denied – 4 for and 7 against with 1 abstention

Revised 12/10/08

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