Spencer D.Shellman

2652 Marshall St. NE #110

Minneapolis, MN55418
(781) 572-1014

Objective / A position in commercial or scientific software development.
Skilled in / C++ (> 10 years), Fortran (3 years), MPI,OpenMP, UNIX/Linux, Latex
Experience / Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Computer Science, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities. Advisor: Dr. Jousef Saad ().
Period: / January 2004-present
Description: / Develop software for electronic structure calculations.
Research Software Developer, Ansoft. Supervisor: Mark Reichelt ().
Period: / October 2003-December 2003
Description: / Develop software and new methods for simulation of RF circuits.
Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Computer and Computational Sciences, Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Period: / January 2003-October 2003
Description: / Develop software and new methods for computational fluid dynamics.
Research assistant, Department of Computer and Computational Sciences, Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Period: / May 2002-December 2002
Description: / Develop a parallel implementation of theLanczos method for computation ofeigenvalues and eigenvectors.
Research assistant, ASCI/C-SAFE,University ofUtah.
Period: / January 2000-January 2002
Description: / Develop parallel codes for molecular dynamics simulation software. Funded by ASCI/DOE.
Software developer,Xactware, Inc.,Orem,UT.
Period: / November 1992-September 1997
Description: / Develop software applications for estimation.
Software developer,Sculptured Software,Salt Lake City,UT.
Period: / July 1991-November 1992
Description: / Develop computer games and game construction tools.
Education / Ph.D., Computer Science,University ofUtah,Salt Lake City,UT.
Advisor: / Dr. KrisSikorski
Dissertation: / "Efficient Algorithms for Nonlinear Optimization and Fixed Points"
GPA: / 3.958
Completed: / August 2002
B.S., Computer Science,BrighamYoungUniversity,Provo,UT.
GPA: / 3.7
Completed: / June 1989
Publications / S.Shellman and K.Sikorski.
A Recursive Algorithm for the Infinity-Norm Fixed Point Problem.
Journal of Complexity Vol. 19 Issue 6 (December 2003), pp. 799-834.
S.Shellman, J. Lewis, et al.
Massively parallel linear-scaling algorithm in theab initio tight-binding Fireball method.
Journal of Computational Physics Vol. 188 Issue 1 (June 2003), pp. 1-15.
S.Shellman and K.Sikorski.
A Two-Dimensional Bisection Envelope Algorithm for Fixed Points.
Journal of Complexity Vol. 18 No. 2 (June 2002), pp. 641-659.
S.Shellman and K.Sikorski.
A Deep-Cut Bisection Envelope Algorithm for Fixed Points.
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software Vol. 29 No. 3 (Sep. 2003), pp. 309-325.
S.Shellman and K.Sikorski.
A Recursive Fixed Point Algorithm for the Infinity-Norm Case.
Submitted to ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software.
Talks / July 20, 2000: AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference in Algorithms, Computational Complexity, and Models of
Computation for Nonlinear and Multivariate Problems. Mt. Holyoke College, MA. Subject: Complexity of fixed points.
July 3, 2002: Presentation of fixed point research at a group meeting of the CCS-2 department, Los Alamos National Laboratory.
August 5, 2002: Conference on Foundations of Computational Mathematics. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
Subject: A two-dimensional fixed point algorithm.
October 2002: Dagstuhl Seminar on Algorithms and Complexity for Continuous Problems. Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, Germany.
Subject: A general fixed point algorithm.
Courses taken / Scientific computation, scientific visualization, real analysis, differential equations
References / Barry Smith, Scientist, Department of Computer and Computational Sciences, Los Alamos National Laboratory.
(505) 667-1585 /
KrisSikorski, Professor, School of Computing, University ofUtah.
(801) 581-8579 /
JaneCullum, Scientist, Department of Computer and Computational Sciences,Los Alamos National Laboratory (retired).

FrankStenger, Professor, School of Computing, University ofUtah.
(801) 521-9818 /
James Lewis, Professor, Physics and Astronomy,BrighamYoungUniversity.
(801) 422-7444 /
Mark Tyler, Vice President of Software Development, Xactware, Orem, Utah.
(801) 226-6340
Hal Rushton, Vice President of Software Development, Sculptured Software, Salt Lake City, Utah.
(801) 254-3723
PaulHovland, Staff member, Mathematics and Computer Science, Argonne National Laboratory.
(630) 252-6384 /