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E-mail: / Stuart Carlton
Corporate Director - Children and
Young People’s Service
Penny Yeadon
Head of HR - CYPS
Children and Young People’s Service
County Hall, Northallerton,
North Yorkshire, DL7 8AE
Switchboard: 0845 034 9494
Fax: (01609) 532759
08September 2017
Dear Headteacher / Principal and Chair of Governors
Main Pay Range – summary of position
As you are aware from previous communication sent via the red bag and in previous Newsletters, the publication of this year’s STPCD was delayed and the application of the pay award is not entirely straightforward for the main pay range (MPR).As each year goes by since greater flexibility was introduced into the pay arrangements it has become increasingly difficult for the Local Government Association (LGA) to publish national guidance or nationally recommended pay reference points. The fact that 2% is to be applied to the minima and the maxima of the statutory MPR range means that decisions must be taken about how the 2% is then applied to reference points within MPR (remember the STPCD no longer includes reference points and schools must set their own within the range)
This year the Local Government Association (LGA) has continued to publish recommended reference points for the majority of ranges and we continue to include these in our model pay policy. However, for MPR, their position is to publish the options rather than recommend any one approach; this,in effect, increases the emphasis on decision making at Local Authorities and school level. So, within a short timeframe we must consider our position as to whether or not we continue to publish an NYCC recommended pay spine for the MPR this year or follow the lead of LGA and outline recommended options for schools to adopt. We are actively seeking the views of schools to ensure we can make an informed decision in a timely way and, given the importance of the decision, we have been asked by schools to extend the deadline to midday on Friday 15th September.
It has not been possible for us to take a unilateral decision at LA level in respect of the application of the pay award to Main Pay Range (MPR) because the views of schools vary significantly and we do not wish to recommend a position which does not fit the needs of our customers. We hope that you will appreciate our efforts to take a consultative approach despite the slight delay incurred. As a reminder the options for the application of the 2% or 1% across MPR are attached at Appendix 1.
Advice for adopting the pay policy and making a decision regarding MPR
Obviously the MPR pay reference points form an important part of the model pay policy and it would be preferable for it to be ready in full. However, we were keen to ensure that the NYCC model pay policy was not delayed any longer than absolutely necessary so we held a consultation meeting with Professional Associations in the first week of the new term to consult on other changes to the pay policy with the caveat that further dialogue will be needed regarding any MPR reference points following the survey closing on Friday 15th September at 12 noon. Clearly we will endeavour to make and communicate any decision as soon as possible so please look out for any developments.
Hopefully our position regarding the application of the pay award to MPR will be clear prior to many Governing Body meetings so, if we do continue to publish recommended pay reference points for MPR, these can be included in the policy when it goes to Governors. However, if your Governing Body meeting is scheduled for early September, our advice is to outline the options available:
(i)Regardless of your preference as a school, adopt NYCC’s recommendation, if made.
(ii)The governing body has a strong preference for one particular option and wishes to adopt that irrespective of any subsequent NYCC recommendation, despite any risks associated with equal pay for maintained schools.
Regardless, if your meeting pre dates any recommendation from NYCC, to avoid any delay to your decision making, it may be prudent for Governors to consider the pay award options for MPR and make a determination on the option it wishes to adopt in the event that NYCC does not publish recommended pay reference points for MPR.
NB: Any NYCC recommended MPR pay reference points, if published, will have been consulted upon with Professional Associations and so, even if agreement cannot be reached at LA level, schools will be free to adopt it without further consultation at school level. However, if schools make their own determination on the application of the MPR, we strongly recommend a period of school level consultation lasting no less than two weeks. The Professional Associations have published their official stance which is advocating a 2% increase to all reference points within the MPR – their position can be found here. NASUWT has taken the same stance. Clearly option 3 will be in line with the Professional Associations request, option 1 is likely to attract the most challenge given our reference points currently equate to the minima and maxima of the range and so there is likely to be a level of expectation for the 2% to be applied to those points.
Changes to the Pay Policy
The model policy continues to be the NYCC recommended template for individual schools to use but remember, unlike many other model policies, there continue to be a number of discretionary decisions required of individual Governing Bodies. For ease, the pay policy guidance summarises the key changes and any decisions which need to be made, signposting to the relevant parts of the policy. Appendix 2 provides an ‘at a glance’ summary of amendments made to this year’s policy.
As always, where changes of substance are proposed to individual school pay policies,schools are advised to consult with staff and professional associations over a minimum two-week period.
In summary, the keychanges to the pay policy this year are:
- An uplift of 1% to all pay points within the Headteacher group ranges, Upper Pay Range, Leading Practitioner range, Unqualified teacher range andTLR and SEN allowances in the national framework. The Main Pay Range is subject to the determinations outlined above and our position will be confirmed as soon as possible.
- The inclusion of the calculation for unpaid leave for teachers in line with recent case law and agreed with Professional Associations.
- The pay hearing and appeal section has been amended following consultation. This process now includes an informal discussion at stage one with the employee before a recommendation on pay progression is made rather than after the determination has been made – a flow chart has been included to clarify the process. This may help to mitigate the need for stage 2 and 3 hearings. There is also further clarification on who should deal with each stage, in line with your scheme of delegation. A flow chart for the pay hearing and appeal process is now available to help guide you through the process.
In order to minimise impact on pay whilst decisions are taken on Main Pay Range at LA and school levels, in September’s payroll the absolute minimum statutory awards will be made; any further increases to M2- M6 made as a result of any NYCC recommended pay reference points or school level decisions will be applied at a later date and backdated.
This means that, a 1% increase has been applied to all pay points with the exception of MPR 1 where 2% has been applied with effect from 1st September 2017. We have liaised with the Employment Support Service to ensure this is in place for NYCC schools buying into this service. Any schools purchasing payroll provision from an alternative provider will need to give a similar instruction to those service providers or inform them of any decision you make on pay reference points.
If you have any queries regarding the documents or the process to be followed please contact your nominated HR Adviser.
Yours faithfully
Penny Yeadon
Head of HR – CYPS
Appendix 1 – Pay Options
Below are options that Governing Bodies to consider. Please note that these options are not the NYCC recommended pay spine.
OPTION ONE: Classroom TeachersEngland and Wales (excluding London and the Fringe)2% on M1 and 1% on all other points within MPR
Spine point / 1 Sept 2016 to 31 Aug 2017 / 1 Sept 2017 to 31 Aug 2018
Main Pay Range
Min M1
Max M6 / £22,467
£33,160 / £22,917
OPTION TWO: Classroom TeachersEngland and Wales (excluding London and the Fringe)
2% on M1 and M6 and 1% on all other points within MPR
Spine point / 1 Sept 2016 to 31 Aug 2017 / 1 Sept 2017 to 31 Aug 2018
Main Pay Range
Min M1
Max M6 / £22,467
£33,160 / £22,917
OPTON 3: Classroom TeachersEngland and Wales (excluding London and the Fringe)
2% on all pay point within MPR
Spine point / 1 Sept 2016 to 31 Aug 2017 / 1 Sept 2017 to 31 Aug 2018
Main Pay Range
Min M1
Max M6 / £22,467
£33,160 / £22,917
Appendix 2
‘At a glance’ summary of changes made to the NYCC model pay policy 2017/18
Page 10 – Grading and salary determination
The wording has been amended to reflect the mandatory increases to the minima and maxima of the pay ranges (with the exception of points M2 to M6 as this is subject to consultation), TLR and SEN allowances and a 1% increases to all other pay point within these ranges.
Page 11/12 – Leadership group
All spinal column points have been increased by 1%. However, in line with the Schools Teachers Review Body recommendations in 2015, alternative values for the pay points at the maxima of the overall leadership range and the headteacher ranges for the eight school groups remain. These pay points continue to be marked with a * and have also been increased by 1%.
The scale points on the leadership pay range for Deputy and Assistant Headteacher have all increased by1%.
Page 13 – Inclusion of the 8 headteacher pay groups for reference
Page 18 – The Leading Practitioner pay scale has been amended to reflect a 1% increase to all pay points
Page 19 – The Main Pay Scale has been amended to reflect the statutory 2% increase to the minima (M1) and 1% to all other pay point within the range. Any further increases to the pay points within this range will be subject to consultation and outcome of the survey all locally maintained schools have been asked to complete.
Page 20 – Special Education Needs allowance values have been amended to reflect a 1% increase
Page 22/23 – The TLR values have been amended to reflect a 1% increase
Page 26 – The Upper Pay Scale has amended to reflect a 1% increase
Page 27 – The Unqualified teacher pay scale has been amended to reflect a 1% increase
Page 33 – Inclusion of a paragraph in relation to unpaid leave for teachers and the calculation that should be used for full and part time teachers who take unpaid leave
Page 38 - 40 – Amendments have been made to the pay appeal process.
The specific changes are in relation to allowing a teacher an opportunity to discuss the recommendation before it is put forward to the person or committee who will make the determination. If the teacher is unhappy with the recommendation following this discussion (stage1) the rationale behind this should be provided to the person or committee who makes the determination so they are fully aware of all the information from both parties prior to making a determination.
The policy also seeks to clarify who should deal with each stage of the process, in line with your scheme of delegation and a flowchart for the process has been included at appendix C.