Reader: Monday Morning Blues
Practice Book: L-1 Nouns
Unseen Passage Comprehension, Application for leave
Activity: Paste pictures of different kinds of noun.
Reader: The tale of a tail
Pr. Book: L-2 Determiners
Paragraph writing
Activity: Name your 5 favourite friends & list 5 qualities that you like about them.
Reader: The Boy who Borrowed, Adventure with books
Pr. Book: L-3 Apostrophe , L-4 Comparisons
Notice Writing
Activity: 1). Prepare an attractive bookmark.2). Write a book review.
Reader: Just be up and Doing, Limits of the mind
Pr. Book: L-5 Verbs, L-6 Adverbs
Activity: 1). Write up on your favourite character of Mahabharata.
2). Describe your day pasting pictures of your daily activities.(Verbs and adverbs)
UNIT TEST1:Reader:Monday Morning Blues
Pr. Book: L-1 Nouns, L-2 Determiners
Unseen Passage, Application for leave.
UNIT TEST2: Reader: The tale of a tail, Adventure with Books,The Boy who Borrowed
Pr. Book: L-3 Apostrophe , L-4 Comparisons
Unseen Passage, Paragraph writing, Notice Writing
Reader: Adventure with Books, The Boy who Borrowed,The tale of a tail, Limits of the Mind, Just be up and Doing
Pr. Book: L-1 Nouns, L-2 Determiners, L-3 Apostrophe , L-4 Comparisons, L-5 Verbs, L-6 Adverbs
Writing: Unseen Passage, Paragraph writing, Letter Writing, Notice Writing
Reader: Fearless fighter
Pr-book: Lesson 7 Present Perfect Tense
Writing Skills: Completion of paragraph with the help of given outlines/ Bio-sketch writing
Activity: - Make an ACROSTIC POEM on the word ‘Determination’.Write a Bio-sketch on any physically challenged person and how they overcame difficulties in life.
Reader: Five chums and the Hacker
Pr. Book: Lesson 8 Sentences, Ln-9,Conditionals
Writing Skills: E-mail writing
Activity: Role play on Five chums and the hacker.
Reader: I’ve got an email, Its getting hotter
Pr. Book: Ch-10 Modals I, Ch-11 Modals II
Listening Skills: Unit 4 (Part C)
Writing Skills: Advertisement + writing
Activity: - Make a sketch of your parents’ credit card in your notebook with names, card number etc at the right place i.e Front and back side, Poster on Global Warming.
Reader: Plant a seed, The Green Act
Pr. Book: Ch-12 Reflexive Pronoun, Ch- 13 Prepositions
Writing skills: Picture Composition, Poster Making
Activity:- Paragraph on - A day without trees, Draw a life cycle of a seed, Write slogans on ‘Save Environment’.
UNIT TEST 3: Reader: Fearless fighter,Five chums and the Hacker
Pr. Book: Ch- 7 Present Perfect Tense, Ch-9 Conditionals
Writing Skills: Bio-sketch
UNIT TEST 4: Reader: I’ve got E-mail and Five Chums and the Hacker,Its getting hotter
Pr. Book: Ch- 8 Sentences, Ch- 9 Conditionals, Ch-10 Modals
Writing skills: E-mail Writing, Advertisement
Pr. book, Copy maintenance, Spell Check, Activity
FINAL EXAM:Reader: Unit 4 (part B – I’ve got e-mail),Five Chums and the Hacker, Unit 5 (Part A(It’s getting hotter), B(Plant a seed), C (The green Act))
Pr. Book: Lesson 7(Present Perfect Tense),8(Sentences),9(Conditionals),10(Modals-I),11(Modals-II),12(Reflexive Pronouns),13(Prepositions)
Writing skills :Email writing, Bio-sketch, Picture composition, Informal Letter writing, Poster.
Unit 1 - Numbers upto 99,99,99,999Unit 2 - Operations on large numbers
Activities – (1) Representation of Indian and International place value system of numeration using flash cards.
(2)Mind testing on basic operations of mathematics.
Unit 3 -Multiples and factorsUnit 4 -Fractional numbers
Activities – (1) LCM Game on 10x 10 grid.(2) Multiplication of fractions in a ring, Division Grid of fractions.
Unit 17- Data HandlingUnit 16 - TrianglesUnit 10-Averages
Activity - Reading and Representation of given information on a pictograph, verification of angle sum property.
Unit 9 -Rounding numbers
UNIT TEST 1 – Unit 1(Numbers upto 99,99,99,999)
UNIT TEST 2- Unit -2(Operations on large numbers) and Unit -3 (Multiples and factors)
HALF YEARLY EXAMINATION:Unit 3,4 ,16,10, 9 and 17
Unit-5 DecimalsUnit-6 Addition and subtraction of decimal
Activity: 1).Representation of places and place value of decimal numbers using disposable glasses.
2). Addition and subtraction of different numbers and finding the answers in a number grid.
Unit– 7 Multiplication and Division of decimal numbers Unit- 8 Simplification of numerical expression Unit-14 Bills
Activity: 1).Crossword puzzle on Division and Multiplication. 2).Prepare a bill for the given items.
Unit– 11 Profit and Loss Unit – 13 Simple Interest
Activity:1).Real life based problems on SI.2).Skit based on profit and loss.
Unit-12 PercentageUnit-15 Temperature
Activity: 1).Understanding percentages as fractions using graph paper.
2).To draw two thermometers showing Celsius and scales and the Fahrenheit Scales and the relation between two scales.
UNIT TEST 3: UNIT-5(Decimals) and UNIT-6(Addition and subtraction of decimal) , UNIT-14 (Bills)
UNIT TEST 4: UNIT-7(Multiplication and Division of decimal numbers) and UNIT-8 (Simplification of numerical expression)
FINAL EXAMINATION: UNIT-8 (Simplification of numerical expression),UNIT-11 (Profit and Loss) , UNIT-12 (Percentage) ,UNIT-13 (Simple Interest) , UNIT-7(Multiplication and Division of decimal numbers) and UNIT-15(Temperature)
Lesson 1: My body
➢Model of lungs using balloons
➢(Group)Making model of different types of joints using clay and pipes(straws)
➢Making X-ray of human skeleton system
➢Collecting information on difference between internal and external ear of our (Humans) with mammals like cow, elephant.
➢Class activity to show different activities & use of joints.
➢Making flip flops on sense organs in different animals.
➢Collecting information on Arthritis-causes & symptoms.
Lesson 2: Plants
➢An activity to show the stages of seed germination and methods of vegetative propagation
➢Collect 5 types of seeds and paste in the notebook and label its parts.
➢An activity to show conditions required for germination of seed.
➢Visiting school garden, take pictures/draw any 5 plants/trees and tell the mode of reproduction.
Lesson 3: Forests
➢(Group)Poster on save forest
➢Paste forest products on a tree cut out
➢(Group)Making best out waste
➢Making concept cartoon on life without trees and life with trees.
Lesson 4: Animals-our friends
➢Collecting information about Project Tiger
➢Collecting information about wildlife sanctuary (group 1) and National Park(group 2) alongwith pictures.
➢Making trioramas on usefulness of animals
➢Make a food chain of any habitat with the help of pictures
➢Collecting information on PETA
➢Making of bookmarks(Care of animals)
Lesson 5: Food
➢Role play on types of nutrients and deficiency diseases
➢Flash cards- communicable and non-communicable diseases
➢Making food pyramid using pictures
➢Making Balanced Diet Thali
Lesson 6: Spoilage and wastage of food and food preservation
➢Paste the outer wrapper of packed food items like jams and pickles and write down the preservative used.
➢An activity to show growth of fungus on stale bread
➢Make a list of preservatives used to prevent spoilage of food in olden days
➢Write the recipe for preparing mango pickle and jam. Make list of ingredients that added to them to prevent growth of micro organism
Unit test 1: Chapter 1, Chapter 2
Unit test 2: Chapter 3,4
Half yearly exam: Chapter -2,3,4,5,6
Lesson 7: Importance of water
Collage on importance of water for 1. Plants2. Animals(group activity)
Poster on save water
On a political map of India-mark the regions where step wells are present
Collect information on “water supply at home” and difference between water supply in villages and cities.
Flash Cards: Aquatic & Amphibious animals.
Collecting/ searching ways to sensitize people about the need of keeping water bodies free from pollution.
Lesson 8: Properties of water
Make your own fountain
Water cycle (using clay, paper, straw)
Activities to demonstrate properties of water
Lesson 9: Fuels
Flip flops on different types of fuels (solid, liquid, gaseous)
Make a list of fuels used as source of energy while travelling 1. Within the city 2. Between two cities 3. Between two countries
Debate on use of Coal as a fuel.
Geo Thermal Energy Sources- Collect information and find out the places in the world. Mark on the World map.
Lesson 10: Air
Collect the Bills of energy (fuel) consumption.
Nitrogen Cycle (Flow chart Diagram).
An activity to show air is necessary for survival of plants
Air is necessary for burning (candle activity)
Concept map/flow chart on air pollution (causes, effects, solution) using appropriate pictures
Collect information about pollution check up of vehicles (for around a year)
Survey on vehicles used by neighbours(5) and the fuel used what measures taken to control air pollution.
Lesson 11: Our solar system
Wind chime (Terrestrial & Jovian)
Phases of moon using torch and a ball
Planet Riddle
“I am a planet” wearing a planet card and describing its features
Collect information on the people who have travelled to outer space
Group Activity: Making Scrap Book of Solar System by collecting data about sizes, distances, temperatures etc. of its members.
Lesson 12: Observing the sky
Draw the constellation using straws and silver pen on black sheet
Make a list of planets you observe in night sky.
Collect information about shape of different constellation seen in different seasons.
UNIT TEST 3- Chapter-7 and 8
UNIT TEST 4 - Chapter -9 and 10
FINAL EXAMINATION- Chapter-8,9,10,11 and 12
APRIL/MAY / Lesson 1 – Importance of family.Lesson 2 – Human migration
Lesson 3 / Ln 1 – Make a family album and discuss with your parents and list five moral values that are important for every person. OR A Collage on Family Activities that your family engage in making family time memorable and enjoyable.
Ln 2- Interview a family member , relative , neighbour or friend who has migrated to Delhi for job or occupation. Ask them the difficulties they faced initially.OR Write some lines on three animals/birds who travel long distances to migrate and then so back to their original homeland & paste pictures on A4 sheet.
Ln3 – On A4 sheet,enlist different types of houses based on Geographical place, durability and locate them on map of India.( Group activity)
Unit Test 1 / Chapter 1,2
JULY / Lesson 4- Sensitivity towards others / Find information of any such person who has contributed in improving the condition of socially deprived children of India.
A Poster on the topic ‘ Education For All’.
UNIT TEST 2 / Lesson 3 and 4, 5
AUGUST / Lesson 5 – Community service
Lesson 6 – Leisure time activities / Community services play an important role in olden times. Show by pasting pictures on A4 sheet.
Design a poster of chipko moment with a catchy slogan.
Paste 5 yoga asana and 5 pranayam write down its 1 benefit inside the flap.
List difference between Traditional and Modern leisure activities by pasting pictures OR On A4 sheet, Paste picture of your favourite game player and write 2-3 sentences on it.
SEPTEMBER / Lesson 7 – Changing trends in occupation. / Make a poster of your favourite helper.(Doctor, Teacher, Plumber, Carpenter etc. and write some lines on it.
HALF YEARLY EXAM / Lesson 2 ,3,4 ,5 ,6 and 7
OCTOBER / Lesson 8 – Respecting regional differences. / Use A4/A3 size sheet(2-3) and pictures to show difference between Rajasthan / Andaman and nicobar island or make on A3 sheet and locate them on map of India.
NOVEMBER / Lesson 9 – Exploring India
Lesson 11 – Transport in modern times / Make a scrapbook using A4 or A3 sheets of Manipur, Agra and Mysore, showing famous places and locate them on the map of India.
On A4 sheet, Paste picture of your favourite means of transport and write details related to that transport or Prepare slogan on Save fuel. Highlight various significant non-renewable transport fuels.
UNIT TEST 3 / Lesson 8 and 9 Test + Activity
DECEMBER / Lesson 12- Communication in modern times.
Lesson 10 – Mapping India / On A4 sheet, mention modern means of communication and write two reasons by pasting picture.
Draw road sign and map symbolson A3 sheet.
S.E.A:-Question based activity on world map.
UNIT TEST 4 / L-11,12 + marked activity , copy maintenance
JANUARY /FEBRUARY / Lesson 13– India’s neighbours / Make a Scrapbook showing similarity of food, dresses between India and its neighbours and locate them on map of India.
FINAL EXAM / Lesson 9,10,11,12 and 13
NOTE: MAP activity to be done for every lesson.
vçSy @ebZ
Hkk”kk ek/kqjh ikB &1 fnekxh yM+kbZ, ikB &2 ykSg iq:”k, ikB &3 isM+
xfrfof/k:- 1.वृक्षोंकेनामकीवर्गपहेलियाँ2.महानपुरुषकीजीवनी(योगदान)
Hkk”kk vH;kl & ikB & 1] 2] 3] la;qDr v{kj] laKk] tkfrokpd] O;fDrokpd laKk] fcUnq] okD;ka’k] ds fy, ,d ‘kCn] fØ;k] i;kZ;okph] foijhr ‘kCn] i= & fe= कोNqV~fV;kW fcrkus ds fy, vius ;gkW cqykus ds fy,A
UNIT TEST 1 - Hkk”kk ek/kqjh o Hkk”kk vH;kl ikB & 1]2]i=
Hkk”kk ek/kqjh ikB &4 iwjs ,d gt+kj]ikB &5 nks igyoku]ikB &6 unh ;gk¡ ij
xfrfof/k1.पौष्टिकआहारकीसचित्रसूचीलाभसहित 2.नदियोंको दूषित होने से बचाने के उपाय लिखनI |
Hkk”kk vH;kl & ikB & 4] 5] 6 dky] eqgkojs] leku vFkZ ^j* ds fofHkUu :i] foykse ‘kCn vuqPNsn & प्रकृतिका वर्णन|
UNIT TEST 2 -Hkk”kk ek/kqjh o Hkk”kk vH;kl ikB & 3]4]5]vuqPNsn
Hkk”kk ek/kqjh ikB &7 irhys dh e`R;q ]ikB &9 vatrk dh lSj]ikB &8 Vids dk Mj
xfrfof/k 1.अकबर बीरबल का रोचक किस्सा सुनाए|
2.अजंता की गुफ़ाओं कावर्णनकरतेहुएकलाजबनायें|
Hkk”kk vH;kl & ikB & 7] 8] 9 dkjd] fojke fpg~u fo’ks”k.k] fo’ks”;] çR;;] milxZ
अनुच्छेद -बालिका शिक्षा
Hkk”kk ek/kqjh ikB &10 ;s ckr le> esa vkbZ ugha ]ikB &11 fcjlk eqaMk
Hkk”kk vH;kl & ikB & 10] 11 uqDrk] loZuke] opu cnyks] vuqPNsn & वनसंरक्षण
HALF YEARLY & Hkk”kk ek/kqjh o Hkk”kk vH;kl पाठ 5,6] 8] 9] 10]11]i=] vuqPNsn
Hkk”kk ek/kqjh ikB & 12 euHkkou lkou] ikB &13 fç; ikS/kk
xfrfof/k1.वर्षाहोनेसेहमेंक्याक्यालाभहैं?बताए, |
Hkk”kk vH;kl & ikB & 12] 13 ;qXe ‘kCn] foykse ‘kCn vo;o] vuqPNsn & fç; शिक्षक]
Hkk”kk ek/kqjh &ikB & 14 cqn~f/keku jktk ]ikB &15 v¡/ksj uxjh] ikB &16 pk¡n dk dqrkZ
xfrfof/k 1.नाटककाकक्षामेंमंचनकरना2.भारतकेपाँचमहानराजाओंकेविषयमेंसचित्रलिखना|
Hkk”kk vH;kl & ikB & 14] 15] 16 ekud :i] eqgkojs leku vFkZ] la;qDr vFkZ] la;qDr fØ;k] okD;ka’k ds fy, ,d ‘kCn] vuqPNsn & स्वछ्ताअभियान
UNIT TEST3& Hkk”kk ek/kqjh o Hkk”kk vH;kl ikB & 12] 13,14,पत्र
Hkk”kk ek/kqjh ikB & 17 gkj dh thr, ikB & 18 csV~fVuk dk lkgl
xfrfof/k अपनेसाहसीकार्यकीकोईघटनाबताए,विश्वासपरआधारितकहानीकक्षामेसुनायेंA
Hkk”kk vH;kl & ikB & 17] 18 dkjd] fo’ks”k.k] i;kZ;okph] lkFkZd ‘kCn] yksdksfdr;k¡] lwpuk ]vuqPNsn & vuq’kklu
UNIT TEST4 & Hkk”kk ek/kqjh o Hkk”kk vH;kl ikB &15]16,17vuqPNsn
Hkk”kk ek/kqjh ikB & 19 ykSV vk;k vkRefo’okl, ikB &20 dksf’k’k djus okyksa dh dHkh gkj ugha gksrh
xfrfof/k सचित्रप्रेरणादायीकवितालिखिए] समुद्रीवस्तुओंकासचित्रसंकलन
Hkk”kk vH;kl & ikB & 19] 20 leku vFkZ] fo’ks”k.k] i;kZ;okph] ç/kkukpk;kZ dks çkFkZuk i= fyf[k,A
FINAL EXAMINATION Hkk”kk ek/kqjh o Hkk”kk vH;kl ikB &15] 16] 17] 18] 19] 20, i= ]vuqPNsn
April/May - Page :1-7 , 21-25 + Current Affairs
UNIT TEST 1 – Pages: 1-7, 21-25 + Current Affairs + Trick Exercises
July – Page :26-32, 42-43 + Current Affairs
August – Page: 44-46, 47-52 + Current Affairs
UNIT TEST 2 –Pages : 26-31, 42-43, 47-52 + Current Affairs + Trick Exercise
September – Revision + Current Affairs
HALF YEARLY EXAM –Pages :1-7,21-25,26-32,42-46,47-52,62-63 + Current Affairs + Trick Exercise
October – Page: 8-13 + Current Affairs
November- Page: 14-20 + Current Affairs
December – Page: 32-36, 37-41 + Current Affairs
UNIT TEST 3 –Pages: 8-20+ Current Affairs + Trick Exercise
UNIT TEST 4 –Page 32-41+ Current Affairs + Trick Exercise
January-Page :53-61 + Current Affairs
February- Revision
FINAL EXAMINATION- Pages: 8-20, 32-41, 53-61 + Current Affairs + Trick Exercise
vÁSy@ebZikB&1 e/kqjk ÁÒkrosyk, ikB&„ ee ifjokj%
O;kdj.k&gyUr]folxZ dh igpku] 1 ls 20 la[;k , iq:’k dh igpku, लिंगववचनकीपहचान
tqykbZikB&3 ¼o;e~ i”;ke%½,ikB&4 ¼”kkdgV~Ve~½
O;kdj.k&vifBr x|ka”k] opu ifjorZu] fyax ifjorZu ¼dÙkkZ]deZ]dj.k]lEÁnku dkjd½ ,“kCn:i&jke%,बालक%
Xkfrfof/k1.fdUgh ik¡p lfCt;ksa dk fp= cukdj uke fy[kksA
vxLrikB&5 vLekde~ fÁ; fe=kf.k,ikB&6 ;s Qykfu [kknfUr rs lqf[ku% olfUr,ikB&7 fp=Án”kZuh
O;kdj.k yV~ ydkj ¼/kkrq:i&iB~~ py~“kCn:i ^nso^,स्त्रीलिंग- लता, बालिका
Xkfrfof/k 1- “kCnkFkZ Áfr;ksfxrk 2- ee fo|ky;% ij dgkuh fy[ksaA 3-पक्षियोंवफलोंकेनामसचित्रलिखनाA
Unit Test 1:- ikB &1]2]3 ee ifjp; la[k;k ¼1&10½
Unit Test 2:- ikB &4]5
Xkfrfof/k ikB & iBu dkS”ky xfrfof/k xzh’ekodk”k x`gdk;Z
Half yearly Exam:- ikB&1 ls 7
“kCn:Ik& nso] jke]लता¼igyh pkj foÒfDr½
/kkrq:Ik&iB~] py~ ¼yV~ ydkj ½
vifBr x|ka”k] tkuojks o lfCt;ksa ds uke] ee ifjp; ] eefo|ky;
flrEcjikB&8 vfÒuo% fde~ fde~ djksfr\
O;kdj.k& le; ys[ku rr~ ¼iqfYyaxa½ fyax cnyks
Xkfrfof/k1-fdUgh ik¡p jaxks ds uke fy[ksaA2-वाटिकाबनाकरसमयदर्शयें
vDVqcj ikB&9 fcMky% dq= vfLr\ ikB&10 vkxPN! Xkk;ke%
O;kdj.k& iapeh ls lIreh foÒfDr
“kCn:Ik &yrk] jek¼पुल्लिंगस्त्रीलिंग½
/kkrq:i& xe~ ¼y`V~½ vO;;
Xkfrfof/kdksbZ ik¡p i”kqvksa ds ukeks dh lgk;rk ls okD; cuk,aA,श्लोकवाचन
uoEcjikB&11 gfj.ke~ ek ekj; , ikB&12 dFk;Urq dL;% d% o.kZ\
O;kdj.k &/kkrq:i &xe~ iB~ py~ ¼y`V~ ydkj½ jaxks ds uke] la[;k ¼11ls 20 ½
Xkfrfof/kfp= ns[kdj dgkuh fuekZ.k
fdUgh ik¡p if{k;ksa ds fp= lfgr uke laLdr esa fy[ksaA
fnlEcj ikB&13 d% prqj% vfLr\
O;kdj.k &laokn] “kjhj ds vaxksa ds uke
Xkfrfof/kee ifjokj% fo’k; ij dgkuh dk fuekZ.k djsaA,अनुच्छेदइदंअसमाक्म्शरीरम
Tkuojh@Qjojh ikB &14 dfr oLrwfu lfUr\
O;kdj.k & la[;k ¼iqfYayx L=hfyax uiaqldfyaxa½le; ys[ku]”kCn:i &Qye~
UNIT TEST 3:-ikB &8]9] ”kCn:i/kkrq &Òze~ ]xe~ ¼y`V~ ydkj ”kCn:i&rr~ yrk fyax cnyks a]opu cnyks ] vO;;
UNIT TEST 4:-ikB10]11 O;kdj.k] /kkrq:i &¼yV~ o y``V~ ydkj ½”kCn:i&फलम]बालक] संख्या] vO;;]jaxks ds uke] अनुच्छेद
FINAL EXAMINATIONikB &8ls14]vifBr x|ka”k] /kkrq:i &py~ iB~ xe~ ¼yV~ o y``V~ ydkj ½”kCn:i yrk ]rr~] la[;k ¼1 ls 20 ½ vo;; ] opu cnyks] jaxks ds uke] ee ifjp;%] ”kjhj ds vaxks dsss uke ]अनुच्छेद
APRIL/MAY: -L-1:- Know your Computer
JULY:- L-2:-Organizing your work , L-3:- More operations in Writer (Openoffice.org)
AUGUST:- L-4:- Writing with styles and colours (Openoffice.org-Writer)
SEPTEMBER:- Practice of the previous lessons+ Practical Sessions.
●UT 1 L:-1 , 2
●UT 2 L-3,4
●Half yearly exam:- 1,2,3 and 4
OCTOBER:- L-5:- Images in a Document (OpenOffice.org-Writer)
NOVEMBER:-L-6:- Advanced Features in OpenOffice.org-Writer
DECEMBER:-L-7:- OpenOffice.org-Impress
JANUARY:L-8:- Safe Use of Computer
FEBRUARY:- Revision +Practical Sessions of the previous lessons
●UT 3 L:-5,6
●UT 4 L-7,8
●Final exam:- 5,6,7 and 8
osnikB ikB~;Øe
vçSy@ebZxfrfof/k / ikB & 1¼;kpuk½] ikB & 2 ¼xk;=h ea= dk egÙo½] 3
vk;Zlekt ds fu;e 1 ls 5
xfrfof/k / ikB & 4¼ewy’kadj dk x`g R;kx½] 5¼_f”k efgek½] ikB & 6¼vPNk ckyd½] vkpeu ea=
xfrfof/k / ikB & 7¼egkRek lqdjkr dh lgu’khyrk½] ikB &8¼cM+s ?kj ds xk;d½
सहनशीलताकेबारेमेंबताए]प्रश्नउत्तर प्रतियोगिता
UNIT TEST -1 / ikB & 1] 2] 3]fu;e & 1 ls 3
UNIT TEST -2 / ikB & 4] 5] 6] vkpeu ea=]fu;e& 46
HALF YEARLY EXAM / ikB & 6 ls 10]fu;e 1 ls 6] ea= xk;=h ea=] vkpeu ea=
xfrfof/k / ikB & 9¼xq.kxku½ ]ikB & 10¼vfgalk½]
पाठ केआधारपरनाटकीयरूपांतरण
xfrfof/k / ikB & 11¼Lok/;k;½ ]ikB & 12¼lRlax dk izHkko½
स्वाध्यायकेमहत्वकेविषयमेंछात्रोंसेचर्चा]fu;e 6] 7
xfrfof/k / ikB & 13¼lsok½] ikB & 14¼’kj.kkxfr½] fu;e 7 ls 10
xfrfof/k / ikB & 15¼Lokeh fojtkuan½] ikB & 16¼i- xq#nÙk½]मंत्रप्राणायाममंत्र
स्वामीवीरजननदकासचित्र वर्णन
xfrfof/k / ikB &17¼ykyk yktir jk;½] ikB &18¼l0 Hkxr flag½] ikB & 19¼n;kuan iz’kfLr½] ikB &20]वेदिकसंध्या
UNIT TEST -3 / ikB & 11] 12 fu;e 6 ls 8]आचमनमंत्र
UNIT TEST -4 / ikB & 13] 14 fu;e 8 ls 10]प्राणायाममंत्र
FINAL EXAM / ikB & 13 ls 20]fu;e 1 ls 10
ea= & xk;=h ea=] vkpeu ea=काअर्थ]प्राणायाममंत्र