and Indicators / Criteria / Limited Achievement
E-1 / Basic Achievement
D-2 / Sound Achievement
C-3 / High Achievement
B-4 / Outstanding Achievement A-5
Skills and Strategies
Sentence Structure / Produces grammatically correct and meaningful sentences. / Groups letters/ words to form sentences or uses symbols that may be unconventional. / Attempts to write simple sentences correctly. Word order may be incorrect. / Writes simple sentences with correct word order and meaning is predominantly clear. / Writes simple sentences correctly as well as compound sentences using effective conjunctions. Meaning is predominantly clear. / Simple and compound sentences are correct. Uses a variety of effective conjunctions in compound sentences. Meaning is clear.
Producing Texts
Paragraphs / Segments text into paragraphs. / No paragraphing evident / No paragraphing evident / No paragraphing evident / No paragraphing evident / A beginning sense of paragraphing is evident. Random breaks are evident or new line is taken for each sentence.
Skills and Strategies
Uses different types of verbs. / Uses persuasive language to influence the audience. / Verbs used incorrectly / No thinking or feeling verbs evident. / Uses one thinking/feeling verb such as ‘I think’or ‘I like’. / Uses one thinking/feeling verb with one auxiliary verb to express modality.
e.g. can, will, must... / Uses 2 or more thinking/feeling verbs with more than one auxiliary verbs to express modality.
Eg: should, might, must.
Language / Uses topic/technical language. / No topic or technical language evident or language used is not related to set topic. / The writing contains 1 example of topic word and no technical words. / The writing contains 2 examples of topic words and may include technical language. / The writing contains 2 examples of topic words and includes 1 technical word. / The writing contains 3 or more examples of topic words and includes at least 2 technical words.
Skills and Strategies
Cohesion / Uses conjunctions or connectives in writing / No conjunctions or connectives evident. / Uses conjunctions and connectives incorrectly or repetitively. / Uses at least one conjunction correctly to make a compound or complex sentence. / Uses 2 or more conjunctions and/or 1 connective correctly. / Uses conjunctions andconnectives to link arguments. Eg: firstly, secondly.
Skills and Strategies
Punctuation / Uses correct punctuation. / Punctuation is minimal
not used correctly / Uses capitals, full stops and correct spacing some of the time. / Uses common punctuation correctly– capitals, full stopsand correct spacing most of the time. / Uses common punctuation correctly– capitals, full stops, all of the time. / Uses common punctuation correctly– capitals, full stops, all of the time. Experiments with other forms of punctuation.
Skills and Strategies
Spelling / Correctly spells most high frequency and grade appropriate words / Cannot yet spell high frequency words independently. / Attempts most high frequency and grade appropriate words with invented spelling. / Spells most high frequency and grade appropriate words correctly. / Spells all high frequency and grade appropriate words correctly. / Spells all high frequency and grade appropriate words correctly as well as more challenging words.
Producing Texts
Text Structure / Uses the correct organisational structure of an exposition / No introduction.
Writes a simple sentence which does not express an opinion.
No conclusion evident. / Introduction does not support the stimulus.
Writes a simple sentence to express an opinion with no supporting reasons.
No conclusion evident. / Simple introduction that lets the audience know what the general topic is.
Writes a simple sentence to express an opinion with no supporting reasons.
No conclusion evident. / Simple introduction that lets the audience know what the general topic is.
Writes 2-3 simple sentences to express an opinion with no supporting reasons.
No conclusion evident. / Simple introduction that lets the audience know what the general topic is.
Writes 2-3 simple sentences to express an opinion with supporting reasons.
No conclusion evident.


and Indicators / Criteria / Limited Achievement
E-1 / Basic Achievement
D-2 / Sound Achievement
C-3 / High Achievement
B-4 / Outstanding Achievement A-5
Skills and Strategies
Sentence Structure / Produces grammatically correct and meaningful sentences. / Attempts to write simple sentences correctly. Word order may be incorrect / Writes simple sentences with correct word order and meaning is predominantly clear. / Writes simple sentences correctly as well as compound sentences using effective conjunctions. Meaning is predominantly clear. / Simple and compound sentences are correct. Uses a variety of effective conjunctions in compound sentences. Meaning is clear / Simple and compound sentences are correct. Uses a variety of effective conjunctions in compound sentences. Attempts to use complex sentences. Meaning is clear.
Producing Texts
Paragraphs / Segments text into paragraphs. / Script is a block of text. / A beginning sense of paragraphing is evident. Random breaks are evident or new line is taken for each sentence. / Paragraphs evident but are not used effectively to organise ideas. / Writing is organised into paragraphs that are mainly focused on a single idea. / Writing is organised into paragraphs that are mainly focused on a single idea or set of like ideas as well as indicating changes in time/scene.
Skills and Strategies
Uses different types of verbs. / Uses persuasive language to influence the audience. / No thinking or feeling verbs evident. / Uses one thinking/feeling verb such as ‘I think’ or ‘I like’. / Uses one thinking/feeling verb with one auxiliary verb to express modality.
e.g. can, will, must... / Uses 2 or more thinking/feeling verbs with more than one auxiliary verb to express modality.
e.gshould, might, must / Uses 2 or more thinking/feeling verbs with more than one auxiliary verb to express modality.
should, might, must
Includes at least one example of emotive language.(Refer to glossary)
Language / Uses topic/technical language. / The writing contains 1 example of topic word and no technical words. / The writing contains 2 examples of topic words and may include technical language. / The writing contains 2 examples of topic words and includes 1 technical word. / The writing contains 3 or more examples of topic words and includes at least 2 technical words. / The writing contains 3 or more examples of topic words and includes at least 3 technical words.
Skills and Strategies
Cohesion / Uses conjunctions or connectives in writing / No conjunctions or connectives evident. / Uses conjunctions and connectives incorrectly or repetitively. / Uses 1-2 simple conjunctions eg: if, because, so...
Plus 1 connective correctly. / Uses conjunctions and connectives to link arguments. Eg: firstly, secondly. / Uses at least one conjunction to link reasons. Eg: therefore,furthermore, as a result....
Uses a variety of connectives to link arguments. Eg:firstly...finally.
Skills and Strategies
Punctuation / Uses correct punctuation. / Punctuation is minimal
not used correctly / Uses capitals, full stops and correct spacing some of the time. / Uses common punctuation correctly– capitals, full stopsand correct spacing most of the time. / Uses common punctuation correctly– capitals, full stops, all of the time. / Uses common punctuation correctly– capitals, full stops, all of the time. Experiments with other forms of punctuation.
Skills and Strategies
Spelling / Correctly spells most high frequency and grade appropriate words / Cannot yet spell high frequency words independently. / Attempts most high frequency and grade appropriate words with invented spelling. / Spells most high frequency and grade appropriate words correctly. / Spells all high frequency and grade appropriate words correctly. / Spells all high frequency and grade appropriate words correctly as well as more challenging words.
Producing Texts
Text Structure / Uses the correct organisational structure of an exposition / Introduction does not support the stimulus/ no introduction.
Writes a simple sentence to express an opinion with no supporting reasons.
No conclusion evident. / Simple introduction that lets the audience know what the general topic is.
Writes a simple sentence to express an opinion with no supporting reasons.
No conclusion evident. / Simple introduction that lets the audience know what the general topic is.
Writes 2-3 simple sentences to express an opinion with no supporting reasons.
No conclusion evident. / Simple introduction that lets the audience know what the general topic is.
Writes 2-3 simple sentences to express an opinion with supporting reasons.
No conclusion evident. / Simple introduction that lets the audience know what the general topic is.
Writes 2-3 simple sentences to express an opinion with supporting reasons.
Point of view is re-stated in a conclusion.


and Indicators / Criteria / Limited Achievement
E-1 / Basic Achievement
D-2 / Sound Achievement
C-3 / High Achievement
B-4 / Outstanding Achievement A-5
Skills and Strategies
Sentence Structure / Produces grammatically correct and meaningful sentences. / Writes simple sentences that are incomplete and not meaningful. / Writes simple sentences correctly. Also attempts compound sentences which may be run on sentences. Meaning is predominantly clear. / Simple and compound sentences are correct. A variety of effective conjunctions used. Attempts to use complex sentences. Meaning is predominantly clear. / Simple and compound sentences are written correctly with at least 1 complex sentence correct. / Simple and compound sentences are written correctly with 2 or more complex sentences correct. Sentences may show a variety in length and sentence beginnings.
Producing texts
Paragraphs / Segments text into paragraphs. / Script is a block of text. / Paragraphs evident but are not used effectively to organise ideas or new line is taken for each sentence. / Writing is organised into paragraphs that are mainly focused on a single idea or set of like ideas / Writing is organised into paragraphs mainly focused on a single idea or set of like ideas.Paragraphs are used to introduce new argument. / Writing is organised into paragraphs focused on a set of like ideas. Paragraphs introduce new argument.
Skills and Strategies
Uses different types of verbs. / Uses persuasive language to influence the audience. / Uses one thinking/feeling verb such as ‘I think’or ‘I like’. / Uses one thinking/feeling verb with one auxiliary verb to express modality.
e.g. can, will... / Uses 2 thinking/feeling verbs with more than one auxiliary verb to express modality.
e.g. should, might, must / Uses 2 or more thinking/feeling verbs with more than one auxiliary verb to express modality.
should, might, must
Includes at least one example of emotive language. / Uses 2 or more thinking/feeling verbs with more than one auxiliary verb to express modality.
should, might, must
Includes 2 or more examples of emotive language.
Language / Uses topic/technical language. / The writing contains 1-2 topic words and no technical words. / The writing contains 3 examples of topic words and may include technical words. / The writing contains 3 examples of topic words and 1 technical word. / The writing contains at least 3 topic words and includes 2 technical words. / The writing has more than 3 examples of topic words and at least 3 technical words.
Skills and Strategies
Cohesion / Uses conjunctions or connectives in writing / No conjunctions or connectives evident. / Uses conjunctions and connectives incorrectly or repetitively. / Uses 1-2 simple conjunctions e.g.: if, because, so...
Uses connective correctly to link arguments. / Uses conjunctions and connectives to link arguments. Eg: firstly, secondly. / Uses a variety of conjunctions to link reasons. Eg: therefore,furthermore, as a result....
Uses a variety of connectives to link arguments. Eg:firstly...finally.
Skills and Strategies
Punctuation / Uses correct punctuation. / Punctuation is minimal
not used correctly / Uses capitals, full stops and correct spacing most of the time. / Common punctuation used correctly– capitals, full stops, contraction apostrophes most of the time. Experiments with commas. / Uses common punctuation correctly– capitals, full stops all of the time.Uses commas correctly most of the time. / Uses common punctuation correctly– capitals, full stops all of the time. Experiments with other forms of punctuation.
Skills and Strategies
Spelling / Correctly spells most high frequency and grade appropriate words / Cannot yet spell high frequency words independently. / Attempts most high frequency and grade appropriate words with invented spelling. / Spells most high frequency and grade appropriate words correctly. / Spells all high frequency and grade appropriate words correctly. / Spells all high frequency and grade appropriate words correctly as well as more challenging words.
Producing Texts
Text Structure / Uses the correct organisational structure of an exposition / Introduction does not support the stimulus/ no introduction.
Uses simple sentences to express an opinion with no supporting reasons.No conclusion / Simple introduction informs audience of topic. Writes 2-3 simple sentences to express opinion with no supporting reasons.No conclusion evident. / Simple introduction informs audience of topic. States 2 arguments with some supporting reasons.Point of view is re-stated in conclusion. / Simple introduction that lets the audience know what the general topic is.
States 2-3 arguments with supporting reasons.
Point of view is re-stated in conclusion. / Issue clearly stated in introduction.
States 3 or more arguments with supporting reasons.
Point of view is re-stated in conclusion.


and Indicators / Criteria / Limited Achievement
E-1 / Basic Achievement
D-2 / Sound Achievement
C-3 / High Achievement
B-4 / Outstanding Achievement A-5
Skills and Strategies
Sentence Structure / Produces grammatically correct and meaningful sentences. / Writes simple sentences correctly. Also attempts compound sentences which may be run on sentences. Meaning is predominantly clear. / Simple and compound sentences are correct. A variety of effective conjunctions used. Attempts to use complex sentences. Meaning is predominantly clear. / Simple and compound sentences are written correctly with at least 1 complex sentence correct. / Simple and compound sentences are written correctly with 2 complex sentences correct. Sentences may show a variety in length and sentence beginnings.
. / Simple and compound sentences are written correctly with 3 or more complex sentences correct. Sentences may show a variety in length and sentence beginnings. Meaning is clear.
Producing texts
Paragraphs / Segments text into paragraphs. / Script is a block of text. / Paragraphs evident but are not used effectively to organise ideas or new line is taken for each sentence. / Writing is organised into paragraphs that are mainly focused on a single idea or set of like ideas / Writing is organised into paragraphs mainly focused on a single idea or set of like ideas. Paragraphs are used to introduce new argument / Writing is organised into paragraphs focused on aa set of like ideas. Paragraphs are used to introduce new argument.
Skills and Strategies
Uses different types of verbs. / Uses persuasive language to influence the audience. / Uses one thinking/feeling verb such as ‘I think’ or ‘I like’. / Uses one thinking/feeling verb with one auxiliary verb to express modality.
e.g. can, will... / Uses 2 thinking/feeling verbs with more than one auxiliary verb to express modality.
Eg: should, might, must / Uses 2 or more thinking/feeling verbs with more than one auxiliary verb to express modality.Eg: should, might, must
Includes at least one example of emotive language. / Uses 2 or more thinking/feeling verbs with more than one auxiliary verb to express modality.
should, might, must
Includes 2 or more examples of emotive language.
Language / Uses topic/technical language. / The writing contains 1-2 topic words and may include technical words. / The writing contains 3 examples of topic words and may include technical words. / The writing contains 3 examples of topic words and 2 technical words. / The writing contains 3 or more examples of topic words and includes 3 technical words. / The writing contains 4 or more examples of topic words and includes at least 4 technical words.
Skills and Strategies
Cohesion / Uses conjunctions or connectives in writing / No conjunctions or connectives evident. / Uses conjunctions and connectives incorrectly or repetitively. / Uses 1-2 simple conjunctions eg: if, because, so...
Plus 1 connective correctly. / Uses conjunctions and connectives to link arguments. Eg: firstly, secondly. / Uses a variety of conjunctions to link reasons. Eg: therefore,furthermore, as a result....
Uses a variety of connectives to link arguments. Eg:firstly...finally.
Skills and Strategies
Punctuation / Uses correct punctuation. / Punctuation is minimal
not used correctly / Uses capitals, full stops and correct spacing most of the time. / Common punctuation used correctly– capitals, full stops, contraction, apostrophes, most of the time. Experiments with commas. / Uses common punctuation correctly– capitals, full stops all of the time.Uses commas correctly most of the time. / Uses common punctuation correctly– capitals, full stops all of the time. Experiments with other forms of punctuation.
Skills and Strategies
Spelling / Correctly spells high frequency and grade appropriate words correctly / Cannot yet spell high frequency words independently. / Attempts most high frequency and grade appropriate words with invented spelling. / Spells most high frequency and grade appropriate words correctly. / Spells all high frequency and grade appropriate words correctly. / Spells all high frequency and grade appropriate words correctly as well as more challenging words.
Producing Texts
Text Structure / Uses the correct organisational structure of an exposition / Simple introduction informs the audience of topic.
Writes 2-3 simple sentences to express an opinion with no supporting reasons.
No conclusion evident. / Simple introduction informs audience of the topic.
States 2 arguments with no supporting reasons. No conclusion or inappropriate conclusion. / Issue clearly stated in introduction.
States 2-3 arguments with some supporting reasons.
Point of view is re-stated in conclusion. / Issue clearly stated in introduction.
States 2-3 arguments with supporting reasons.
Point of view is re-stated in conclusion. / Issue clearly stated in introduction.
States 3 or more arguments with supporting reasons.
Point of view is re-stated persuasively in conclusion.