School Improvement Plan

School Improvement Plan

Submission Date: September 30, 2015








Table of Contents for SIP

[Schoolwide Components NCLB Section 1114 (b)(1)(A-J)]

[School Improvement Plan NCLB Section 1116(b)(3)(A)(i-x)]

Each school operating a schoolwide program must include all ten components in their plan. All schoolwide schools in improvement status must include the ten requirements for schools in improvement.

Ten Components of a Schoolwide Program / "Tools"
Pages / Ten Requirements of a School Improvement Plan / Your SIP
Pages /
1.A comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school based on information which includes the achievement of children in relation to the State academic content standards and the State student academic achievement standards.
1.  Reading and Math Readiness
2.  Behavior Management
3.  Writing
4.  Data and Analysis (Des Cartes)
5.  Science and Social Studies / 13-15 / An effective needs assessment
1. Map, Dibels, Teacher-Made Assessments, DSC, AR results, SRI, SPI, Pre- and Post-tests
2.Referrals, Behavior Plans, PBIS calendars and trainings
COMPASS Domain 2C – Managing
3. The curriculum has changed, students are required to write from non-fiction, monthly writings, outside consultant writing a handbook compatible with the state, PARCC practice writing
4. PLC feedback
5. LEAP and ILEAP data /
2. Schoolwide Reform Strategies
1. Writing
2. Science and Social Studies
3. Reading and Math Readiness
4. Data and Analysis
5. Behavioral Management / 30-35 / 2. A strategy for school improvement is a method for achieving the identified objectives. (e.g., using graphic organizers, visual imagery, and summarization).
1. Writing
·  Four-Square organizers, developing a writing handbook, student samples submitted monthly, consultant feedback
2. Science and Social Studies
·  Utilization of Science Lab
·  3rd -6th grade daily instruction
·  1:1 laptop grades 2nd -6th
·  Technology in all classrooms
3. Reading and Math Readiness
·  Provide effective and sufficient materials to support daily instruction
·  Provide tracking for reading
·  Follow scope and sequence for Eureka and Wonders by following the pacing chart
·  Provide professional development to support instruction and learning
4. Data and Analysis
·  Analyze student data via professional learning communities and grade level meetings.
·  Provide mentors for additional teacher support.
5. Provide professional development on:
·  behavior data collection,
·  functional behavior analysis
·  writing intervention plans
·  monitoring behavior,
·  Mentors to support PBIS check-in/check-out system.
Scientifically Based Research (ESEA; Title IX, Part A) is research that involves the application of rigorous, systematic, and objective procedures to obtain reliable and valid knowledge relevant to education activities and programs.
Rigor, Systematic Instruction, Student Engagement /
3. Instruction by Highly Qualified Teachers
·  Teachers – 96%
·  principals – 100%
·  Paraprofessionals – 100%
·  Highly qualified teachers are placed where most effective and utilized according to personal gifts and talents beyond certification. / Rubric,
Page 96 / 3. Provide an assurance that the instruction will be provided by highly qualified teachers.
In addition, job-embedded professional development will be directed to address the needs of teachers and other staff members in the school to ensure academic achievement problems are identified for improvement.
1. 65% with a Masters Degree; 12% plus 30
2. Administration with Doctoral degrees and Masters 100%
3. Paraprofessionals are 100% qualified.
4. Focus on the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required of teachers, administrators, and other school employees so all students can learn and perform at high levels:
·  Encourage all educators to go back to school,
·  Place educators where they are more effective
·  Provide on-going opportunities for teachers to enhance knowledge
·  Team-teachers,
·  PLC
·  Provide opportunities for teachers to utilize their strengths,
·  Empowering teacher leaders
5. Sign-in Sheets
6.  Walk-through feedback
7.  Wish List
8.  Teacher Input from needs assessments
9.  Agendas
10.  Professional learning community schedule
11.  Encourage certified teachers to seek higher degrees, for which in the last two years the numbers have increased. /
4. High quality and ongoing professional development for –
Ø  Teachers
Ø  principals
Ø  Paraprofessionals / 46-50 / 4. Effective Professional Development incorporates the following:
·  Creates a learning community in which substantive professional development is linked primarily to content knowledge and instructional strategies (Teacher Leaders, Organizational Chart)
·  Provides opportunities for job-embedded professional development (Bi-Weekly PLCs)
·  Provides plans for follow-up and support to ensure teacher/student learning (PLCs, GLMs, State, District, and School wide professional development, walk-throughs, compass evaluations, and committee assignments
·  Focuses on student needs
·  (data analysis, behavior analysis, provide IAP, IEP, BIP, intervention groups, enrichment and tutoring, meeting extrinsic, behavioral, and academic needs, parent communication
·  Prepares educators to demonstrate high expectations for all student learning
·  School vision, mission, parent communication, teacher expectations for students,
·  SLT goals
·  Support with effective lesson planning, goals and objectives, accountability via walk-throughs with feedback /
5. Strategies to attract high-quality highly qualified teachers to high-need schools
1. Follow district plan
2. Certain schools are under desegregation orders. / Attached to School Improvement Plans / 5. Provide a District plan or policy Teacher Quality Strategies (plan for attracting high quality teachers)
Identify revision date on School Policy chart, page 15 of SIP. /
6. Strategies to increase parent involvement
1. Monthly Calendars
2. Parent Workshops Quarterly
3. Technology Workshops
4. Volunteer Expectations professional development
5. Reading and Math Readiness
6. Parent Teacher Organization / 52-55 / 6. Effective family involvement:
1.  Parent feedback from a needs assessment
2.  Eureka and Wonders Parent Nights
3.  Open House
4.  Parent Handbooks
5.  School Website
6.  Parent/Teacher Conferences
7.  Family Involvement Activities /
7. Plans for assisting preschool children in the transition from early childhood programs to local elementary school programs.
1.  Transition day prior to the end of the school year.
2.  Provide resources for students and parents prior to the end of the school year.
3.  Classroom Visitation Day /
/guid/preschoolguidance.pdf / Serving Preschool Children Under Title I Non-Regulatory Guidance: Section B-11.
1.  Professional Development for Headstart Parents
2.  Portfolios
3.  Paras and teachers were trained on TS GOALS
4.  Environment conducive for early childhood.
5.  Follow mandated guidelines for classroom structure
6.  Utilize a mandated schedule for early childhood.
7.  Home visits
8.  Medical checkup guidelines
9.  Meals and snacks daily
10.  Progress monitoring
11.  Monthly parent communication
12.  Maintain a 1:10 ratio /
8. Measures to include teachers in the decisions regarding the use of academic assessments in order to provide information on, and to improve, the achievement of individual students and the overall instructional program.
·  All instructional personnel are required to study, review, and analyze student data.
·  Summarization of data reports and data team meetings by DIS.
·  Support for grouping students. / Curriculum Section,
pages 57-70
Rubric, pages 93-98 / 8. What processes are in place for administrator(s) to identify teachers’ professional development needs related to content, instructional strategies, and classroom assessment?
·  Walk-throughs
·  COMPASS evaluations
·  Feedback from PLCs and data team meetings
·  SLTs and PGPs
·  Submission of weekly assessments and weekly lesson plans
·  Provide objectives and goals on the board daily
·  SBLC committee
·  Follow mandates for Eureka and Wonders
·  Analyze what is tested on the state and district levels and are required
·  Non-negotiables
The SIP must present the actual people who will see the activities have taken place, not only the trainer, model provider, or a group of people, but those who will be responsible for setting them up and ensuring they are completed.
·  Lesson Plans must be submitted to administrators and lead teachers,
·  Copies of walk-throughs and evaluations
·  January re-visitation of SLTs.
·  Encouraged to base SLTs on student needs. /
9. Activities to ensure that students who experience difficulty mastering proficient or advanced levels of academic achievement standards are provided effective, timely additional assistance which shall include measures to ensure that student difficulties are identified on a timely basis and to provide sufficient information on which to base effective assistance.
Data will determine what students needs are to be met. Increase parental awareness of instruction and expectations.
Struggling Students:
·  Assess and identify deficiencies
·  Write individual plans
·  Effectively implement the plan
·  Monitor implementation of the plan
·  Revise the plan as necessary based on student needs.
·  Bi-weekly monthly
Advanced Students
·  Assess and identify strengths and weaknesses
·  Write individual plans
·  Effectively implement the plan
·  Monitor implementation of the plan
·  Revise the plan as necessary based on student needs.
·  Bi-weekly monthly / 57-70 / 9. The Administration monitors the Taught Curriculum
Teacher teams, with the SIT and School Support Team improves the Taught Curriculum
·  Ensure students and teachers understand expectations.
·  Must be familiar with programs appropriate for each child.
·  Present the plan to all stakeholders during Open House.
·  Access to the taught curriculum (Louisiana Dept. of Education, Common Core Standards). /
10. Coordination and integration of federal, State, and local services and programs
Utilize all of our resources collaboratively in order to achieve our objectives and goals with school improvement.
·  Title I, Title IV, Title IX
·  Adopt-A- School partners, local churches, Wrap-Around services, FINS, Magnolia Health Services,
·  General School Funds, PTO funds / 72-74 / 10. Effective coordination of resources
·  Resources coordinated based on needs derived from data so that one fund does not fund the other.
·  Funds are coordinated to support programs based on school needs. /


<The page numbers for each component will change as information is added.>

DATA PORTFOLIO ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

DISTRICT ASSURANCE………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

SCHOOL POLICIES AND PARTNERSHIPS…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

DATA TRIANGULATION SHEETS………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


SCHOOL PERFORMANCE SCORE CHART……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

STRATEGY PLANNING WORKSHEET………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


The following items should make up the Data Portfolio (to be kept on file at the school):

o  Subgroup Component Report and Principal’s Report Card for the last three years.

o  Summary of Findings of Survey Data and all source documents. (Teachers, Parents, Students, and Principal) May be completed online. If Parent sample size is inadequate, there must be Parent Focus Group(s). (Optional)

o  Summary of Findings of Interview Data and all source documents. (Principal, Counselor, and Teachers) (Optional)

o  Summary of Findings of Focus Group Data and all source documents. (Teachers, Students, and Parents) (Optional)

o  Copy of the Data Triangulation Form

o  Comprehensive Needs Assessment: Final Report

o  MAP Reports

o  Data Analysis Template (Trend Data history, Discipline/Behavior history, etc.)

o  Cognitive Summary Data (iLEAP, LEAP, EOC, ACT, MAP, etc.)

o  Scholastic Audit Next Steps, if applicable.


q  For schools in School Improvement and in the SIG Tiers, I hereby certify that this plan was developed with the assistance of a District Assistance Team and State-level School Support Team in collaboration with the School Improvement Team.

q  I hereby certify that this plan was designed to improve student achievement with input from all stakeholders.

q  I assure that the school-level personnel, including subgroup representatives responsible for implementation of this plan, have collaborated in the writing of the plan.

q  I hereby certify that this plan has all of the following components:

·  A statement of the school's mission

·  Evidence of the use of a comprehensive needs assessment, which should include the following data analysis information:

­  Data Triangulation tables

­  Data Comprehensive Needs Assessment Summary Report

·  Goals and measurable objectives

·  Scientifically based research methods, strategies, and activities that guide curriculum content, instruction, and assessment

·  Professional Development components aligned with assessed needs and strategies to attract and keep high quality teachers

·  Plans for transitioning pre-school children to local elementary school programs

·  Family and community involvement activities aligned with assessed needs

·  Evaluation strategies that include methods to measure progress of implementation

·  Coordination of fiscal resources and analysis of school budget (possible redirection of funds)

·  An action plan with timelines and specific activities for implementing the above criteria

q  I further certify that the information contained in this assurance is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

Superintendent's signature / ______
Principal's signature
Chair, School Improvement Team


Policy / Policy #/Bulletin # / Date revised / Copy on file at school?
Crisis Management (emergency/evacuation plan) / § 339/741 / June 2015 / þYes / No
Discipline/Behavior Plan (Juvenile Justice Reform Act requirement) / § 1301/741 and § 1127/741 / June 2015 / þYes / No
Family Involvement Policy / § 1903/741 and § 1118/Title I / June 2015 / þYes / No
Security Procedures (metal detectors, etc.) / § 339/741 / June 2015 / þYes / No
Safe and Drug-Free Prevention Activities / § 1127/741 and § 2305/741 / June 2015 / þYes / No
Student Code of Conduct / § 1115/741 / June 2015 / þ Yes / No
Teacher Quality Strategies (plan for attracting high quality teachers) / § 1114/Title I / June 2015 / þYes / No
Transition Plan for Pre-School Children / § 1114/Title I / June 2015 / þYes / No
School Partnerships (Type the name of each partner in the space provided)
University / Enter Partner name
Technical Institute / Enter Partner name
Feeder School(s) / St. James High School
Community / Woodville Baptist Church and other west bank churches
Business/Industry / Entergy, Raising Cane’s
Private Grants / HOPE

Data Triangulation – Strengths

Strengths / Contributing Factors / Instrument
(200 characters) / Data Type
(200 characters) / Findings*
(200 characters)
Supporting Source #1 / Contributing Factor: 500
Curriculum and Instruction
Subdomain 510, 520 / Teacher Evaluations / Contextual / Teachers plan for instruction with the majority of it being inclusive of some type of assessment. Teachers follow the scope and sequence for the reading and math programs. Teachers are very knowledgeable of their content area.
MAP/DIBELS / Cognitive / MAP data identifies students’ growth and grade level proficiency. DIBELS identifies students reading readiness. Both sets of data give a good picture of student progress or lack thereof.
Teacher Interviews / Attitudinal / Teacher needs and concerns were addressed. Teacher needs and concerns were met according to instruction . Resources were provided to enhance and promote effective instruction.
Supporting Source # 2 / Contributing Factor: PD
Sub Domain: 610, 630 / PLCs/GLMs / Behavioral / Teachers were vocal about strengths, needs, and support. Collaboration and teamwork across grade levels occurred. Strategies for enhancing instruction in all subject areas were modeled and implemented, teacher leaders emerged as a result of the meetings.
Teacher Survey / Attitudinal / Teachers agree staff development is addressing areas that help students grow academically such as the implementation and support of Eureka and Wonders program.
Walk-through / Contextual / Evidence of implementation of information shared in professional development is visible upon monitoring via walk-throughs.
Supporting Source # 3 / Contributing Factor: Technology / Utilization Reports / Behavioral / Reports identified inappropriate internet usage, and allowed for monitoring of teacher and student usage.
IT Support / Behavioral / A trained technician is located on-site. The technician provides immediate technological support to faculty, staff, and students. Teacher technology documentation such as technology logs is utilized to determine needs.
Walk-Through / Contextual / Review and analysis of walkthroughs show more teachers utilized promethean boards as an interactive tool versus as an overhead, promoting student engagement in the learning process.

*Must list at least three findings to justify Strengths