The Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES)

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Scholarship

Applicant Information

First Name / Click here to enter text. / Surname / Click here to enter text. /
Student ID / Click here to enter text. / Day time Contact No / Click here to enter text. /
Personal Email / Click here to enter text. / Student Email / Click here to enter text. /
An Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander is a person of Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent, who identifies as an Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, and is accepted as such by the community with which he or she lives or has lived.
Are you of Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent? / ☐Yes
Are you an Australian Citizen or a Permanent Resident? / ☐Yes

Academic Performance

Please attach up to a maximum of 3 documents that will demonstrate your academic performance Examples:-
  • TEE, WACE, ATAR, ISIT Results/certificate
  • TAFE Results
  • IUOC Grades
  • Academic Transcript

Course Information

Course Code / Click here to enter text. / Course Title / Click here to enter text.
Course Type / Undergraduate / ☐ / Honours / ☐ / Postgraduate / ☐ /
What will your study mode be? / Full-time (60 credit points) / ☐ / Part-time / ☐ /
On campus / ☐ / Off Campus / ☐ /
Please provide the details of the unit/s which are relevant to the scholarship i.e. Emergency Management and/or contributes to Aboriginal community resilience
Unit No: / Unit Title / Semester/Year Enrolled in this Unit/s
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /


To complete your application you will need to provide a statement of approximately 250 words that demonstrates how the above unit/course is related to emergency management and/or contributes to Aboriginal community. Please attach to your application form..


Evidence of Academic Performance / ☐Attached
Statement / ☐Attached
Evidence of Australian Citizenship or a Permanent Residency. / ☐Attached
Important:Giving false or misleadinginformation isa seriousoffence under theCriminal Code Act1995
Declaration: I declarethat the informationIhavesupplied on thisform and in associatedattachmentsis complete, trueand correct, tothebestof myknowledge.I understandthatifany informationisfound tobe incorrect, myapplicationmaybe cancelled.
Igive myconsentto Edith Cowan Universityto use and/ordisclosemyapplication and all supporting documentstothe external scholarship provider for the purpose of shortlisting and selection.
Signed: Click here to enter text. Date: Click here to enter a date.
Applications to besubmitted totheECUScholarships Office byadvertisedclosingdate
Email to:-
post to: - ECU Scholarships Office,270Joondalup Drive, Joondalup 6027
Hand deliver to: - Any Student Central on any ECU campus