Writing Prompts, from
Select one of the following prompts and develop a four-to-five paragraph response that reflects your understanding of the task, the form specified by the prompt and the conventions of that mode. This should be your absolute best writing, so spend some time on the prewriting (brainstorming) and planning of your response. Use your own voice, but observe all the conventions of formal writing as you understand them—spelling, punctuation, grammar and paragraphing.
Friends (Descriptive)
Human beings are social creatures, so friends are an important part of anyone’s life. What qualities and behaviors make a person a good friend? Write an essay explaining three or four traits of a true friend. Use specific details and anecdotes from your own experiences.
Memorable Class (Expository)
Think about the classes you have had so far today. Which was most memorable? Choose one class period and write an essay explaining the main point of the class. Support the main point using at least two different types of details: facts (things that can be proven), statistics (facts with numerical values), quotations (exact words of a speaker), or anecdotes (stories that gives insight).
Freedom of Expression (Expository)
The First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees freedom of expression. The framers of the Constitution believed this freedom was essential to a strong democracy. Write an essay that explains how freedom of expression contributes to democracy. Use several examples of freedom of expression to support your response.
Transportation (Expository)
People travel by many different means, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Choose two of the following modes of transportation and write an essay comparing and contrasting them: walking, bicycling, driving a car, taking a train, flying, and sailing by ship. Support your viewpoint with specific examples and details for each mode of transport.
WS Similar Sports (Expository)
Cross-country and downhill skiing share certain similarities, yet they offer different experiences to the people who enjoy them. Field hockey and ice hockey also require different skills. Think of two similar sports or activities that you enjoy and write a brief essay to compare and contrast them. Make sure you include specific details for each activity.
Proper Punishment (Narrative)
Remember a time when you received a punishment you thought was unfair. Narrate what happened and how you felt about it then, and explain whether you still feel the same way. Suggest a different punishment that may have been more effective. Remember to give details and examples.
Add a Class (Persuasive)
Your school budget will allow for an additional class to be offered in the coming school year, and your principal has asked students to make suggestions. Can you think of subjects that you would like to learn or subjects you think need to be taught? Write a letter to the principal convincing him or her to select the class you think would be best. Be sure to support your view with specific reasons and examples.
Sports Funding (Persuasive)
Your school board has announced plans to cut funding for sports teams. It has stated that some sports are not supported well by the student body and their funds are better used elsewhere. As a concerned student, write a letter to the school board airing your opinion about funding cuts. Argue your points using specific examples to support your position.
Leaky Faucet (Persuasive)
Addressing a problem requires different methods of persuasion. Write a letter of complaint to your landlord, who has put off fixing a leaky faucet in your apartment. Include specific details about why you need it fixed soon. State your case in a cool, neutral tone, and include a call to action for the landlord.
Sleep Time (Persuasive)
Teenagers often have different sleep habits than adults. Would you oppose or support moving the start and finish time of school back one hour? As a concerned student, write a letter to the school board convincing them of your position. Include reasons, facts, and examples.
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