Regular Meeting

Instructional Services Council

January 11, 2005

Present:John Backes, Barry Ehrlich, Norma Goldstein, Carol Henderson, Susan Hoyne, Jim James, Gillian Lewis, Berta Lloyd, Andrea Rye, Thalia Saplad, Don Schultz, Terry Taylor, Yvonne Terrell-Powell, Robin Young

Guests:Beverly Brandt, Holly Woodmansee, Judy Yu


The November 23 and December 7, 2004 minutes were approved after one name correction on Page 1 of the November 23 minutes.


Beverly Brandt explained what happened with FMS Query. It became evident that anyone with access to FMS Query could get access into any area, and there was no way to secure the system. This was a problem with the auditors. The college had to limit access to FMS Query. We had a consultant from CIS working on information we had in our books that was not posting over right, and still is not. Therefore, new software called “By Request” was ordered. It is now on campus and being used by Student Government. Beverly hopes that it will be up and running by mid-February to use until rehosting occurs. Training for By Request will be provided. Beverly requested that Instructional Deans email Holly Woodmansee with the names of people who will need access to By Request. All reports through By Request will be printed on campus in the Finance Office. They will have accurate information. Don complimented Holly Woodmansee on her informative presentation to the recent SEEK meeting.

All Campus Meeting. Beverly announced that there would be an all campus meeting on January 21 from 12:45 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. regarding the Facilities Master Plan. She encouraged all to attend this open forum meeting.


Phyllis Harris has been testing By Request on MIS reporting with Bonnie Madison. It is working well. The system takes job schedule reports and puts them in a format you can read on the screen.

Jim James reported that data is being analyzed from a recent survey of students attending classes at LakeForest Park. The survey, which will be shared with ISC, should reveal things that can be improved at LFP.

Gillian Lewis said the Nursing Program application deadline was yesterday. As of Friday there were 180 applications. The workload impacts everyone, including Advising & Counseling. Gillian will be researching some ideas to assist in reviewing transcripts.

Andrea Ryepresented the PLA process to the last division yesterday. The issue is ready to start going through the governance structure.

Carla Hogan reported a growth in the Fashion Merchandising Program such that they had to open an addition class Fall Quarter. Business Administration’s second quarterly advising event is scheduled for February 16. A panel of employers from Boeing, REI, Microsoft, Starbucks and Stinson-Lane will present on what employers are looking for.

Berta Lloyd announced that WED/Prof-Tech has a Best Practices grant of $10,000 from the State Board as well as a grant that will be funded in the Dental Reimbursement Specialist Program to assist faculty in curriculum development. Two $5,000 e-industry grants have been funded. There is also an industry based professional development grant supported by Bob Shields for the Information Assurance program.

Yvonne Terrell-Powell announced they completed orientation during the first week and supported evening registration with Enrollment Services. She will be working with Student Services Managers to talk about issues regarding recruitment and retention. There will be a conversation about a taskforce and academic advisors re concerns about advising across campus.

Robin Young reported that the Academic Calendar Committee now meets weekly through March. The committee is building three permanent calendars, rather than one “proposed” and one “tentative.” The calendars will be before the Board of Trustees in March. Please share with faculty official fall quarter start dates cannot be given out until then. Robin announced 45% of faculty did web grading online. She commended these faculty and encouraged more to do so.

Susan Hoyne announced the closing date for two Mathematics positions will close on January 19. Assurance was received by the National Science Foundation that our Scientist in Residence is receiving a million dollar grant for the next two years.

Norma Goldsteinreported that Humanities is working with WED on the Trans-Atlantic Technology and Training Alliance (TA3). One role is with the Virtual Enterprise Workshops on January 20, which is a very exiting simulation teaching strategy. Humanities is also working with EntertainNet developing an international project. Norma thanked Darlene Miller. Associate faculty member, Catherine Treadgold (Music) just published a book. Thanks to PIO, Shalin Hai-Jew has written text for a Pacific NW coffee table book, and one of our Art students designed the cover. A presentation of “Art Store” was given at a recent Humanities Division meeting. This is a database of 300,000 images. The Opera WorkshopLa Bête is in rehearsal. Susan Hoyne and Norma will present in March at the League for Innovations. Barry reported that the Honors Recital will happen this Thursday where instrumental and vocal students are selected for outstanding fall quarter juries.

Terry Taylor reported that the largest meeting of Historians in the United States held their annual meeting in Seattle last week. Amy Kinsel and Terry presented at the conference.

Judy Yu thanked the Deans for attending the Transfer Marketing meeting this morning. The group will meet every two weeks to develop content material to be placed on the web.

Don Schultz announced that Pat Koenen has been hired through Extended Learning to do the Raytheon contract. He has been in Burbank this week. Doug Angell returned from Volvo training in Florida. Interviews are scheduled for the Department of Labor Grant Director position this week. Scott Main received $3,500 from General Motors for special tools. Don explained that they encourage tool vendors to place equipment in the shop so students become familiar with them. One of our Toyota graduates brought their dealer out to purchase a piece of our equipment and will be having the newest model installed next week.

John Backes announced that Kelli Koon was hired as the full-time temporary Web Services Librarian. The line for this position ends on January 26. Hopefully we will have a permanent person employed by the end of Winter Quarter. Tom Moran developed 2-creditonline Bluegrass class and will consider moving it until the third week of the quarter. John’s status as Special Assistant to the President is a 6-month position and involves covering governance committees and structures. Holly Moore will review that position in month five and decide what to do with it and will consider moving it until the third week of the quarter. John’s status as Special Assistant to the President is a 6-month position and involves covering governance committees and structures. Holly Moore will review that position in month five and decide what to do with it.

Thalia Saplad acknowledged the tsunami tragedy and reported that none of our International students or their families were affected by it. The International Program has experienced a slight growth in new student numbers. Colleen Ferguson will be presenting at the TA3 workshop. Running Start numbers are positive.


Phyllis reported our current headcount is at 7136, or 549 behind last year. Quarterly state FTEs are 4359.8, or 343 behind; overall FTES are 4892.4, or 380 behind. We are at 64.6% of our annualized target, with only one quarter to go. Running Start is ahead from last year and International Programs is at 410.5, or 16.1 ahead from last year.

Enrollments are down statewide. Carol reported that the state-of-the-college would be put on DAAG. Enrollment will be short this year and we will barely have a chance to make state requirements for enrollment. We will fall short of our projections and it appears we will be behind on tuition revenue. It does have implications for us when enrollment falls this far behind our projections. Since the economy is improving, student demand for Worker Retraining has dropped, but we have overcome that deficit somewhat, and have done a better job than comparable institutions so far.

Robin reported details of the recent Phone Outreach Campaign. Out of 461 students contacted, 195 said they plan to register. Of those 195, 72 said they just haven’t gotten around and 35 said they were too busy to register. 24 said they didn’t have the money and 20 said they were trying to figure out what classes to take. Survey results showed we are losing an extremely small number of students to other colleges. The survey had a good response rate and can be relied upon as having valid data based on the survey numbers. Carol asked that Deans look closely at the survey results and share them with their areas. The survey results will also be discussed at the Student Services Managers meeting.

Part of the success in enrollment goes to the division secretaries. Kudos to the secretaries and assistants who contact so many students by phone to make sure they get into the classes they need. Students feel this is very good service, and it really makes a difference.

Barry wondered if it was possible to call students by program in hopes to gather detailed information about specific programs. Although he talked to two students last quarter that won’t come back for athletic reasons, there is a lot of support for athletics on campus. It is clear if students connect strongly with athletics, clubs, fine and performing arts activities they have a much strong desire to say. Connections and building relationships increase retention.

The Noel Levitz survey is conducted in alternating years, but it is out of cycle with the program planning process. The “extra questions” on the Noel Levitz survey may not be used next time because it causes too much confusion in a survey where the rest of the data is incredibly tested. Those kinds of questions may be used with another tool for campus climate information.


Information was distributed on the distribution by percentage of P-T faculty offices for fall quarter as well as a list of offices sorted by division. An analysis of this information reveals distribution of part-time faculty offices is out of balance. Andrea and John will take a very close look at making adjustments in the office spaces so they follow more closely the percentage of part-time faculty. They will assign the offices to divisions who will have the ability to schedule the spaces, and bring the proposal back to the Dean Team.


Berta Lloyd distributed a copy of the new WAC for Professional-Technical Certification to acquaint the Deans with details and answer questions. Shoreline is just getting to the implementation part of the new WAC on campus. While at RentonTechnicalCollege and out of the Workforce Education Council, Norma Goldstein and 78 tenured faculty were given an opportunity to develop new Professional-Technical Skill Standards for the State of Washington. They identified skills needed in the classroom for faculty. These 78 faculty, administrators and representatives from Labor developed 17 courses that are updated and online.

A subcommittee (Berta Lloyd, Karen Toreson, Donna Wilde, Darlene Miller) met recently to look at how to implement the WAC. Berta noted there has been a lot of misinformation on what will be required of people. The new Prof-Tech Certification process is intended to be a professional growth framework for faculty. WAC 131-16-070 through 131-16-095 is the law. It is a condition of hire and for continued employment. Jeanne Skaare manages the program.

There are two ways to become certified: (1) Initial Certification, which is good for 3 years; and (2) Standard Certification, which is good for 5 years. The initial 3-year certification to continued 5-year certification follows our tenure and post-tenure process. We are trying to align the cycle so Prof-Tech faculty don’t have to go this twice. The 5-year certification must be kept current. As a point of clarification, only Deans who are in a program where they are expected to teach must become certified. Berta Lloyd as Dean of Professional-Technical Education must also be certified.

Berta provided a copy of a Self-Assessment Form (or survey), which would be used during the first step to become certified. The faculty member and Dean would use the document to assess strengths and opportunities for growth. It focuses on reaching professional goals as a facilitator of learning. Using the ten skill standards, it helps determine in which areas to concentrate growth in. This part of the process has not been implemented yet, and will need to go through the JU/MC. There are many professional development opportunities for Prof-Tech faculty besides Professional-Technical certification courses. They can opt for additional college credit, paid or unpaid field work/clinical experience, conferences, workshops, travel related to discipline, curriculum development, research, etc.

Skill Standards are the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to be a successful teacher in the classroom room. They are linked to faculty for professional development, and have been developed by tenured faculty throughout the state’s community college system. They are:

  1. Manage Learning Environments*
  2. Develop Outcomes, Assessments and Curricula*
  3. Develop and Review Programs
  4. Provide Student Instruction*
  5. Provide Support and Guidance to Students
  6. Perform Administrative Functions
  7. Create and Maintain a Professional Environment
  8. Promote the Program and Recruit Students
  9. Learn and Adapt New Technologies
  10. Perform Program Management Functions


The state is providing the colleges a window of opportunity to move into compliance with the new WAC. Berta hopes the subcommittee will be finished with Shoreline’s internal process and be in compliance Spring Quarter. 99% of our Professional-Technical faculty are certified under the old WAC. The new WAC is very user friendly and a good system. It will provide great opportunities for us to support our Professional-Technical faculty.


Carla, Gillian, Robin and Carla have met with Cascadia CC and UWB to put together a co-admission, co-enrollment plan for students that would allow them to apply at SCC and UWB. They would have to meet the criteria for UWB, and could be enrolled in both institutions at the same time. (This would not pertain to Running Start students). It would allow students to get their general education requirements out of the way and attend advanced classes at the UWB at the same time. They are coordinating all the paperwork that would go along with this and are focusing on the two main areas of Business and IDS. Susan will bring this matter back to the Dean Team in more detail. They will take this matter to the faculty who would be the ones to coordinate and talk about the courses and get a buy-in from different departments on how this is going to work. Obvious benefits for students would be close advisement from both areas and a guaranteed spot at the UWB. There is one concern with the UW policy that students cannot get Latin honors unless they take their last 90 credits at the UW. This issue will come up before the UW Faculty Senate. It would be up to the UW faculty to make this exception.


Items discussed at PLT included:

  • Enrollment issues and posting the annual FTE goal on DAAG so the campus will have a chance to look at the annual target performance on FTEs.
  • Annex remodel and creating a committee to work on it. Carol is interested in having Berta, Susan, Don on that committee as well as a faculty member from English, Mathematics and World Languages if possible.
  • Civil Service Reform. There will be a position review statewide on every classified position on campus. The new agreement for classified staff will be in operation July 1, and training will need to occur before then.
  • Manufacturing faculty position.


Carol distributed a version of the faculty positions spreadsheet that included indication of the hiring criteria that was met for each position. After the ISC overview and discussion of each position and dots exercise, Carol sat down, and based on responses from the Deans, indicated which criteria each position met. She explained that addressing the criteria in the position requests and meeting the criteria are two different things. Based on feedback she has received, next time everyone will work together at the ISC level and agree on which positions are meeting which criteria. Positions meeting the most criteria and approved to fill were:

  • Art History/Studio Art
  • Drama/Cinema
  • Academic ESL/Technology Specialist
  • Music/Instrumental Music
  • SLPA
  • Mathematics

The runners up were the second ESL position and Volvo. Carol is pleased how this process is working overall. With the last couple iterations of this exercise, we are gradually working our way through the list. PLT decided that the BAM Manufacturing position would continue on soft money for an additional year. There is separate funding for that. Carol hopes to approve at least one or two additional searches off this list by moving dollars from the part-time faculty account to faculty salaries and will advocate for that during the budget planning process.