Founded as The Sherlock Holmes Society in 1934


Saturday 6th January 2018

The Society's sixty-fourth Annual Dinner will be held in the Members' Dining Room at the House of Commons, London, on Saturday 6th January 2018, at 6.30 for 7.30 pm. The title assigned to this year's function is THE STORMY PETREL SUPPER. We are much indebted to Jo Johnson, who makes a welcome return as our sponsor as a sitting Member of Parliament, a requirement for all functions held in this unique venue. We look forward to welcoming both him and all or most of our Honorary Members, as well as members of the Society from all over the world.

Our guest speaker this year is Admiral The Right Honourable Lord West of Spithead, GCB DSC PC. Admiral Lord West served in fourteen ships and commanded three. He commanded HMS ARDENT in the Falkland Islands where she was sunk in their successful recapture. Awarded the Distinguished Service Cross he led the Victory Parade through the City of London. He was a carrier battle group commander for two years and took the 22 ship group to the Far East for the Hong Kong withdrawal. He served three years as head of Naval Intelligence and three years as Chief of Defence Intelligence during which time he provided intelligence for the Kosovo war. He was Commander-in-Chief Fleet for the invasion of Afghanistan and First Sea Lord for the invasion of Iraq. On retiring he advised both Conservatives and Labour on defence and foreign policy before, in July 2007, becoming the Minister responsible for national security and counter-terrorism as well as cyber security. He produced the nation’s first National Security and Cyber Security Strategies. He left government in May 2010 and is currently chairman or strategic advisor to a number of companies, Chancellor of Southampton Solent University, Knight President of the Knights of the Round Table and patron of the Docklands Sinfonia. Lord West was made a Knight Commander of the Order of The Bath in 2000, Knight Grand Cross in 2004, Baron in 2007 and a Privy Counsellor in 2010.

The menu for the Dinner is as follows:-

Soused mackerel with celeriac remoulade, cider compressed Granny Smith apples

Baked Gressingham duck supreme with vintage port and honey glazed fig,

braised potato and onions, buttered green beans

Plum ‘Paris Brest’ Choux pastry, baked vanilla plums, caramel tonka cream

Coffee and petit fours

Most members will know that the seating capacity of the Members' Dining Room is limited to 170 and that this means it is only possible for them to invite one guest each. If the Dinner is oversubscribed a ballot will be held immediately after the closing date for applications, which is Friday 24th November. Security at the House of Commons is necessarily strict, and admission will be by formal invitation only: for this reason we need to know the full name of your guest if you are bringing one. Successful applicants will receive personalised invitation cards which will have to be produced to the police on the night in order to gain entrance to the building, and as these will perforce be despatched during the Christmas postal rush please do not worry unduly if yours does not arrive until after the holiday. If you expect to be away at that time please give an address to which mail should be sent to ensure safe receipt. Guests are advised to bring personal photo identification.

A vegetarian alternatives will be available if ordered in advance, and special dietary requirements can also be catered for provided sufficient notice is given. Space is provided on the application form for you to state your requirements. Details of the Vegetarian main course are unlikely to be available in advance of the Dinner.

The charge for the evening will be £88.00/US$176.00 per head, inclusive of everything except drinks which must be paid for individually on the night. Copies of the House of Commons wine and bar lists will be sent to all successful applicants so that they can order in advance: we have found that this gives everyone more time to mingle with friends in the bar beforehand - although you will be able to place an order on the night if you prefer.

The Dinner is a formal occasion and it is customary for gentlemen to wear dinner jackets (black tie) and for ladies to wear evening dress (short or long) but this is not obligatory. Visitors from overseas in particular may not wish to bring dress clothes for one evening only, and we should like to assure them that dark lounge suits and cocktail frocks are equally suitable.

Smoking, including e-cigarettes, is not permitted in any rooms, including the pre-prandial bar and the Dining Room itself.

SOCIETY WEBSITE - The Society’s website is at

The Society likes to keep a record of its activities, including photographs of our meetings which are published in the Journal and on the Society’s website/Facebook page. If you do not want to appear in a Society photograph please avoid being in any posed photographs and advise one of the meeting organisers.

The Untold Cases

We are all familiar with the unpublished cases in the Canon, for example The politician, the lighthouse, and the trained cormorant, The giant rat of Sumatra and Ricoletti of the club foot and his abominable wife. For our meeting in on 22 March 2018 at the National Liberal Club we would like to hear from you, as to which unpublished story Dr. Watson should have published and why. Each speaker will have five minutes to present their argument.

If you would like to contribute to the meeting please contact Catherine Cooke, either by email or post (15, Copperfield Court, 146, Worple Road, Wimbledon, London, SW20 8QA email: ) and let her know your name, email address and which of the unpublished cases you would like to propose. Please let her also know two other unpublished cases you support, so we can avoid duplication.



The Sherlock Holmes Society of London’s Morning After will be held at The Centre Page, 29-33 Knightrider Street London EC4V 5BH on Sunday 7th January, from 11.30 am,where we have sole use of the downstairs room for our informal function. Knightrider Street is on the right as you walk down Peter's Hill from St Paul's towards the Millennium Bridge; the pub is on the corner. The original building of 1665 was The Horn Coffee House in Doctors Commons, 10 Godliman Street, off Carter Lane on the south side of St Paul’s Churchyard. The Horn Tavern, as the late 18th century pub was known, is best known as being mentioned in Charles Dickens’ The Pickwick Papers - Mr Pickwick sent his friends to the tavern to fetch a bottle of wine for his supper, he being incarcerated in the Fleet Prison at the time. It was fairly recently restored and renamed The Centre Page. (While Holmes did visit Doctors’ Commons in “The Speckled Band”, it was sadly to Somerset House that he went, the building housing it here having been demolished in 1867).

Drinks will be available on a cash basis and lunch will be served at 1.00 p.m. As usual, there will be a choice:

·  Seasonal Turkey served with traditional trimmings

·  Lamb Shank in Mint & Rosemary Gravy served on a bed of colcannon mash and seasonal root vegetables

·  Salmon Fillet served with green beans, sauté potatoes and hollandaise sauce

·  Vegan Sweet Potato, Chickpea & Spinach Curry in a rich coconut sauce, served with wild rice

·  Caramel Apple Cobbler with custard or Chocolate Melting Pudding with vanilla ice cream or Salted Caramel Ice Cream

After lunch Tea or Coffee are included in the price. The cost will be £18.00 / $36 per head. Choices must be notified in advance. An application form is appended and you may include the appropriate payment on your Dinner cheque if you wish.

Members planning to spend the day in the area might like to know that there is a sung Eucharist at St. Paul’s Cathedral at 11.30am on Sunday mornings and Evensong at 3.15pm. The Tate Modern (open until 6pm) and The Globe Theatre Exhibition (open until 5pm) are a short walk away on the south side of the Thames. The Museum of London is a short walk away to the north.


22nd March The Untold Cases See above

24th – 27th May AGM and London Festival

31st Aug – 2nd Sept Winchester (dates tbc)

12th October The Richard Lancelyn Green Lecture

November Film Evening


Members wishing to book electronically should e-mail a copy of the form above – or the details requested on it – to

Payment can be made using PayPal, in sterling for overseas members if preferred. Please do not send the payment to me, but to the Treasurer, as follows:

·  Log on to the PayPal Home Page (

·  Type in your email address (if not already there)

·  Type in your Password

·  Press ‘Log in’

You should now access a page showing your Personal Account Overview

Select the tab ‘Send Money’

Insert the following information –

·  To:

·  Type in the amount you want to pay and the currency

·  This is a purchase of: Goods (other)

·  Press ‘Continue’

Check the details are correct.

·  At the bottom of the page -

·  Email subject: Payment for [whatever]

·  Message: Payment from [your name]

When you are happy with the details, click ‘Send Money’ to complete the transaction.

Depending on your account you may be asked to insert the three digit code from the back of your credit card – a relatively new security measure introduced by PayPal.


Founded as The Sherlock Holmes Society in 1934

To: Miss Catherine Cooke,

15, Copperfield Court, 146, Worple Road, Wimbledon, London, SW20 8QA.


I/We should like to attend the Society's Annual Dinner at the House of Commons on Saturday 6th January 2018 with …… guests (limited to one per member) and enclose the appropriate remittance of £88.00/US$176.00 per head, payable to The Sherlock Holmes Society of London.

I/We should like to order …… vegetarian meals (please delete or specify as applicable).

I/We have a special dietary requirement as follows ………………………………………..

NAME(S) OF MEMBERS …………………………………………………………………

NAME(S) OF GUESTS …………………………………………………………………...






Please print or write clearly - especially if giving an e-mail as these can so easily be mis-read and one mistake is fatal!


I/We should like to come to the "Morning After" get-together on Sunday 7th January, and to bring …… guests (no limit) and enclose the appropriate remittance of £18.00 / $36 per head, payable to The Sherlock Holmes Society of London.

NAME(S) OF MEMBER(S) ……………………………………………………………….

NAME(S) OF GUEST(S) ………………………………………………………………….

CHOICE(S) OF MAIN……………………………………………………………………...

CHOICE(S) OF DESSERT………………………………………………………………….