Care Quality Commission health & justice: Feedback form
The Care Quality Commission wants to hear about the quality and safety of local health and care services for people in contact with the Criminal Justice System and their families. Your feedback will help CQC to hold services to account, encourage good practice and service improvement.
How your feedback will be used
CQC inspectors need to understand people’s experiences of care before they carry out inspections. What you tell CQC inspectors will help them decide when to inspect a particular health service or institution, and what to look for during inspections.
You can share feedback anonymously if you wish and your feedback will be treated confidentially. We will not identify organisations or individuals who have given us feedback in our discussions with service providers.
Please return this form to
I am a: (please tick) Service user
Family member
Voluntary/community group representative
Contact name & details: (optional, but it is helpful if an inspector wishes to follow up any of your information)
For voluntary and community group representatives:
Name of organisation:
Which groups/populations do you work with: (e.g. BAME, young people etc)
Location: (please give the town, city or geographical area you work in, so your feedback can be passed to the relevant inspection team)
Tell us about care in specific services
Please tell us about the quality of health and care services your clients receive. We will use this information in our local inspections, to ask the right questions.
Name and location of service*: / Comments (what is good/concerns you about this service, general comments):Example:
North Street GP practice, Mytown / Happy for us to accompany clients to appointments and share information with us where this is agreed by the client. However they do ask for photo ID to register new patients, which some of our clients do not have.
Please add additional lines as required.
* ‘Service’ can be any organisation providing health or social care to people who are or have been in detention, including prisons, Youth Offending Institutions, immigration removal centres, GPs, community health services, mental health services, hospitals, ambulance services, care homes, supported living services etc
Health and care services in your area for people with experience of the criminal justice system– the big picture
1. What is good about the health and care services in your area, for the people you support? Please give specific examples.
2. What could be better about the care provided by health and social care services in your area, for the people you support? Please give specific examples.
3. Are the health and care services in your area providing joined-up care for people you support? Please give examples of which services do this well or not so well, and how.
Thankyou for your feedback. We will use it to help us spot poor care and encourage services to improve.