The Village of Round Lake Heights Board Meeting was called to order by Mayor Lumpkins at 7:00 p.m.


ALLEGIANCEThe Board said the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.

ROLL CALLTrustee Meeks = PresentTrustee Mahoney = Present

Trustee Walker = PresentTrustee Katzel = Present

Trustee Pekar = PresentTrustee Germann = Present

Mayor Lumpkins = PresentVillage Clerk McIntyre = Absent

Also Present = Tom Weber.


Tom Weber stated that they voted on the budget today at the County Board Meeting and he has spent a lot of time with committees fighting different issues. They asked all of the departments to cut 2% from their budgets and they passed a budget that was $7 million less than last year and voted to freeze our property taxes, which he is very happy about. Tom Weber stated that the Rollins Road is almost finished. He also stated that the forest preserve has voted to purchase the Cuneo property, around 800 acres not including the mansion, just the vacant land at $31,000.00 per acre and they have a $1.2 million grant that helped pay for that.

MINUTESThe minutes were reviewed by the Board.

MOTIONA motion was made by Trustee Meeks, Seconded by Trustee Pekarand unanimously passed to approve the October 13, 2015 Board Meeting minutes, the October 20, 2015 Committee Meeting minutesand the November 3, 2015Committee Meeting minutes.


REPORTThe October2015 Collector’s Report for the General Fund was reviewed.

MOTIONA motion was made by Trustee Walker, Seconded by Trustee Mahoneyand unanimously passed to approve the October 2015 Collector’s Report for the General Fund.


REPORTThe Board reviewed the Treasurer’s Report for October 2015.

MOTIONA motion was made by Trustee Meeks, Seconded by Trustee Pekar

and unanimously passed to approve the October 2015Treasurer’s Report as presented.


2015-O-09, Tax Levy Ordinance.

MOTIONA motion was made by Trustee Katzel, Seconded by Trustee Pekarand unanimously passed to approve 2015-O-09, Tax Levy Ordinance.

Sealed Bids, 2009 Crown Victoria

Mayor Lumpkins stated that we did not receive any bids and he will put it on the agenda for next week to discuss what we want to do with it.


There was nothing to report.



Public SafetyTrustee Meeks stated that we previously discussed a budget not to exceed $400.00 for NEMRT training class for Officer Page. She stated that the class is John Reeds Interviews and Interrogations.

MOTIONA motion was made by Trustee Meeks, Seconded by Trustee Walker and

unanimously passed to approve a budget not to exceed $400.00 for NEMRT training class for Officer Page.

Trustee Meeks reported that violations for the month of October were 42 traffic, 22 ordinance, 7 non-traffic and 2 warnings.

Human RelationsThere was nothing to report.

Building & ZoningThere was nothing to report.

Public WorksThere was nothing to report.

AdministrationTrustee Pekarreported that the Finance Committee reviewed the Warrant List and found everything to be in order.

MOTIONA motion was made by Trustee Pekar, Seconded by Trustee Katzeland unanimously passed to approve the October2015 warrant list and to pay the bills.

OrdinancesThere was nothing to report.


WebsiteTrustee Mahoney asked if everything is good with the website and Mayor Lumpkins stated that it is, he did not receive any calls for changes. Mayor Lumpkins stated that he will reach out to our other provider and let him know that his service will end at the end of the month.


BlacktopMayor Lumpkins stated that there are five addresses that we did culvert replacement on and the aprons need to be redone. There is also a small section in the parking lot where we fixed the light that needs to be replaced. Mayor Lumpkins stated that Superior Paving quoted us $3,100.00 for the work. He stated that we do not have much time left to do the work before the weather changes and he would like to make sure the Board is alright with the work being completed. The Board agreed to have the work started.

Concrete WorkMayor Lumpkins stated that there are a couple of pieces of concrete on Lotus Drive that need to be replaced and also a curb that needs to be put in on Cedarwood Circle by the park. He stated that he would like to have this done before the paving gets done on that road. There is also a spot at Brentwood and Warrior that needs a square replaced. Weber Construction will do the work for $2,100.00 and also the flag poles at the park. The Board agreed to have the work started.


Mayor Lumpkins requested a motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss pending litigation.

MOTIONA motion was made by Trustee Meeks, Seconded by Trustee Katzel and unanimously passed to enter into Executive Session to discuss pending litigation at 7:07 p.m.


Mayor Lumpkins requested a motion to go into the Board Meeting.

MOTIONA motion was made by Trustee Walker, Seconded by Trustee Mahoney and unanimously passed to come back in from Executive Session at 7:15 p.m.

Mayor Lumpkins requested a motion to settle pending litigation with a former employee and to authorize the Mayor to accept on behalf of the village a written settlement agreement on terms discussed in closed session. When the written settlement agreement is approved by the Mayor, the Mayor has been authorized and directed to execute the settlement agreement on behalf of the village.

MOTIONA motion was made by Trustee Meeks, Seconded by Trustee Pekar and unanimously passed to approve the settlement agreement.

MOTIONA motion was made by Trustee Katzel, Seconded by Trustee Pekarand unanimously passed to adjourn.


Respectfully Submitted,

Marla McIntyre

Village Clerk