Official Publication
VOLUME 6, ISSUE 7 PO Box 868, Matthews, NC 28106 August 2014
Just a quick message from the Commandant; I hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th of July where ever your travels took you and that all are back to their normal routines once again.
I understand that our annual "Gung Ho" Golf Tournament was not as successful as in the past couple of years. We may need to discuss some different ways of doing things before the 2015 event takes place.
I hope to see as many members as possible at our next meeting on the 19th of August.
W.Larry Sloop
Detachment 750
MCL Charlotte Detachment #750, Auxiliary and MCDRU #1
Meetings are held at the Mint Hill VFW:
11341 Bain School Road, Mint Hill, NC 28227
Breakfast:(prior to the Officer’s Meeting),Golden Corral.
Independence Blvd. (Matthews, NC)
17- 0700 DRU Meeting
“Attention all Marines: Please provide updates concerning sickbay reports to Chaplain Richard “Dick” Mitchells at or telephone him at 330-533-3433. Again please let him know of any family member to include you, of any illnesses, hospitalizations or deaths and prayer requests”.
Charlotte Detachment 750 is the proud sponsor and supporter of the MECKLEBURG COUNTY YOUNG MARINES. Detachment members are invited and are encourage to visit the Young Marines meetings at UNCC Charlotte Campus.
MISSION: The Young Marines (YM) program is the drug demand reduction effort of the Marine Corp League and the United States Marine Corps.
The official mission of the Young Marines is:
· To promote the mental, moral and physical development of its members.
· To instill in its members’ the ideals of honesty, fairness, courage, respect, dependability, attention to duty, love of God, country, and family.
· To stimulate an interest in and respect for, academic achievement and the history and traditions of the United States of America.
Physical fitness requirements:
· To promote physical fitness through physical activities, including participation in athletic events and close order drill.
· To advocate a drug-free lifestyle.
The Young Marines program is run in a military fashion using similar staff structure, courtesies, customs, and discipline as the US Marine Corps. The Marine Corps enlisted rank system is used in the program--Young Marines wear the same uniform and enlisted rank insignia as members of the US Marines Corps, with the addition of Young Marine patches.
Young Marines work toward ribbons for personal achievement similar to badges earned in other youth programs. They also work towards promotions in rank. Rank promotions require positive reports from the Young Marine’s teachers and parents; mastering knowledge and skills outlined in the Young Marine guide book; and meeting.
Our membership should all consider taking a Life Membership. This will certainly save you money over the years, also, eliminating having to remember to renew each year. These are the current rates, depending on your age:
0 - 35 $500
36 - 50 $400
51 - 60 $300
61 - Over $150
The Detachment has set up an "installment payment" (lay-away if you will) plan to allow you to make payments in smaller increments. Once you have accrued the amount necessary to go LIFE, your membership will be paid up for Life.
There will be a breakfast at Jimmie's Restaurant at 8am this Saturday Aug 16th followed by an Officers meeting at 9am at the VFW. Everyone is welcome to attend. Hope to see you there.The Detachment Honor Guard was present to assist in the service. From comments I've heard from many folks attending, and there were about 500 people present for the dedication, it was apparent they were impressed with the Marine Corps League Honor Guard. The Marines looked sharp as usual, with Dick Mitchells in command, John Ellis assisting, and Terry Beaver playing "Taps". The service was significantly enhanced with the Marines on hand. I want to personally and sincerely thank each Marine who helped in this fine service to honor 15 men from Garinger High School (two of them good friends of mine), 5 of whom were Marines, who died in Viet Nam. Those who were Marines were: Michael Smith, 1st Recon Bn.; Robert Campbell, 1st Marines; Ansel Morse, 2nd Combined Action Group; Michael Price, 26th Marines; andDonald Chamblin, 13th Marines. The families of all those men but one, were at the service. All folks I've heard from were "blown away" at the attendance numbers, and the professionalism of the dedication service. The Marine Corps League helped to make it so. I would encourage all those who haven't seen this memorial to do so. It is a beautiful memorial, with a one-foot wide Viet Nam service ribbon in color. It is in the traffic circle directly in front of the main entrance to school.)
Semper Fidelis,
Larry Walker
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Marine Corps League Membership Application
Name: ______Phone: ______-______-______DOB: _____/_____/______
Street: ______City: ______State: ______Zip: ______
Enlistment/Commission Date: _____/_____/_____ Discharge/Separation/Retirement Date: _____/_____/_____
New Application Type: Regular Member [ ] Associate Member [ ]
I hereby apply for membership in the Detachment #750 Charlotte of the Marine Corps League for one (1) year’s membership and I am including Payment of $35.00, along with a copy of my DD214 if I have served and am applying for regular membership.
As a Regular member, I understand that I must be currently serving or have served for a minimum of ninety (90) days or earned no less that ninety (90) reserve Credits points.
Or I have served as a U.S. Navy Corpsman who has trained with FMF Units in excess of ninety (90) days and earned the Marine Corps Device or Warfare Device worn on the Service Ribbon authorized for FMF Corpsman. If Discharged, I am in receipt of an honorable discharge or DD214.
By signing this application, I hereby agree to provide proof of honorable service/discharge. I also understand that without proof, I will only be allowed membership as an associate member in the League.
New Member Signature: ______, Date: _____/_____/______
Recommended by: ______
Marine Corps League
Detachment #750
P.O. Box 49087
Charlotte, NC 28277