15th December 2017 deadline for entry forms – that’s this coming Thursday
Time to commit if you are interested in having work in this exhibition
See exhibition information and entry form below
Ceramics as Social Commentary
St. Margarets Church of Art
St. Benedicts, Norwich
Sunday, 13th(5 p.m.) to Saturday, 19th May 2018
The point of this exhibition is for the makers (i.e. We Anglian Potter members) to be playful and possibly explore different ways of expression.
And above all to make some kind of statement.
The work does not have to be a great conceptual piece of enduring fame! It could be totally ephemeral like that of Phoebe Cummings , (), some kind of riff on our workshop with Andy at camp or well … anything.
You may send in up to five pieces. If you wish to submit more, please contact the Organisers.
We are not anticipatingany need to judge the work, although the Exhibition Selection Committee reserves the right to reject work that is below the usual Anglian Potter exhibition standard.
Please see also the Expression of Interest leaflet attached.
Delivery of work–Sunday 13th May(between 10 a.m. and2 p.m.)
Setting Up - Sunday 13th May 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Opening Evening – Sunday 13th May – 5 pm to 7 pm
Exhibition – Sunday 13th May (5 to 7 pm) to Saturday 19th May (Mon to Sat - 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Taking Down Day – Saturday 19th – after 5 p.m.
There has been lively interest in this event, and now we are asking for your firm commitment. To this end please
1.Fill in and return this form, along with a cheque for £20 made out to Fiona Fitzgerald, to the address below.
- Indicate on the form below what time you will be able to contribute during this period.
DEADLINE: Friday 15th December 2017
The show will be open each day and exhibitors are expected to contribute to invigilation or setting up.
You are expected and it will help immensely if you can provide your own white plinth(s) to exhibit your work. However, if you wish to use Anglian Potters plinths some can be provided, at an extra cost, to cover the cost of fuel for fetching them from and returning them to the lock-up.
Further details, including the list of dates to choose from for the exhibition rota, sending-in sheet, delivery details, etc., will be sent to exhibitors and volunteers in the New Year.
Entry Form – FIRED UP! 2018
Please send this by post or email to:
Fiona Fitzgerald, 1 St. Bartholomew’s Close, Norwich NR2 4DX OR
EXHIBITORSName / Membership No.
Telephone / Mobile
Please indicate in a few words, the idea/area in which you will be working. We understand that this may change but would like some indication of your thinking at the present time.
I enclosea cheque for £20, made payable to Fiona S.K. Fitzgerald(see address above)
I have transferred £20 to bank account Fiona SK Fitzgerald, Sort Code 07-01-16 A/c no. 08186596
(Please put your name on this transfer and email Fiona when you’ve made it)
I am not exhibiting but would like to help
Landline / mobile
I am exhibiting and will help invigilate
(rota form to be circulated in the New Year) / Yes / No
(If no, please give reason)
I can help set up the show on Sunday
I have my own plinth(s) / I will need a plinth(s) - Number and size
Can you help either with refreshments or the Reception Desk at the Opening Evening? (Sunday 5 – 7 pm)
I can help with collection of plinths on Saturday 12th
(plinths are held in the lock up at Barnham)
I can help with return of plinths on Saturday 20th or Monday 21st
I can help with the take down on Saturday 19th after 5 pm (e.g. tidying up and making good)
Thank You! – this is a new sort of Anglian Potter event we are looking to run in Norwich. Every departure from the norm is exciting, and we are looking forward to making this a success and hope that you will be part of it.
Please also Like our Facebook page – Fired Up! - and send information about the show to all your own contacts.
Deborah Pipe – , Fiona Fitzgerald – , Jennie Durant – , Jackie Watson – ; Geoff Lee – ,
Expressions of Interest are invited from Anglian Potters to exhibit at
‘Fired Up’ - Ceramics as Social Commentary
Sunday 13th to Saturday 19th May 2018
St. Margaret’s Church of Art, Norwich
Booked to coincide with the Norfolk and Norwich Festival 2018 this will showcase artists’ work to a wide audience.
The exhibits are expected to inform, challenge and to provoke discussion and debate.
The exhibition will give exposure to the exhibitors who may make relevant contacts for the future.
Submissions are to be primarily in clay (at least 70%) although inclusion of other materials would be acceptable.
Submission fee £20.00 (provisional sum) per exhibitor to cover basic costs
This is a 'not for profit' event. It is not a selling or fundraising event.
Expressions of interest should be directed to Jennie Durant, Fiona Fitzgerald, Geoff Lee, Deborah Martin, Jackie Watson at
Further information
This proposal has arisen from the 2017 potters camp where an interest in the political history of pottery was put together with issues of today. This resulted in an intention to hold a ceramics exhibition that will give clay a contemporary voice.
There is ample evidence of pottery having a historic relationship with politics and that this continues to be relevant today. Artists such as Grayson Perry are using clay to express socio-political issues in clay.
Makers will be invited to present meaningful issues. These issues may be of a personal, social, political, national, environmental or international nature.
The agency of clay in promoting alternative contexts and interpretations to existing graphic and linguistic models is the key focus. In reconfiguring materials and forms, either individually or in conjunction with other materials, visual and technical migrations can reveal new perspectives.
The current instability in Great Britain, Europe and the United States relates closely to the late 18th Century period in Great Britain. This was an era in which the pressures of rapid political, social and economic change caused collective agreement to break down. The values and behaviours of the ruling powers no longer corresponded to the realities of life for both specific interest groups or for the bulk of the population.
It is this correspondence between current political and social tensions and instabilities which makes the prevailing situation ripe as a site of critical and satirical enquiry.
Evidence allows us to understand that a modern liberal democracy may be defined by its openness to satirical attack. Unless this fact is seen as a cultural virtue in stimulating debate, liberal democracy may look weak in the face of totalitarian oppression.
Political art is now a strictly contextual affair neither representing a specific class, nor operating as an instrument of revolutionary change. The political artist can still speak to and for others using a contextual approach, in this instance via ceramics’ multiple histories, materials and technologies.
When political instability occurs and spreads across social boundaries, the struggle to define the dominant ideology is often expressed using symbolism and metaphor, which can lead to the introduction of new artistic genres as a means of consensus embraced by the majority.
The wonderful plasticity of clay has demonstrated how all manner of artifacts have been re-represented, from bulky statuary to miniature silverware, thus carrying all kinds of high and low art references into the public forum.
The points of view expressed will be those of the individual exhibitors. Whilst these may not represent the views of the organisers, it is not anticipated that any form of restriction or censorship will be in place.
Queries or interest can be addressed to
Information about the venue can be found