Please answer the following questions about your partner’s paper. Quality counts! The more you write to your partner, the more credit you will receive.

I.  Read your partner’s introductory paragraph and stop.

A. Does the writer introduce the title, author, genre of the passage? YES NO

B. Does the writer explain Marshall Longfellow’s argument? YES NO

C. Write their thesis here. It should include their stance.

(If you don’t see one, make a suggestion.)

Is there a transition word before the thesis? YES NO

D. What questions do you have or what statements can you make about the intro.?




E. What could your partner do to make the introduction more interesting?

II.  Now read the whole paper. Describe one part you especially liked.

III. Reread paragraph #2, the first body paragraph. Answer these questions:

A.  Does the paragraph have a topic sentence? YES NO

B.  What is the Topic (a reason)? ______

C.  Check the Quotations– Do they have a lead-in? Are they complete sentences?

1. Quotation #1 (Complete Sentence) YES NO (pg#) YES NO

2. Quotation #2 (Complete Sentence) YES NO (pg.#) YES NO

D.  Check the Explanation.

Is there explanation for Quotation #1? YES NO

Is there explanation for Quotation #2? YES NO

E. Did the writer provide a brief summary when appropriate? YES NO

F. Did the writer provide a transition word before Quotation #2? YES NO

G. Does the concluding sentence give a finished feeling to ¶2? YES NO

Is there a transition word before the concluding sentence? YES NO

H. What questions do you have or what statements can you make about ¶2?



IV. Reread paragraph #3, the next body paragraph. Answer these questions:

A.  Does the paragraph have a counter-argument (opposing view)? YES NO

B. What is the counter-argument? ______

C. Is there a transition word before the counter-argument? YES NO

D. What is the rebuttal? ______

E. Did the writer provide a transition word before the rebuttal? YES NO

F. Check the Quotation– Does it have a lead-in? Is it a complete sentence?

1. Quotation (Complete Sentence) YES NO (pg#) YES NO

G. Check the Explanation.

Is there explanation for the Quotation? YES NO

H. Did the writer provide a brief summary when appropriate? YES NO

I. Does the concluding sentence give a finished feeling to this ¶? YES NO

Is there a transition word before the concluding sentence? YES NO

J. What questions do you have or what statements can you make about ¶3?



V. Reread the Conclusion. Is there a Transition Word at the beginning? YES NO

A. What questions do you have about the conclusion? 5 sentences min.? YES NO



B. Does this paragraph give a finished feeling to the essay? YES NO

C. What could your partner do to make the conclusion more interesting?

VI. Star strong vocabulary words. Circle repeated words/phrases & misspellings. Circle

get, got, you, went, it, that, this,This shows; first person: I, me, we, my, us; contractions:

can’t, don’t wouldn’t; Indecisive Words: should, might, seems, could be, appears, perhaps,

may have been. Check Quotation Marks - add them. Make sure end quote is …” (pg#).